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    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods)

    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 276
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    Location : Dimension of Anti-Time
    Hobbie : bringing chaos & madness into universe
    Message : Planet N
    Registration date : 2008-02-27

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Empty WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods)

    Post by Nexion Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:30 pm

    Simple guide how to get additional controls (WASD, weapon binds, pause key) for Wolf4SDL. You still have to live with the y-axis movement of the mouse but that shouldn't be a problem if you got a stable hand.

    You only have to edit the config.wl6 file with a hex editor. It takes less than a minute if you have a hex editor already installed.

    Or use this tool to create the keyboard, mouse and gamepad controls of your dreams. See post below for more info.

    You can also try this pre-made config.wl6 for Wolf4SDL 1.7 which features WSAD, Q = next weapon, R = previous weapon


    If you know how to edit files you can also just jump to step 6.

    1. Have a config.wl6 (config.xx for mods) in your folder or let Wolf4SDL create one

    2. Open the file in a hex editor and scroll until you see something like "1 2 3 4"

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Cfg110

    3. Change some keys in the menu and quit after

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Cfg210

    4. If you reopen the file you should see something like this now

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Cfg311

    5. Let's change some more keys just for fun

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Cfg410

    6. This file is as #5 but with some extra edits after the "1 2 3 4"

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Cfg512

    This what the keys should do after you save the file.
    1 - knife
    2 - pistol
    3 - machinegun
    7 - chaingun
    r - run
    o - open
    f - fire
    q - strafe
    u - left
    i - right
    w - forward
    s - backward
    a - strafe left
    d - strafe right
    n - next weapon
    l - previous weapon
    e - exit/main menu key
    p - pause key

    You can edit the movement and weapon binds as you like. Make sure you edit the exact same spots after the last weapon bind (chaingun) as seen on the screen. If you change something in the game menu it won't overwrite your new extra keys.

    Example ==============================================================

    If you just want strafe left/right keys (h and k) and nothing else:

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Cfg710

    H/K are at the same spots as A/D in step 6.

    Mods ==============================================================

    Mods should have the same pattern between the keys but if anything goes wrong you can always delete the config and create a new one.

    7. Mods with changes. Maybe a mod has 6 weapon keys. Keep the same pattern and you might get something like this:

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Cfg611
    q - next weapon
    f - prev weapon
    a - left strafe
    d - right strafe

    and rest being the default controls.


    This should work for 99% of Wolf4SDL mods but there can be always some differences due to source edits. Some mods have extra weapon keys so you have to count the same steps after the last weapon. Some have maybe other keys. Maybe some mods removed the strafe keys totally and it won't work at all.

    Last edited by Nexion on Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Empty Re: WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods)

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:59 am

    ECWolf fans rejoice! Now all Wolf4SDL needs is a website  Laughing

    Number of posts : 20
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    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Empty Re: WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods)

    Post by Sam122 Thu Mar 05, 2020 4:15 am

    Anything that has wasd controls is great
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 276
    Age : 111
    Location : Dimension of Anti-Time
    Hobbie : bringing chaos & madness into universe
    Message : Planet N
    Registration date : 2008-02-27

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Empty Re: WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods)

    Post by Nexion Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:23 am

    Have no fear the NexHex Configurator is here!


    It allows you to set your controls and enables WASD for 99% of Wolf4SDL/Spear4SDL + mods. No hexing required anymore and you get additional binds for keyboard, mouse and joystick. This should give you at least 300+ mods (and a ton more vanilla sets) with WASD controls! There might be a handful of (likely advanced) mods that aren't supported and still require manual hex-editing.

    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Nxconf10

    How to use:

    1. Run the program and create a new config or copy an existing config.wl6 into the folder and run the program.
    2. Set up your controls.
    3. Copy the config.wl6 back to the game or mod folder. In case of Spear of Destiny rename the finished file to config.sod.

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    WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods) Empty Re: WASD + weapon keys config for Wolf4SDL (and most Wolf4SDL Mods)

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      Current date/time is Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:44 am