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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public

    Extreme Wolfer
    Extreme Wolfer

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public

    Post by Schabbs Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:31 pm

    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public
    The 2D Wolfenstein level is now released publicly for Mushroom Kingdom Fusion 0.4 Beta. Download the main file and 2 missing mp3 files on Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Reactor.

    Watch videos of MKF 2D Wolfenstein here and here. Castle Wolfenstein is World 2 level 27. There’s also a Red Rock City Commander Keen level in the Minus World. There’s a Well of Wishes’ Dopefish level here and an entire Doom map screen. The game is full of Easter Eggs from different games.

    The skins of optional extra characters are on Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Reactor. There are over 100 official Youtube videos of MKF plus similar home-brewed computer games using the same engine.

    Cat Productions - mapper

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty More info

    Post by stathmk Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:57 pm

    It’s fun. You should play it.

    Schabbs, sorry the last link is outdated or wrong. We’ll just have to go to http://mkfusion.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=Search&f= , type in “skins” for the search, and select “any date.”

    Schabbs and I were discussing whether we should include over “100 official Youtube videos” or “1300 Youtube videos” in the Dome News post. Not all of them are official and made by The Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Team. Type in “Mushroom Kingdom Fusion” or “MKF” on Youtube.

    Mushroom Kingdom Fusion uses YoYoGames' Game Maker 8.0 Pro using The Super Mario Brothers 3 Hello Engine 3. If you like Doom, there’s a Chex Quest 4 project in progress using some sort of version of The Hello 3 engine: http://mkfusion.ipbfree.com/index.php?showtopic=5616

    There are a lot of interesting MKF-related home brewed games and spin-offs like Super Marisa World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEMWlxs7KG0 and the fangame showcase levels http://mkfusion.ipbfree.com/index.php?showforum=30 .

    On the Red Rock City level, the doors open like on The 3D Realms Crystal Caves game. You will notice some odd signs on the level that are made in The Galactic Alphabet. I suppose that to decode them, go to the 3DRealms.com message boards and type in “Galactic Alphabet.”

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty How to get invincibility

    Post by stathmk Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:28 am

    There's a way to get invincibility without the starman music. Go to the character select screen and select your favorite character. Go back to the character select screen and select Vinny. Vinny will be in the form of your favorite character and he can jump in the air. Also, Vinny is invincible except if you get smashed between the scrolling screen and a wall or maybe if you run out of time.
    Spear of Destiny
    Spear of Destiny

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty Re: MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public

    Post by Dean Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:15 pm

    I don't know what any of this means, these posts aren't very explantory. Can someonce clarify what all this actually is please for those of us that aren't aware?

    Number of posts : 1788
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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty It’s a 2D game with a Wolfenstein level.

    Post by stathmk Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:15 pm

    Dean wrote:I don't know what any of this means, these posts aren't very explantory. Can someonce clarify what all this actually is please for those of us that aren't aware?
    It’s a 2D game with a Wolfenstein level.

    Click on the Youtube links in Schabbs’ post. I’m the one that told him about it.

    Read here too: https://wolf3d.darkbb.com/dome-news-f2/castle-wolfenstein-mushroom-kingdom-fusion-level-video-t1090.htm

    MKF stands for Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. MKF is a 2D platformer game based on American and probably Japanese video game characters.

    It’s a little bit annoying to me that I saw the 2D Wolfenstein video on Youtube about 2 years before it went public.

    Chex Quest is a game based on the Doom engine that came on a CD in cereal boxes in about 1996 in The United States.

    Super Mario Bros 3 is a game for the classic Nintendo. Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars are games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and you’ll hear those games mentioned a lot on The Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Reactor Forum. Did they have the Nintendo and Super Nintendo in Australia? I read that the Atari 2600, Nintendo, and Super Nintendo weren’t in Russia.

    A skin is a file you download to play as a different looking character. There’s even one someplace where you get to play as Spiderman in MKF. I don’t think my hyperlink was very helpful, so try these:

    The Official Character skin mods: http://mkfusion.ipbfree.com/index.php?showtopic=1373&hl=skins

    The Official Player Character Skin Mod Showcase!, Show off your character skin mods here!:


    How do you change background music and Character Skins?:


    I think that Vinny was a character that they made up.

    In 2008, JudgeSpear2 started “Super Mario Fusion: Mushroom Kingdom Hearts” and I think that I had first heard of it in 2008 from a video posted on The Doom World forums or planetdoom.com. It expanded to include Luigi and more playable characters, but then the name was changed to “Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.” There’s now a team working on the game instead of only JudgeSpear2. They’ve added in characters, sprites, sounds, music, Easter Eggs, and more from other video and computer games.

    After you install the main file and download the 2 missing mp3 files, the game will take about 2 minutes to load. Once you start the game on mapscreen #1, you can’t miss the pipe to mapscreen #2. It will take about 10 seconds to find and you don’t need to play any levels first. When you are on World 2: The Alternate Earth, go from North America east to about Germany or Poland. That’s close to where you’ll find world 2 level 27: Castle Wolfenstein.

    I wish that somebody would make some more 2D Wolfenstein levels with more Wolfenstein or Spear of Destiny characters, bosses, and sprites.

    If you still have any questions, then let me know again.

    If you have a question that you want to ask on The Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Reactor, then read the stickies. They’re very particular about that.

    At a later time, I’m going to have to find again The Russian Doom 2D, and The English Doom 2D games.

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty I had forgotten some things.

    Post by stathmk Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:21 pm

    Commander Keen is a 2D character from Apogee and 3D Realms games. The Dopefish is a green fish on a Well of Wishes Commander Keen level. The Dopefish is an Easter egg in other games.

    Number of posts : 1788
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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty Another 2D Wolfenstein Level

    Post by stathmk Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:19 am

    Today, I found this 2D Wolfenstein video of Mario shooting German Wolfenstein turtles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWb55XGtQYk It reminded me of Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty I’ve beaten the 2D Wolfenstein level and 2D Doom levels

    Post by stathmk Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:50 pm

    I’ve beaten the 2D Wolfenstein level and 2D Doom levels!

    I had forgotten to mention that the Well of Wishes Dopefish level is in the minus world. On the world 1 mapscreen, go to world 9. From there, go to the minus world.

    Dean, I had forgotten to mention that The Mushroom Kingdom is where most of The Mario games take place not including Super Mario Brothers 2. This is if you’ve never played Mario games and have never heard of The Mushroom Kingdom.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty Re: MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public

    Post by lilmanjs Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:58 pm

    I love this game. there's even a hocus pocus level in the game. man that is the best platfomer game out there.

    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public TeamAardwolfV2PNG
    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public 57046cfmlabelbar
    Mods being worked on:
    The Mutant Uprising, Final Fight 2
    Mod ideas:
    Stargate SG-1 addon, Mega Man addon
    Team Aardwolf Mods:
    The Mutant Uprising, Ghost
    Mods being worked on with other people:
    Return to Castle Hollehammer with Raziel A. (Karharis)
    Award winning mods:
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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty Mario Remixes

    Post by stathmk Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:16 pm

    lilmanjs wrote:I love this game. there's even a hocus pocus level in the game. man that is the best platfomer game out there.
    I’ve forgotten to mention that this game reminds me of Mario Remix and Mario Remix: Boss Edition: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/search/title/Mario%20boss%20remix

    If you like Mushroom Kingdom Fusion, then you’ll probably like both games. I’ve beaten Mario Remix: Boss Edition. You get to choose between playing as Mario or Luigi on any level after you beat the game. Luigi jumps higher.
    Spear of Destiny
    Spear of Destiny

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty Re: MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public

    Post by Dean Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:07 pm

    stathmk wrote:Did they have the Nintendo and Super Nintendo in Australia? I read that the Atari 2600, Nintendo, and Super Nintendo weren’t in Russia.
    HAHAHAHAHHAHA - Yes, of course we had all those. I'm thinking you don't know much about Australia if you have to ask this type of question. Did you know all this about Australia?
    - Australia is very similar in size to the continental United States.
    - Australia has one of the oldest proven histories of human life in the World.
    - Australia is in the top handful of economicly profitable countries in the World. The US would official be classified as a 3rd World nation if it had to pay back all of it's debt owed.
    - One of the richest men in the World, Rupert Murdock is Australian.
    - We have a Female Prime Minister
    - Australia is the reportedly the most multinational country in the World.
    - Melbourne has ranked in the top 5 Worlds most livable cities for nearly a decade.
    - We've had electricity since 2001 and should get the internet hopefully be the end of the year...jk
    - I could run through a list of prominent Australians that you might of heard of but it would take quite a while. Hollywood is where we make a massive impact; Hugh Jackman, Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, Eric Bana, Geoffrey Rush, Guy Pearce, Sam Worthington, Portia De Rossi, Toni Collette, Kate Blanchett, Joel Edgerton, Isla Fisher, Rachel Griffiths, Anthony LaPaglia, Heath Ledger, Julian McMahon, Hugo Weaving, Sarah Wynter, Dominic Purcell, Naomi Watts and the list goes on....
    - And yes, we most definitely had every console that America had, as far as I'm aware. In fact Australia is one of the fastest take up of new technology countries in the World. When you get iPad's we get them, when you get 3D TV we get it along with everything else.

    All this and we only have 22.5 million people living here. (America has 310 million!)

    Number of posts : 1788
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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty Thanks, Dean. ...MKF boards update.

    Post by stathmk Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:56 pm

    Thanks, Dean. My Mom sometimes wants to go to Australia.

    Just yesterday there was an announcement that they’ve moved the Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Reactor forums: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AvcbZl6LEk
    To join the new server please go here:
    http://miniurl.org/MKFusion or here:
    I was just about to post again.

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty New Patch

    Post by stathmk Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:15 pm

    The MKF 0.40 to 0.41 patch is released:

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    MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public Empty Re: MKF 2D Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Dopefish, and Doom Levels Public

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