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Wolf3d Haven Forum

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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

3 posters


    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 276
    Age : 111
    Location : Dimension of Anti-Time
    Hobbie : bringing chaos & madness into universe
    Message : Planet N
    Registration date : 2008-02-27


    Post by Nexion Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:23 pm

    How to bring Wolf3D maps and mods to life and everything you will need to start your career as professional Wolfenstein 3D modding celebrity!

    The topic's purpose is mainly to be a hub and gateway to any worthwhile scripture about making exciting maze maps or similar adventures that could shape the next super famous End of Destiny.
    In other words it's supposed to be a guide to guides to kickstart anyone to make and break Wolfenstein 3D in the best or worst ways known to mankind. It also is supposed to end your misery or make it 10 times worse.

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> General info about Wolf3D (and how to not die like a WASD-noob)

    WL1 - The Starting Point (by serpens) - https://serpenscaput.github.io/wl9/index.html
    DieHard Wolfers Forum for 20+ years - https://dhw.wolfenstein3d.com/
    The Wolf3D Haven ever since 2007 - https://wolf3d.darkbb.com/
    Wolf3D Mod Community Wiki - https://wl6.fandom.com/

    Strategy Guide (by The Master) - https://web.archive.org/web/20020204042346/http://www.agentss.net/wolf3dworld/guide/
    Survival Guide (by BrotherTank) - http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com/bunker/survival.htm
    Wolf3D FAQ v.4.6 (by Adam Williamson) - http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com/bunker/wolf3dfaq.htm

    Quality of life addons:

    wolfdosmpu+spear [DOS] (WASD, removes forward-mouse-movement, automap) - https://github.com/ericvids/wolfdosmpu/releases
    Better Wolf3D [DOS] (WASD, removes forward-mouse-movement, automap) - https://www.moddb.com/mods/better-wolf3d
    NexHex Configurator [Wolf4SDL/Spear4SDL] (WASD+controls config tool +  guide for mods) - https://wolf3d.darkbb.com/t3607-wasd-weapon-keys-config-for-wolf4sdl-and-most-wolf4sdl-mods

    Wolf4SDL/Spear4SDL have an automap by default. Enter the debugmode (--goobers or --debugmode) and press TAB+O.

    Should you ever be lost in a maze, just lure enemies to intersections or to doors you took and terminate them. Always mark your territory!

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> Ports

    Each one has pros and cons. Find out which is the best for you. At this point of time the majority uses:

    vanilla DOS - The one and only. Source code hacking for mods.
    Wolf4SDL - Various forks. Vanilla style with source code hacking for mods.
    MacenWolf - MacWolf + mods and simple mod scripts.
    ECWolf - The least vanilla and zDoom mod approach.
    ReflectionHLE - Replicates vanilla DOS. No mods.

    Rarely used:

    NewWolf - Uses OpenGL but is incomplete.
    Wolf3D Redux - Builds upon NewWolf.
    LZWolf - ECWolf with extras but dead.
    Wolf4GW - DOS without constraints.

    There are a lot more ports and ways you can play.


    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> Overview of the game files


    External header file for audiot. Basically tells the game where the files are located in audiot.
    Storage room for PC Speaker sounds, Adlib sounds and IMF music. Not every editor can handle this file. If you edit this file audiohed will be modified as well.
    File is created when you quit the game and stores your options, controls and score.
    Stores all the maps. Is acompanied by gamemaps.
    External header for gamemaps to point the game to single maps. An edited gamemaps file will require this file to come along for the ride.
    Contains the huffman routine to decompress data in the vgagraph. Several files are compressed. Kinda like a zip archive.
    Stores various files for the menus and more. Graphics for the statusbar, intermission, menus, title screen,... Also demos, error screens, fonts and readme text are inside of it. The file may have differences depending on the version you own (Activision, Apogee...). One comes with ingame readme, one not which can cause graphical glitches if you executable uses the wrong one. Editing this will require its vga companion files to come along.
    Once more an external header locating the data. This time for vgagraph.
    This along with the gamemaps is the most precious to modders. It contains all the textures, sprites and digital sounds.

    File extensions used by the game to identify which game and version it is. WL1 is the shareware version. WL3 is the 3-episode edition, WL6 is the registered (you could register at Apogee) full version having 6 episodes. SOD is Spear of Destiny and SDM is for the Spear of Destiny demo.

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> Multi-purpose tools to make your dream game!

    Some work worse than others and some are less intuitive. The common tool business.


    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> VISUALS

    Not really a focus here since graphics can be made through all kind of methods and programs. Therefore only a few links. There are a few specifics to keep on mind, depending on the source port you are using. Those details can differ obviously.

    * Sprites and textures are usually 64x64 (or 128x128) in resolution
    * Menu and statusbar graphics vary in resolution.
    * Graphics are 8-bit and use a specific palette arrangement of 256 colors. Wolf3D's game palette: http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com/bunker/images/palette.gif
    * Sprites use color # 256 (0xff  = sexy pink) as a background color greenscreen

    Old graphics database with focus on enemy sets - https://mmimageworld.dugtrio17.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi
    Animated Enemy Templates - http://dhw.wolfenstein3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=8452
    A few more resources - http://wolfenvault.areyep.com/resources.html
    Graphics Editing Tutorials - http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/graphics.htm
    AReyeP's Tutorials and Resources - https://www.areyep.com/RIPandMCS-TextureLibrary.html

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> AUDIO

    Similar design philosophy as the graphics but perhaps a bit more narrowed down regarding specifications. Ports and mods often come in one of two flavors - Lo-Fi or Hi-Fi.
    Most of the time any tool that lets you record or make noise digitally will do. Just look up a guide to make your voice sound like Michael Jackson's or hunt down your white wale of midi files online. Plenty of tools and music in the sea.

    * Sounds are 8-bit, 7042Hz, Mono and normally in .WAV format for most editors.
    * Music (MIDI) is manually converted from MIDI to the IMF format (see tools and editors).

    * Any piece of audio is high-quality OGG, WAV or MP3.

    Hi-Fi Sound Manager for Wolf4SDL (by Alumiun) - http://dhw.wolfenstein3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=5271
    wolfdosmpu - MIDI support for DOS (by ericvids) - https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=82116
    Or pick a source port that has already built-in support that suits your needs.

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> SAUCE CODE

    A newcomer's favorite thing to dream about, making the Duke Nukem Forever and cramming all those cool features no one in history ever thought of and making it the best game ever to exist. Congratulations, you just invented the fire and are about to abandon it one week later.
    If you are still reading and still have the hope to master the arts of bits and bytes then you can follow the following portals to tutorials, tricks and guides on how to break your head on your wall at home when setting up the compilers:

    Basics and tutorials:

    Tutorials, questions, hackery and magic:

    Learning to talk in DOS:

    Chris' edited Wolf3D DOS sauce with tons of free memory:

    A lot tutorials, at least gameplay-related ones, should work for both DOS and the SDL ports. They might need some changes that could be easier or harder, which also depends on your skill level.

    As with all things there are pros and cons when picking the DOS version.
    - Memory limitations. You can't put infinite amount of features into which keeps you grounded or forces you to be creative. But can you even match Blake Stone: Planet Strike or Operation Body Count in features?
    - Wolf4GW port runs in DOS but doesn't have this limitation.
    - Some parts (mostly non-gameplay-related) are written in assembly.
    - Multi-platform. DOSBox and other DOS emulators run on a wide variety of operation systems, game consoles and mobile phones. Due to hundreds of games on DOS it will remain future-proof for a long time.

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->  MAP-MAKING

    Many map bibles have come to life over 30 years and a few popular ones have found faithful followers while others have remained the devil in disguise. Many of those have been made while Mapedit was still a thundering Brontosaurus of the local modder gangs and less of a mysterious Tile-Less Monster. For some it may sound like something from the wolf stone age when it brings up tool related features but don't judge the dino by its skin or underdeveloped feathers.

    DHW Mapping Tips and Tricks (by various) - http://dhw.wolfenstein3d.com/viewforum.php?f=16
    Tips for Creating/Editing Wolf3D & Spear of Destiny Designs (by Warren Buss) - http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com/bunker/mapedtips.htm
    BJ Rowan's Tips on Designing Good Levels (by BJ Rowan) - http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com/bunker/bjdesign.htm
    Wolf3D For Dummies 2011 (by Dark_wizzie) - http://wolfenvault.areyep.com/files/resources/Wolf3dforDummies2011.doc
    Level Design Tips (by various) - http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/levels.htm
    Wolfenstein 3-D Map Making Guide (by Jordan Trudgett) - https://www.neoseeker.com/wolfenstein-3d/faqs/70446-mapmaking.html
    Level Design Tips (by Poet) - https://www.poetsoftware.no/mods/wolfenstein/design.html
    Dead Guard Trick (by Poet) - https://www.poetsoftware.no/mods/wolfenstein/dgt.html
    Mapping Conundrum (by THW) - https://tryhardwolfers.art.blog/2020/04/26/vol-14-26th-of-april/
    Wolfenstain 3-D Mapping Guide (by serpens) - https://serpenscaput.github.io/wl9/guide.html

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->  MACINTOSH MOD MAKING

    Macintosh mazes tend to be a bit different when compared to the PC labyrinths. They come with 2 extra weapons and a backpack but lack quite some textures and the patrolling enemies, making it often more of a straightforward hitscan festival.
    Some of the scribblings also include various details about the game, exploits you have never even dreamed of and depictions of the one (and only) editor, WolfEdit.

    A Guide to making Wolfenstein Conversions (by Dermuda)

    The (Almost) Complete Guide to Wolfenstein 3D (by Wayne Campbell)

    Tips to Creating Better Levels (by Clubey)

    Call serpens, say Maze (by serpens) -  Hotline @serpens
    WolfEdit 2 User's Manual (by Greg Erwing) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/i7dlr8eu1ew294q/WolfEditManual.7z/file
    Ultimate Wolfedit Help Guide (by MWatson361)  - https://github.com/serpenscaput/wl9/blob/master/!%20-%20Guides/Ultimate%20WolfEdit%20Help%20Guide.txt
    Level Design Tips (by yyr) - https://github.com/serpenscaput/wl9/blob/master/!%20-%20Guides/Level%20Design%20Tips
    What not to do (by yyr) - https://github.com/serpenscaput/wl9/blob/master/!%20-%20Guides/-----What%20Not...%20Guide
    Guide to Making Wolfenstein 3D Levels I (by Josh Mills) - https://github.com/serpenscaput/wl9/blob/master/!%20-%20Guides/Guide%20to%20Making%20Scenarios
    Guide to Making Wolfenstein 3D Levels II (by Josh Mills) - https://github.com/serpenscaput/wl9/blob/master/!%20-%20Guides/Guide%20to%20Making%20Scenarios%20II
    Wolf-Aid 1.1a (by Bruce Ryder) - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668453732941430804/1125155063409688647/wolf-aid.html.rar
    Level making tips (by Doug Ingram) - currently missing
    A Little Guide to Making Wolf3D Level Files (by Sean Howard) - currently missing

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->  VIDEOS

    Perhaps all those word mazes make you dizzy and you are confused what any of it means. Hold on tight, i got this covered. There are slow-paced videos about level making to keep your attention span one step away from quitting.

    Level Editing - Wolfenstein 3D - ADG Mod 6 (by Pixelmusement) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiPhuqwgcBY
    Wolf3D Making Your Own Maps (by theJF) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqyJr7v4DhQ
    Wolf3d Modding: Mapping for ECWolf Part 1 (by Dunkelschwamm) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEO6fIn0VP8
    HOW TO MAKE A WOLFENSTEIN 3D MAP! (by BigMemerMan1) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEIgMYmFkV0

    ->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> Other Games using the Wolf3D engine

    You still don't have enough and need more tiles in a new paint?

    List of classic and new games - https://wl6.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Wolf3D_engine_games
    The classic games depicted in a map - https://wolf3d.darkbb.com/t3706-the-super-wolf3d-family-map

    If you are looking for advanced design philosophies geared towards ECWolf and LZWolf you might be better off looking up ZDoom related corners of the internet. And if you are looking for a single button to make a game then well, keep looking.

    Last edited by Nexion on Fri Sep 20, 2024 4:45 am; edited 8 times in total

    MrGerolf likes this post

    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 70
    Age : 35
    Registration date : 2008-01-11


    Post by serpens Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:36 am

    A live version of my guide linked in Nex' post can be accessed here:


    It's brand new, so check it out, especially if you're new to Wolf modding yourself.

    MrGerolf likes this post

    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 53
    Age : 28
    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2010-01-16


    Post by MrGerolf Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:19 am

    Really well done, guys! This all will certainly help people finding this information all in one place.

    -Heer Gerolf

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