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    Cant Compile working code on new pc.

    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

    Number of posts : 39
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    Location : subterranean caverns & catacombs
    Job : Entrepreneur
    Hobbie : Beach Days & Gardening
    Message : Author of Castle Erzengel Demo, and the upcoming Runes of North Castle Court, and the rest of the Series : Knights of the ᛋᛋ.
    Registration date : 2021-12-05

    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Empty Cant Compile working code on new pc.

    Post by Agent_Falcon93 Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:11 pm

    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|130|undefined reference to `SDL_GetMouseState'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_GetJoyDelta(int*, int*)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|154|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickUpdate'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|159|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickGetAxis'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|160|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickGetAxis'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|165|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickGetHat'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_GetJoyFineDelta(int*, int*)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|201|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickUpdate'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|202|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickGetAxis'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|203|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickGetAxis'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_JoyButtons()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|227|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickUpdate'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|231|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickGetButton'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `processEvent':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|254|undefined reference to `SDL_WM_GrabInput'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|259|undefined reference to `SDL_GetModState'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|314|undefined reference to `SDL_GetModState'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_WaitAndProcessEvents()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|364|undefined reference to `SDL_WaitEvent'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|369|undefined reference to `SDL_PollEvent'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_ProcessEvents()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|376|undefined reference to `SDL_PollEvent'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_Startup()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|396|undefined reference to `SDL_NumJoysticks'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|398|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickOpen'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|401|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickNumButtons'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|403|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickNumHats'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|409|undefined reference to `SDL_EventState'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|414|undefined reference to `SDL_WM_GrabInput'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_Shutdown()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|441|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickClose'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_UserInput(unsigned int)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|646|undefined reference to `SDL_GetTicks'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|653|undefined reference to `SDL_Delay'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|654|undefined reference to `SDL_GetTicks'|
    .objs\ID_IN.o||In function `IN_CenterMouse()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_IN.CPP|682|undefined reference to `SDL_WarpMouse'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_StopDigitized()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|353|undefined reference to `Mix_HaltChannel'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_GetChannelForDigi(int)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|362|undefined reference to `Mix_GroupAvailable'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|363|undefined reference to `Mix_GroupOldest'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|365|undefined reference to `Mix_GroupAvailable'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_SetPosition(int, int, int)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|379|undefined reference to `Mix_SetPanning'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_PrepareSound(int)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|441|undefined reference to `SDL_RWFromMem'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|441|undefined reference to `Mix_LoadWAV_RW'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_PlayDigitized(unsigned short, int, int)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|467|undefined reference to `Mix_PlayChannelTimed'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|469|undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_SetMusicMode(SMMode)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|795|undefined reference to `SDL_Delay'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_Startup()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|910|undefined reference to `Mix_OpenAudio'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|912|undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|916|undefined reference to `Mix_ReserveChannels'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|917|undefined reference to `Mix_GroupChannels'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|934|undefined reference to `Mix_HookMusic'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|935|undefined reference to `Mix_ChannelFinished'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|942|undefined reference to `Mix_SetPostMix'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_Shutdown()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|969|undefined reference to `Mix_FreeChunk'|
    .objs\ID_SD.o||In function `SD_WaitSoundDone()':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_SD.CPP|1140|undefined reference to `SDL_Delay'|
    .objs\ID_US_1.o||In function `US_LineInput(int, int, char*, char const*, signed char, int, int)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_US_1.CPP|512|undefined reference to `SDL_GetTicks'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_US_1.CPP|530|undefined reference to `SDL_GetTicks'|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_US_1.CPP|744|undefined reference to `SDL_Delay'|
    .objs\ID_US_1.o||In function `US_InitRndT(int)':|
    C:\Test\RNCC SRC\ID_US_1.CPP|775|undefined reference to `SDL_GetTicks'|
    ||More errors follow but not being shown.|
    ||Edit the max errors limit in compiler options...|
    ||=== Build failed: 50 error(s), 617 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 21 second(s)) ===|

    I have tried everything conceivable to fix this.
    This code compiles on another computer, but that computer has serious issues. 
    And I just copied the sc for ced to double check that this nonsense is happening with a working source code, dif errors but very similar all of them seem to be about the sdl library files. 

    I have copied my exact folders for include SDL and Lib from a working IDE (old computer see above) Same BS
    Even tried running it on a flash drive in case it was the antivirus.

    Once I get this running I'll set it up on a new external drive may a Solid State Drive, so I never have to do this again because its only every 3-5 years I get a new laptop and then I have long forgotten how to set up CB and MinGW for Wolf4SDL. 

    Please help.

    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Right-arrow

    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Right-arrow farao "Call Pizza Hut and say Ardwolf"  Cant Compile working code on new pc.  1f355
    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

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    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Empty Re: Cant Compile working code on new pc.

    Post by SilverWolf Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:01 am

    What OS is your new laptop and old laptop? Maybe it's a Winblows 11 access problem and it's not allowing you to read certain folders because the OS locked you out for "security". I had Winblows 10 S Mode on my laptop which apparently only lets you use apps from their store, never really tried running anything in it though, I just booted straight to recovery usb and killed it and replaced it with Puppy Linux which gave me full access to everything as root user Really, Really Happy

    I might try Code::Blocks again on it later but much prefer using Orwell Dev C, which is a fork/upgrade of the Bloodshed version, because Code::Blocks has gotten way too bloated recently, maybe it was version 16 or 18 I tried and it hangs on the splash screen for 27 seconds before loading up! Ridiculous, it's almost as bad as Visual Studio now. Dev C takes 5 seconds to boot up on the same machine for comparison

    Today I'm playing with Wolf4GW again. Really easy to compile in Dosbox with the Open Watcom Dos Kit and does all the things Wolf4SDL does that I want, like 128x128 maps with 4000 static objects and enemies, which I can create in Dos too using TED5
    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

    Number of posts : 39
    Age : 38
    Location : subterranean caverns & catacombs
    Job : Entrepreneur
    Hobbie : Beach Days & Gardening
    Message : Author of Castle Erzengel Demo, and the upcoming Runes of North Castle Court, and the rest of the Series : Knights of the ᛋᛋ.
    Registration date : 2021-12-05

    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Empty Re: Cant Compile working code on new pc.

    Post by Agent_Falcon93 Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:12 pm

    it is win10 64 bit

    I successfully did Build & Run of Hello World  lol!    to rule out the antivirus. 
    Also I tried compiling wolf(SOD) with active protection and folder restriction off, same errors.
    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

    Number of posts : 39
    Age : 38
    Location : subterranean caverns & catacombs
    Job : Entrepreneur
    Hobbie : Beach Days & Gardening
    Message : Author of Castle Erzengel Demo, and the upcoming Runes of North Castle Court, and the rest of the Series : Knights of the ᛋᛋ.
    Registration date : 2021-12-05

    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Empty HAPPY MF TREES

    Post by Agent_Falcon93 Tue Jul 25, 2023 9:29 pm

    I got it to compile, using a Portable SS Drive. 
    I racked my brain so much, let me recoup and wrap my head around it and I'll post more in definitively about the solution.

    For now heres some HAPPY MF TREES!!!!!  flowerCant Compile working code on new pc.  Happy_11

    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Right-arrow

    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Right-arrow farao "Call Pizza Hut and say Ardwolf"  Cant Compile working code on new pc.  1f355

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    Cant Compile working code on new pc.  Empty Re: Cant Compile working code on new pc.

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