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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods


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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by stathmk Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:14 pm

    Doom 2 exits to secret levels:
    Level 15 to 31 (Wolfenstein 3D)
    Level 31 to 32 (Grosse)

    Wolfenstein 3D exits to secret levels:
    Episode 1: level 1
    Episode 2: level 1
    Episode 3: level 7 (This secret level has Pac-Man ghosts)
    Episode 4: level 3
    Episode 5: level 5
    Episode 6: level 3

    Spear Of Destiny exits to secret levels:
    Episode 1: levels 4 & 12
    Episode 2: levels 4 & 12
    Episode 3: levels 4 & 12

    Spear Resurrection exits to secret levels:
    level 3 to level 20 (Secret level 1)
    level 13 to level 21 (Secret level 2)
    level 16 to level 22 (Secret level 3) (This is the dunny level)
    level 10 to level 23 (Secret level 4) (This level has Pac-Man ghosts)

    Spear End of Destiny exits to secret levels:
    level 2 to level 27 (Secret level 1)
    level 8 to level 28 (Secret level 2)
    level 10 to level 29 (Secret level 3)
    level 15 to level 30 (Secret level 4)
    level 29 to level 31 (Super Secret level 1)
    level 30 to level 32 (Super Secret level 2)
    level 37 to level 33 (Super Secret level 3) (This level has Frosty)
    level 23 to level 34 (Super Secret level 4)
    level 28 to level 35 (Challenge level 1)
    level 12 to level 36 (Challenge level 2)
    level 18 to level 37 (Challenge level 3)
    level 21 to level 38 (Challenge level 4)

    Number of posts : 1787
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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Please post so that I can put them on the web site

    Post by stathmk Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:16 pm

    If you know other secret levels for a total conversion, a Spear of Destiny mod, or a Wolfenstein 3D mod then please post them here. I want to start a new .com site in February that includes all the secret levels for Wolfenstein 3D games.

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by Thomas Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:51 am

    Totengraeber, my favourite, has these paths:
    Map 7 to Map 63 (Secret map 1)
    Map 16 to Map 71 (Secret map 2)
    Map 22 to Map 77 (Secret map 3)
    Map 28 to Map 80 (Secret map 4)
    Map 80 to Map 81 (Secret map in a secret map)
    Map 35 to Map 92 (Secret map 5)
    Map 41 to Map 0 (Super secret map)
    Extreme Wolfer
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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by Schabbs Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:07 am

    My 'Revival Of Memories' mod has 2 secret levels:
    Level 16 secret elevator goes to level 38
    Level 25 secret elevator goes to level 39

    There are 37 seamless levels, plus the 2 secret levels listed above.
    http://www.brlowe.co.uk/ROM.zip .

    Cat Productions - mapper

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by Thomas Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:17 am

    "Revival of Memories" is a piece of art. Beautiful maps and the new artwork is great. Whatever happened to Tristan, 'twas a pity - 'cause "The Final Solution" is awesome.
    I've visited all secret maps in "Chemical Warfare" but unfortunately I recall not where they are accessed from. Most of my own games have secret maps too but I don't recall on which spot you can access those either. Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Icon_lol

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Thanks, guys.

    Post by stathmk Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:28 pm

    Thanks, guys.

    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:33 am

    Should have added this a long time ago (sorry!).

    These are the sets for which I was a major contributor. I’ll leave it to the project leaders of the other sets to list their mods.

    Orb of Dilaaria:

    Act I – secret (Metamorphosis) is accessed off of the third level (The Pit of Despair).

    Act II – there are two secret levels (Forget-Me-Not & Touchplate Torture) both of which are accessed off of the third level (The Demonic Cathedral).

    Act III – there are three secret levels (The Hidden Fortress, Demon’s Breath, & Witching Hour) that can be accessed off of the first level (The Tower Gates).

    Act IV – the secret level (Dour Predicament) can be accessed from either Hell Creep or Passage of the Doomed (both are the third levels in the Act).

    Act V – the secret level (Subterfuge) can be accessed from either Thunderclap or The Great Divide (both are fourth levels in the Act). As a side note, one of the boss levels (Unholy) can only be accessed from Subterfuge.

    Act VI – the secret level (Looking Glass) is accessed from the first level (Lasciate Ogne Speranza).

    Operation: Letzterschutz:

    There is one secret level per episode each of which is accessed from the first level. Each secret level contains special ghosts and also the secret levels in the first five episodes contain special weapons that are not available on the regular levels.

    Operation: Mutant Strike I & II:

    No secret levels, if I remember correctly.

    Halls of Stonehenge & Halls of Stonehenge: Special Edition:

    Both games have two secret levels that can be accessed from levels 4 & 12. The original HoS also has an Easter egg that can be found if you save minimally and finish the game.


    No secret levels, if I remember correctly.

    Alliance of Powers:

    Secrets accessed off of levels 4 & 12.

    The Anticipation:

    Secret level 23 is accessed from level 10,

    Secret level 22 is accessed from level 16,

    Secret level 21 is accessed from level 13, and

    Secret level 20 is accessed from level 3.

    There is an extra level hidden in the set the can only be accessed by warping. I cannot remember the level number, but not to worry as the level wasn’t anywhere good enough to include with the set so it isn’t worth finding (seriously).

    Archives Volumes I & II:

    Standard SoD secret levels accessed from levels 4 & 12.

    acktung! And acktung 2: The last Waltz:

    Standard Wolf3D secret levels accessed from E1L1, E2L1, E3L7, E4L3, E5L5, and E6L3.

    Number of posts : 1787
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Dilaaria?

    Post by stathmk Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:54 pm

    Thanks, ack.

    I haven't been to your Orb of Dilaaria wiki in maybe a year. Who or what is a Dilaaria?

    Number of posts : 1787
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Totengraeber?

    Post by stathmk Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:01 pm

    Thomas wrote:Totengraeber, my favourite, has these paths:
    Map 7 to Map 63 (Secret map 1)
    Map 16 to Map 71 (Secret map 2)
    Map 22 to Map 77 (Secret map 3)
    Map 28 to Map 80 (Secret map 4)
    Map 80 to Map 81 (Secret map in a secret map)
    Map 35 to Map 92 (Secret map 5)
    Map 41 to Map 0 (Super secret map)
    Totengraeber has 92 or more levels?

    How come on http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/adds_STU.htm I can find Totengraeber II, but not the first Totengraeber?
    Spear of Destiny
    Spear of Destiny

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by Dean Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:11 pm

    No, the level numbers were just changed to be that. From memory it has something like about 45 levels.

    Totengraeber was released in 2 parts. Part II has both Part I & II combined for the full mod while Part I stops half way through (around level 20 or 22) as far as I remember.

    The Wolfenstein 3d Blog - Updated Wednesdays!

    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:13 pm

    stathmk wrote:Thanks, ack.

    I haven't been to your Orb of Dilaaria wiki in maybe a year. Who or what is a Dilaaria?

    I think Adam Biser’s (Orb is his mod – I just chipped in a little) explanation or should I say his story, can better explain it than I…


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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Please explain something...

    Post by stathmk Sat Mar 06, 2010 3:31 pm

    Dean wrote:No, the level numbers were just changed to be that. From memory it has something like about 45 levels.

    Totengraeber was released in 2 parts. Part II has both Part I & II combined for the full mod while Part I stops half way through (around level 20 or 22) as far as I remember.
    The 45th level labeled as the 92nd? Why? I don't get it. I don't know; is there going to be a Totengraeber III with the missing levels filled in up to level 92?
    Spear of Destiny
    Spear of Destiny

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by Dean Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:24 pm

    It was just something he wanted to do.

    I would say there definitely won't be a Totengraeber III. BJ Rowan has
    all but disappeared from the Wolf scene. He does still have an active
    website that has all his mods and things there but it's been a very long
    time since he updated it.
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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by WolfForever Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:53 pm

    Since resurrecting of topics is okay on this forum per the rules as long as I have something to say (which I do), here are some more addons with secret levels and the levels they are off of (in general, I am not posting for mods by authors that appear to still be highly active on this forum, in case they want the courtesy of not having the information spread; also I'm mentioning original Wolf3D/SoD sets only if they contain secret level(s) that are NOT accessed from the normal floors):

    The Golden Episodes (Arielus):
    There is one secret level in each episode, accessed from: E1L1,E2L2,E3L3,E4L1,E5L2,E6L3 (basically 1,2,3,1,2,3 interesting pattern)

    Rising Evil and Rising Evil II: Double Trouble (Haasboy Software):
    Not sure if the first has any secret levels. In the Double Trouble the first secret exit is on Floor 4. Haven't memorized any others.

    Chemical Warfare (Jack Ryerson):
    (Thomas asked about this one in an earlier post also.) There are 5 secret levels and they can be reached from levels 5, 10, 19, 24, and 33.

    The Renovation (BJ Rowan):
    Normal secret exits except in Episode 4. In that episode the 10th floor is boss and the 9th is secret. The normal elevator from Floor 8 takes you straight to Floor 10; the secret elevator leads you to Floor 9. Floor 9 has an elevator that ultimately takes you to Floor 10. Episode 5, while having a secret exit on the normal floor (Floor 5), also has a very hard and tedious to find secret exit on Floor 1. If you find (and use) it, you will skip Floors 2 through 5.

    Renovation II: Conflict in the Fatherland (BJ Rowan):
    In episode 1 there is no secret exit on the normal Floor 1. Instead, BJ played a little trick and the episode has 4 secret levels, 3 secret and 1 super-secret. It starts on Floor 6, where you can leave the episode without a boss fight. However there is an exit hidden on this level that takes you to Floor 7. If you go there you must play up through Floor 9, where you have another chance to leave without a boss fight. However the map hides another exit, which takes you to Floor 10, the real and legitimate boss floor of the episode, if you find it. All 5 other episodes have normal secret exit levels.

    Temporary Insanity (Nat):
    Very old (yet classic) 3-episode set. The first and third episodes have some special secret exit positions. In E1 you have a secret exit on Floor 1 to Floor 10 as usual, but you also end the episode at Floor 7 if you don't find a secret that takes you to Floor 8, which exits to Floor 9, effectively rendering Floors 8 and 9 as secret. In Episode 3, the secret levels can be reached from Floor 6, rather than 7 (you cannot play all 10 levels of this episode, because if you use the secret exit on Floor 6 you skip Floor 7).

    Wolfen60 (very old set by various):
    Normal except Episode 6, which is a straight 10-map episode (no secret levels of any form).

    Absence (Havoc):
    Two secret levels, they are off of Floors 4 and 15.

    Nazis With Attitute (Michael Collin):
    Also two secret levels, they are accessed from Floors 1 and 12.

    Schabbs 2000 (Gary Ragland):
    There is one secret level, Floor 9, off of Floor 8. The normal exit from Floor 8 leads to Floor 10.

    Countdown to Disaster (Gary Ragland):
    Two secret levels, they are reached from Floors 2 and 11.

    I might have more to add to this list later but this should hopefully have added a lot of mods where secret exits are not in normal positions. I hope anyone interested finds this helpful.

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Secret levels in Doom 2 mods.

    Post by stathmk Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:18 pm


    At http://www.wolfensteingoodies.com/doommodsandclones/w3dindoom2/w3dindoom2.htm#Doom2 you will find TUTNT 1.06 for Doom 2 with a Wolfenstein 3D secret level and other Easter eggs. If anybody wants a challenge, they can play The Vile Cathedral for Doom 2 and find the secret level. The author typed that the secret level isn’t even on the map. I don’t know where it is. I want to eventually list how to find all of the Wolfenstein 3D in Doom and Doom 2 secret levels. If anybody finds The Vile Cathedral’s secret passage, then post here about how to find it and I’ll probably add it to the list.
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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by WolfForever Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:35 pm

    I'm not as familiar with secret levels in Doom II wads, aside from the ones off the typical maps (15 and 31).

    However if you want the maps with secret exits in a Wolfenstein mod I didn't list (either because the author is still active on this site or I just forgot about it) and isn't already listed elsewhere on this thread, feel free to PM me with the request and I'll give you the maps with the secret exits, if I know which maps they are myself.

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Private Message

    Post by stathmk Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:37 pm

    WolfForever wrote:I'm not as familiar with secret levels in Doom II wads, aside from the ones off the typical maps (15 and 31).

    However if you want the maps with secret exits in a Wolfenstein mod I didn't list (either because the author is still active on this site or I just forgot about it) and isn't already listed elsewhere on this thread, feel free to PM me with the request and I'll give you the maps with the secret exits, if I know which maps they are myself.
    You can go ahead and private message me.
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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

    Post by WolfForever Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:34 pm

    @stathmk: Just sent you a message with all secret exit solutions I know that have not already been covered.

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Thanks.

    Post by stathmk Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:41 am

    WolfForever wrote:@stathmk: Just sent you a message with all secret exit solutions I know that have not already been covered.
    Wow. I appreciate the response.

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    Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods Empty Re: Please post exits to secret levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny mods

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