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Wolf3d Haven Forum

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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

    Damonisch Portal 2: Episode 1 Coming Soon...

    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

    Number of posts : 27
    Age : 18
    Message : Doom Fanatic and Mapper, Wolfenstein 3D Fanatic x2 and Mapper x10. Founded Team Fir2 and is currently the leader of it.
    Working on Wolf3d: The Damonisch Portal.
    Registration date : 2020-04-20

    Damonisch Portal 2: Episode 1 Coming Soon... Empty Damonisch Portal 2: Episode 1 Coming Soon...

    Post by Roebloz Thu May 06, 2021 10:30 am

    So about a year ago, me and my friends came together to create Team Fir2, and we then released the map pack that we named The Damonisch Portal. Well, we said we were going to make a sequel, and we had finished 8 maps...Before the files got corrupted. Then we went out ways and created some other projects. But now finally, after all this time, we decided to come back together in April to start working on the proper sequel to the Damonisch Portal! So it will be the same as with the first; Tough maps, Angry screaming Skeletal SS troopers, and all that stuff. You can expect Episode 1 to be released in late May or something. I dunno.

    So for those that were waiting for it, it is coming...Soon.

      Current date/time is Wed Nov 13, 2024 5:07 pm