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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Seasoned Wolfer
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by Per-Scan Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:27 am

    I was just thinking about the thread below regarding who could play BJ in a movie and it really got me thinking...

    Surely Wolfenstein is a no-brainer for a movie series?

    We need a new Indiana Jones/action movie series. Indy is still popular and everybody loves an action flick.

    Wolfenstein surely fits that category in pretty much every way:

    Cheesy characters
    Fantasy setting based in a real time of conflict
    Lots of guns
    Exploration and adventure
    Potential for a love interest (BJ and Helga Von Bulow?!)

    So, why do you think there is no movie yet? I mean, they tried Doom so why not Doom's daddy?? Smile
    I am Death Incarnate!
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:16 pm

    Per-Scan wrote:\
    Potential for a love interest (BJ and Helga Von Bulow?!)

    WHOA WHOA WHOA THERE!!! Eyebrow Raise HELHA and BJ?

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog
    Hardcore Wolfer
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by WolferCooker Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:25 pm

    Helga is ugly as @#$%!

    BJ gets captured, imprisoned, and chained in the movie. He then pulls a Batman by seducing one of Helga's elite guards watching over him. The woman guard then accidently spills the beans after the lust fest is over. BJ gets the information he wants, knocks her out for the key and gun, escapes the prison and continues his mission. Later in the movie, Helga finds out that her traitorous guard helped BJ escape, sends her others to capture her and bring her to her quarters for questioning and execution.

    Now there are 2 roads where this can go. Either Helga successfully executes her traitorous elite guard while BJ continues his mission, or BJ overhears that one of their own is going to be executed, finds the location of where the execution will take place and saves the former elite guard just in the nick of time by storming in and killing all the guards. Helga, a coward as always, says some choice words while escaping with the remaining few guards.

    BJ basically saves her just to get more intel from her, but the former elite guard thanks BJ for saving her, develops a change of heart, and joins BJ in his mission to stop the Nazis. While the two fight alongside each other, they start caring for each other and eventually fall in love. Sounds like a little bit like Metal Gear Solid 3 huh?

    Anyway, BJ doesn't kill Helga. The former elite guard takes the revenge and kills her only then to be shot by a dying soldier. BJ tries to save her, but appears to be dead. BJ goes haywire, kills the dying guard, then kills as many guards he could storming in the complex before eventually getting shot at and killed (yeah I know the legendary BJ Blazkowicz doesn't die, but it makes more sense if this were just one movie). The elite guard lives on and 7 years later you see B.J. Jr. training like a soldier so he can become a soldier just like his dad.
    I am Death Incarnate!
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:41 pm

    WolferCooker wrote:Helga is ugly as @#$%!

    BJ gets captured, imprisoned, and chained in the movie. He then pulls a Batman by seducing one of Helga's elite guards watching over him. The woman guard then accidently spills the beans after the lust fest is over. BJ gets the information he wants, knocks her out for the key and gun, escapes the prison and continues his mission. Later in the movie, Helga finds out that her traitorous guard helped BJ escape, sends her others to capture her and bring her to her quarters for questioning and execution.

    Now there are 2 roads where this can go. Either Helga successfully executes her traitorous elite guard while BJ continues his mission, or BJ overhears that one of their own is going to be executed, finds the location of where the execution will take place and saves the former elite guard just in the nick of time by storming in and killing all the guards. Helga, a coward as always, says some choice words while escaping with the remaining few guards.

    BJ basically saves her just to get more intel from her, but the former elite guard thanks BJ for saving her, develops a change of heart, and joins BJ in his mission to stop the Nazis. While the two fight alongside each other, they start caring for each other and eventually fall in love. Sounds like a little bit like Metal Gear Solid 3 huh?

    Anyway, BJ doesn't kill Helga. The former elite guard takes the revenge and kills her only then to be shot by a dying soldier. BJ tries to save her, but appears to be dead. BJ goes haywire, kills the dying guard, then kills as many guards he could storming in the complex before eventually getting shot at and killed (yeah I know the legendary BJ Blazkowicz doesn't die, but it makes more sense if this were just one movie). The elite guard lives on and 7 years later you see B.J. Jr. training like a soldier so he can become a soldier just like his dad.

    Now, THAT is what I'm talking about!

    I agree. Helga is just one ugly girl. Having BJ/Helga relationship would kill the movie. silent

    Wolf3d Haven
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty German language Spear of Destiny Videos

    Post by stathmk Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:18 pm

    Per-Scan wrote:...We need a new Indiana Jones/action movie series. Indy is still popular and everybody loves an action flick. ...
    I've never heard of a Wolfenstein 3D movie, but there sort-of are Indiana Jones and The Spear of Destiny videos. Non-Wolfenstein Themed Spear of Destiny Videos: http://www.wolfensteingoodies.com/wolfensteingoodies/nwsodv.htm
    Hardcore Wolfer
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by WolferCooker Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:36 pm

    Wizzie, it just makes the most sense to me.
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by wolfie Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:35 pm

    honestly the only way i would be satisfied with a wolf3d movie series would be if it were as fatful to the original games as possable,just follow the original story,a few twists here and there is okay but don't make it completely unreconizeable.

    we are all entiteled to one opinion.........MINE!
    Hardcore Wolfer
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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by ronwolf1705 Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:33 pm

    No height differences, otherwise I wouldn't call it a Wolf3d movie.

    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? MMCS0206

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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by Thomas Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:44 pm

    Personally I find the entire concept of movies based on either TV series/games/bands/biographies etc. a big, fat joke. Movies should be MOVIES... That is those with a screenwriter, actual actors, ideas that make sense and are made for MOVIES...

    Video games, on the other hand, are playable, fun small acquisitions one can enjoy in solemn peace and quiet at home, with or without a group of friends, nosing around a GameBoy or pushing and shoving each other in front of a computer with a keyboard. These days, I suppose you can park your asses on a pillow in front of your 52" TV and play some mean PlayStation 3, but what the hell. Video games are video games and that is that. Movies are an entirely different concept. I'm not a huge fan of both (Wolf's about the only thing I bother to play, rarely if ever, even) but I do have a staunch opinion here and that is video games + movies = no-go.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series?? Empty Re: Why isn't there a Wolfenstein movie series??

    Post by WolferCooker Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:25 am

    I agree with you for the most part Thomas. I don't even watch any upcoming movies period because I KNOW they're crap. Movie industry is out of original ideas.

    However, I wouldn't mind seeing a Wolfenstein movie. I mean c'mon, even if it isn't realistic, any movie that takes place in the WWII battlefronts are enough to persuade me to watch it.

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