Somebody please explain in layman's terms A1C or HbA1C in adult diabetes. What does A1C even do? It's a longer technical term shortened to A1C. The wikipedia page for A1C is technical gibberish. A1C must be 5.7 or less, somewhat like cholesterol must be 200 or less. I'm in America where they keep on playing TV commercials to lower A1C and I doubt if I have prediabetes. The next time that I go to the library in September to return magazines I'll see if I can find books about diabetes.
EDIT: There's a vanilla cake emoticon, but I wonder if it's made with digital diabetic vanilla!:
EDIT 2: There's an ice cream flavor called Death by Chocolate, but an even more insensitive name would be Diabetic Death by Chocolate!
EDIT: There's a vanilla cake emoticon, but I wonder if it's made with digital diabetic vanilla!:
EDIT 2: There's an ice cream flavor called Death by Chocolate, but an even more insensitive name would be Diabetic Death by Chocolate!