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    Game won't compile!


    Number of posts : 12
    Age : 31
    Registration date : 2008-07-29

    Game won't compile! Empty Game won't compile!

    Post by Batmanifestdestiny Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:30 pm

    Hello, I was changing the name of the level difficulties, and every step of the compilation works fine except for the "Compile|Link" step, it says that it needs "c0(zero).obj" and I can't find it anywhere! I even did a search of my whole pc, and nothing! Does anyone know where to get this elusive file?

    UPDATE:I've learned that using Build All works, but everytime I fix one error, another comes to take its place! It's now complaining about 32-bit records in GAMEPAL.BIN
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 277
    Age : 111
    Location : Dimension of Anti-Time
    Hobbie : bringing chaos & madness into universe
    Message : Planet N
    Registration date : 2008-02-27

    Game won't compile! Empty Re: Game won't compile!

    Post by Nexion Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:14 am

    C0.obj is created by C0.asm but Gamepal.bin? Isn't it Gamepal.obj? Some compiler tutorials are quite confusing. So here is my version:

    Install Borland 3.1 to C:\YourCompilerName 
    (keep in mind that Dos stuff shortens words which have more than 8 letters).

    Install the Wolfsource code to C:\somewhere or c:\somewhere\nowhere (8 letters)
    Create a 'OBJ' folder in your source code directory. C:\somewhere\obj
    The compiled exe should appear there.

    Start the compiler - BC.exe
    Click on 'Project' and 'Open Project' (c:\somewhere\wolf.prj)
    Click on 'Options' and 'Directories'
    -obj (output folder)
    -leave it blank or c:\whereismysourcecode\

    Click on your Project File window.
    Remove the gamepal.obj and signon.obj from your project file (Key_delete) and insert them again (Key_insert).

    Click 'Compile' and 'Build All'

    At least it works for me without any problems.

    Number of posts : 12
    Age : 31
    Registration date : 2008-07-29

    Game won't compile! Empty Re: Game won't compile!

    Post by Batmanifestdestiny Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:41 am

    it still won't compile, I get this error:

    *Linker Error: 32-bit record encountered in module GAMEPAL.BIN
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 277
    Age : 111
    Location : Dimension of Anti-Time
    Hobbie : bringing chaos & madness into universe
    Message : Planet N
    Registration date : 2008-02-27

    Game won't compile! Empty Re: Game won't compile!

    Post by Nexion Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:45 am

    Have you changed or modified the gamepal.obj?
    I tried the compiler stuff of your alpha package. I unzipped it, changed the project 
    directories, reinserted the signon.obj, gamepal.obj and it works without any problems.

    Number of posts : 12
    Age : 31
    Registration date : 2008-07-29

    Game won't compile! Empty Re: Game won't compile!

    Post by Batmanifestdestiny Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:21 am

    not that I'm aware of, maybe I need to redownload gamepal.obj.

    and did you try editing anything in the alpha before compiling it? That's my big problem.

    EDIT:T_T They say that with every error fixed, another comes, and I think that they're right. I fixed the gamepal thing, but now it's saying "*TRANSFER TO PROGRAM: Turbo Assembler /MX /ZI /O C0.ASM,OBJ\C0.OBJ
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 277
    Age : 111
    Location : Dimension of Anti-Time
    Hobbie : bringing chaos & madness into universe
    Message : Planet N
    Registration date : 2008-02-27

    Game won't compile! Empty Re: Game won't compile!

    Post by Nexion Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:32 pm

    If that's the one and only error which appears then I guess you don't have a 'OBJ' folder in your source code directory or the project directories are wrong.

    OK. Plan B. Download your Alpha rar file (the one with the source) and unzip it to C:\
    I don't know if G:\ works but D:\ works.
    Then go to C:\CQ Mod\Bin\BC.exe
    1. https://2img.net/r/ihimizer/img140/6756/new1ii8.png
    2. https://2img.net/r/ihimizer/img50/4872/new2jh9.png
    3. https://2img.net/r/ihimizer/img50/4851/new3qc3.png
    4. Delete and reinsert Signon/Gamepal
    5. Compile

    Number of posts : 12
    Age : 31
    Registration date : 2008-07-29

    Game won't compile! Empty Re: Game won't compile!

    Post by Batmanifestdestiny Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:02 pm

    Thanks for the tip, I'll try it.

    The error could be because I've been using my K drive.

    EDIT:It worked! the only problem is that when I run it in DOSBox, it freezes, and in windows, it freezes, and I really don't like WinWolf3D

    EDIT2:I figured out about my stupidity, and moved wolf3d.exe into the main folder, but when I load it, it just sits at the "one moment" screen.

    EDIT3:I fixed that problem, but the graphics are weird, I know that there is an answer, as I've found it before, but I can't find it anymore, any help?

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