Operation Arctic Wolf Preview Released | |
JDWolf7 has started work on Operation Arctic Wolf. This is a one-level preview release. You'll notice that some of the graphics are unchanged. Even though the first level may not be extensive, it's okay. There will be source code changes planned: ~Gun Bobbing ~Full Screen ~Changed Floor and Ceiling Colors ~3D Directional Sprites There will be some more source code changes if JD can get ideas for them. The preview is available here. Requires the Activision release of Wolfenstein 3D to play |
5 posters
Operation Arctic Wolf Preview Released
Schabbs- Extreme Wolfer
Number of posts : 3036
Location : London, England.
Job : Retired
Hobbie : Playing Wolf3D/ROTT, eating out, travel, music, snooker
Registration date : 2007-03-24
Cat Productions - mapper
Z.Franz- Freshmen
Number of posts : 11
Age : 31
Location : Trieste, Italy
Job : High School student
Hobbie : Wolf3d. DooM1, 2 & 3. VSWAP drawing
Message : Creator of Halo hand drawn weapons sprites, half-life 2 hand drawn weapons sprites, and DOOM Death Doesn't Wait.
Registration date : 2009-06-18
Why is everybody using those "one color" dark gloves?
Thomas- Veteran
Number of posts : 1739
Age : 33
Registration date : 2007-09-13
There's only been one true original game - "Project: Eisenritter" which used the gloves originally. It was also there the "truck" sprite (Which is actually walls) started, and the main texture you see there. Luke Strauman was making a great project also called "Arctic Wolf" way back in 2002 or '03 which was much, much more innovative. Wolf Skevos-Jones is a true genius, and many people have stolen his sprites, guards and weapons with or without gloves. It's a sad thing, really. We've come so far with Wolfing, but we still haven't seen a decent "Arctic" mod other than "Eisenritter".
Z.Franz- Freshmen
Number of posts : 11
Age : 31
Location : Trieste, Italy
Job : High School student
Hobbie : Wolf3d. DooM1, 2 & 3. VSWAP drawing
Message : Creator of Halo hand drawn weapons sprites, half-life 2 hand drawn weapons sprites, and DOOM Death Doesn't Wait.
Registration date : 2009-06-18
Yeah, I agree. Wolf Skevos Jones was a genius.
I made some gloved weapons, based on the original wolf3d's ones, but with all the greyscale needed, not just black.
I made some gloved weapons, based on the original wolf3d's ones, but with all the greyscale needed, not just black.
Thomas- Veteran
Number of posts : 1739
Age : 33
Registration date : 2007-09-13
Don't say "was"! Wolf is alive and kicking on the DHW forums, believe me. In my recent mod I'll include a guard he's never used before. He gave it to me. It's a scientist without a messy coat, as opposed to the scientists in his own games.
Z.Franz- Freshmen
Number of posts : 11
Age : 31
Location : Trieste, Italy
Job : High School student
Hobbie : Wolf3d. DooM1, 2 & 3. VSWAP drawing
Message : Creator of Halo hand drawn weapons sprites, half-life 2 hand drawn weapons sprites, and DOOM Death Doesn't Wait.
Registration date : 2009-06-18
Sorry, I didn't know. Anyway, Castle Totenkopf is the best wolf 3d-themed mod I ever played.
SSJKlonoa- Freshmen
Number of posts : 17
Age : 29
Message : Goodbye.
Registration date : 2009-06-02
I knew people were going to reply with that.
Since nobody ever gives credit to WSJ for using his material, I made a txt file and mentioned him in it.
JDWolf7 - Project Manager, Title Design, Level Design
WSJ - Graphics, Sounds, Textures
WLHack - Graphics, Sounds
Laz Rojas - Graphics, Sounds
Ian Summerfield - Graphics
Majik Monkee - Graphics
RKS - Graphics
BJ Rowan - Textures
Edit: I know for a fact that taking material and not mentioning who made it gets you nowhere.
Since nobody ever gives credit to WSJ for using his material, I made a txt file and mentioned him in it.
JDWolf7 - Project Manager, Title Design, Level Design
WSJ - Graphics, Sounds, Textures
WLHack - Graphics, Sounds
Laz Rojas - Graphics, Sounds
Ian Summerfield - Graphics
Majik Monkee - Graphics
RKS - Graphics
BJ Rowan - Textures
Edit: I know for a fact that taking material and not mentioning who made it gets you nowhere.
WLHack- Senior Member
Number of posts : 800
Age : 35
Location : Finland
Registration date : 2007-03-26
No one? Hehe, I do..
Hammer: I can see it now: you and the moon - wear a necktie so I'll know you.
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