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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood


    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Wolfenstein the Old Blood

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:06 pm


    This game is a prequel to Wolfenstein the New Order. It is official, Wolfenstein the New Order is an alternate universe and not connected at all to Wolfenstein 3D, RTCW, Wolfenstein RPG, and Wolfenstein 2009 even though it is loosely connected to Wolfenstein 3D, RTCW, and Wolfenstein 2009. It is still a Retcon. I am interested in this alternate universe though. This prequel reminds me of the SOD prequel. I am glad to see that the Wolfenstein the New Order series is following in the original series footsteps. I will have to save money for this along with the new PC when I get the new PC. There is a villain in this game called Helga Schabbs. I wonder if it is Helga Von Bullow. Could she be the wife of Doctor Schabbs? Or does Doctor Schabbs just have a female name even though he is a male? I think Helga Schabbs is going to be Deathshead's wife. Deathshead probably will be revealed to be Schabbs in this game. Still, I do not consider it canon with the ID Software Wolfenstein series.

    The New Order series reminds me of Terminator Genysys.

    The link is valid, just not the right name.

    Last edited by jpb1991 on Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty My impressions of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

    Post by stathmk Sun May 03, 2015 12:28 pm

    After I watched this, this, and other videos of it I have formed a little bit of an impression.  My impression is that if it’s made with the same particular ID Tech engine as Wolfenstein: The New Order, but not as the Wolfenstein 2009 game, then it should do well. 
    The man wearing the Johnny Cash shirt at here said that it reminds him of GoldenEye 007 for The Nintendo 64?
    Online multiplayer capabilities weren’t mentioned in the Old Blood videos that I’ve watched, but I don’t care that much because I don’t connect to online multiplayers much.

    Personally, I want to buy the game this week, move later this year, and in my new house buy a gaming computer for modern games like ROTT 2013, Doom BFG Edition, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, and a few other games.

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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Wolfenstein: The Old Blood's Steam Update

    Post by stathmk Sat May 23, 2015 10:52 am

    Log into Steam.  Wolfenstein: The Old Blood had some sort of update since May 5.
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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Re: Wolfenstein the Old Blood

    Post by WLHack Mon May 25, 2015 10:02 am

    Just completed the first part of the Old Blood: Den of Wolves (video later today) and here is my thoughts:

    Old blood has rather nice variation between fast paced action and the slower sneaking scenes. Even though in the beginning it seemed lot like the New Order where stealth is must, soon I noticed that I was wrong. Also unlike the New Order, Old Blood feels more like the original Wolfenstein 3D to me.

    Nightmare levels were quite nice addition, but the hit-detection in those levels were horrible and because of the perspective it felt like I was running in water... Also is the same song in all of the levels?

    Anyway, I really liked the chapters so far but the last one was bit too long. Several times (e.g. when entering Padernborn or entering the tavern and after beating Jäger) I though that the chapter was going to end as all the signs were there, but for some reason the chapter went on and on. Personally they could have separated the tavern fight as a chapter of its own.

    Well, I am looking forward to see what part 2 contains. Hopefully it is as high quality as the first part.

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    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Re: Wolfenstein the Old Blood

    Post by WolferCooker Mon May 25, 2015 12:32 pm

    I've beaten The Old Blood in its entirety even in Uber mode.

    It's like a semi-deja vu to the first couple chapters of RTCW. The plot is similar to RTCW, but also different. Maybe The Old Blood was intended to replace one part of RTCW?
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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Re: Wolfenstein the Old Blood

    Post by WLHack Mon May 25, 2015 12:55 pm

    WolferCooker wrote:I've beaten The Old Blood in its entirety even in Uber mode.

    It's like a semi-deja vu to the first couple chapters of RTCW. The plot is similar to RTCW, but also different. Maybe The Old Blood was intended to replace one part of RTCW?

    Maybe, hard to say. And I agree with the déja-vus, especially the part with the cable cars felt really familiar.

    Hammer: I can see it now: you and the moon - wear a necktie so I'll know you.
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    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Re: Wolfenstein the Old Blood

    Post by WolferCooker Mon May 25, 2015 1:18 pm

    There's more to it than just the cable cars. Wulfburg, Paderborn, Agent One, Kessler, Helga von Schabbs (Helga von Bulow).

    C'mon now. Those aren't just pure coincidences when comparing The Old Blood to RTCW. 

    If it's a plot deja vu of RTCW, that's fine as long as it occurs later than RTCW. When BJ takes out the first super soldier after climbing up from his prison hole he said "I've seen your type before back at Deathshead's X-Labs", it makes me believe the Old Blood occured after RTCW (and Wolfenstein 2009).

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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Wolfenstein: The Old Blood for 75% off today only

    Post by stathmk Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:29 pm

    There's a sale on particular games.  This includes Wolfenstein titles.  My understanding is that the 75% off sale on Wolfenstein: The Old Blood ends in less than 12 hours:

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Wolfenstein the Old Blood Empty Original Wolfenstein 3D levels are included

    Post by stathmk Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:49 am

    I have the July 2015 issue of Gamestop.com’s Game Informer magazine.  Halo 5: Gaurdians is on the cover.  Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is on page 91.  Part of 1 paragraph is, “…Every level contains a hidden bed that when activated transports B.J. into a “nightmare” sequence where you can play through one of the nine levels in Wolfenstein 3D: Episode 1.  Screenshots of this classic game are hidden throughout the levels (as well as Bethesda oddities like Dovahkiin’s helmet from Skyrim), and the main menu art is clearly inspired by the boot-stomping box art of the original PC release.

    I just thought that I’d type that since we like the original Wolfenstein 3D so much.

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