Does anyone on here think that Wolfenstein the New Order is an official retcon/fan fiction of the Wolfenstein series? I do not think you can fit it in with the rest of the Wolfenstein canon. To me, it is its own canon. I consider the New Order to be a reboot like Wolfenstein 3D was. Wolfenstein 3D does not consist of the same plot as the original. The plot was redone for Wolfenstein 3D. Beyond Castle Wolfenstein was about placing a bomb in Hitler's bunker. Not going one on one with him. Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein are their own canon as well. Both series borrow elements from the other series. the 80s series and 90s contain similar elements. Wolfenstein the New Order game contains stuff from the previous Wolfenstein series of games by ID. The same characters are used.
There are inconsistencies with the New Order. BJ does not have kids. In Wolfenstein 3D, BJ got married after the war. The fourth reich storyline could have had potential if ID went that route. I wish ID could have released an expansion pack to Wolfenstein 2009 called Wolfenstein the Fourth Reich that could have used ID Tech 4.
I consider Wolfenstein the New Order to be an official fan fiction to the ID Software Wolfenstein series.
There are inconsistencies with the New Order. BJ does not have kids. In Wolfenstein 3D, BJ got married after the war. The fourth reich storyline could have had potential if ID went that route. I wish ID could have released an expansion pack to Wolfenstein 2009 called Wolfenstein the Fourth Reich that could have used ID Tech 4.
I consider Wolfenstein the New Order to be an official fan fiction to the ID Software Wolfenstein series.