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Wolf3d Haven Forum

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    What order should the 90s Wolfenstein series be played?


    What order should the 90s Wolfenstein series be played? Empty What order should the 90s Wolfenstein series be played?

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:38 am

    In what order should the 90s Wolfenstein series be played? I use to think that Spear of Destiny should be played first since it is a prequel, but now I think this is not the case. Wolfenstein 3D can be played first. Then Spear of Destiny can be played. Did Wolfenstein 3D episodes 4-6 come before Spear of Destiny was made? Spear of Destiny still could be played first, then Wolfenstein 3D episodes 4-6 could be played, then episodes 1-3 in order to play Wolfenstein games in chronological order. I think playing Wolfenstein 3D episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, episode 4, episode 5, and episode 6 and Spear of Destiny will work. Wolfenstein 3D episodes 4, 5, and 6, and Spear of Destiny is simply a flashback to BJ's earlier adventures. Also, episode 6 is an epilogue to the 90s Wolfenstein series. It tells the future story of BJ's life.
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    What order should the 90s Wolfenstein series be played? Empty Re: What order should the 90s Wolfenstein series be played?

    Post by Imed Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:16 am

    Wolf3d first, then Spear of Destiny...End of the discussion.

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