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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

Mario Maniac
Wolfer Software
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14 posters

    BJ's African adventure

    Wolfer Software
    Wolfer Software
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    Registration date : 2016-07-03

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty BJ's African adventure

    Post by Wolfer Software Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:27 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    Hi members! We make a frist mod. Mod name:BJ's African adventure. This mod contiunating for Spear: End of Destiny.


    1952 march 13. BJ got a new new, that nazis found a Spear of Destiny in African. BJ go to African. Don't know, that nazis camp in Egypt:Cairo. BJ call an OSS, that where go. OSS say, that you go to Egypt:Cairo. Good luck BJ!


    -Advanced Sound Manager (credit to AlumiuN) for Wolf4SDL 1.7
    -New weapons with ammos.
    -Silent weapons (knife,sten Mk2)
    -New enemies (African korps)
    -Pyramid door (new door with new door sound)
    -Multiple floor/ceiling and color ceiling/floor changing
    -New musics/sounds
    -More walls as 90 (credit to Chris Chokan)
    -More statics objects,enemies,doors on maps

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:13 pm

    Atina wrote:Idea 1:
    Try to figure out which mod has a higher percentage of edited content or which one has more plagiarized resources or which one is more likely getting attention
    from a copyright holder (mod author, id software, unknown company) or which one has the better english. The winner decides about the loser.

    Idea 2:
    Ban every mod that has more than 50% of ripped resources. See if it kills community or improves it.

    Idea 3:
    Ban whoever doesn't follow the forum rules.

    Idea 4:
    Ban Officer MJ for escaping the FBI and a temporary ban for his actions.

    Idea 5:
    Make a mod out of the Officer Michael drama and settle the final duel there.

    Idea 6:
    No one is perfect. Ban everyone on the forum and take down Wolf3D Haven. The End.

    6 for sure. I think our "wise" admin Dark_cactuar is more into modern shooters like Counterstrike these days anyway...

    5 sounds good too (if you mean "modification" and not "moderator"). Will the hero be Undead Energizer Bunny From Hell?  Laughing

    2 is something I've always wished for. If the Dome was this way since 1999-2000 I probably wouldn't have lost interest in mods in general.

    Mario Maniac wrote:And here's the irony:
    Officer-Michael John wrote:This 2nd part from Storytelling about me topic. I feel, that I have to relate this. I'm God believer. I know, that many people hate, but God loves a Me. God loves a you too. Some verb poems say it.

    Love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:25


    For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

    John 3:16

    "Love your neighbor as yourself.". That means don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. Do you think this fits Michael John's behavior?

    I lol'd at this too. I don't know why OMJ doesn't just make VSWAP/GAMEMAPS mods like they did in the 90s, it would be easier on everyone.

    More on-topic (I guess):

    Officer-Michael John wrote:The evidence is here:

    I don't see anything about Egypt or Pyramid Doors in here.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 127
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2014-05-23

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by Milanor Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:15 pm

    I like idea 5, but 4 would work as well if he ignores Brickgolem's final warning. Twisted Evil

    Oh man, mod makers can have a hayday with idea 5. Twisted Evil

    No to ideas 1-2, and 6, especially 6. Evil or Very Mad 1-2 just hinders reuse, creativity, and I'm personally siding with Mario's opinion here.  People should be able to borrow other's resources WITH their permission, consent, however, the work the author is modding from should be his/her work.  Also, when the mod author is done, he/she should credit who and whichever resources, help, he/she received during the making of the mod. 

    Idea 3 works, and do give ample warnings, chances to rehabilitate and improve behavior before doing so.  Probably like a strike/blackmark system, 1st offense warning, 2nd warning and loss of posting privilege or something, then 3rd temp ban, and 4th perm ban, could be more strict/lax but it depends on the situation.

    Number of posts : 123
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    Hobbie : Nitpicking
    Registration date : 2010-09-09

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by Atina Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:13 pm

    Mario Maniac wrote:So you see, the problem is not the use of resources. Yes, we use graphics from places/games/mods we have only the vswap stored in our computer since 2000 or maybe older. We don't even know where our resources come from properly. You are right in saying the community will die if we get rid of every single mod with copied content.
    It sounds quite off if you dont even know where the resources came from. Also from what i read that you (the authors of the mod) haven't even played or tested your own mod. What's better, a place with few mods but more originality or a place with plenty of mods and less originality?

    I would say problem is both or rather one thing goes with the other. He acts idiotic and his mods. Mr. walking Wikipedia (Stathmk) made a topic about banning plagiarisators. Or would it be fine if he manages to replicate the mod without help of anyone as long as he gets banned from the forum and your email?

    Mario Maniac wrote:The second problem is he was replicating our game. Not just using the same resources, but indeed, copy/pasting rooms of our levels into his game. If he takes the graphics, sounds, I don't care. But the point of making a game is the level itself, mostly.
    Taking graphics, sounds are ok but levels not? What if for other people it's not ok if you take their graphics, sounds? Maybe this is a general community issue since the biggest focus of the community seems to be map design.

    Mario Maniac wrote:Fifth problem, he doesn't know english. We joined DHW when we were 9-13 and knew much more english than he does now. Thanks to that, he ignores most of our comments, like he did with brick just now. You write him a wall and he picks one line to talk about and ignores the rest, when he does that.
    Did he understand? Did he ignore? We don't know. But his ways never changed, and you gotta admit we had patience.
    Didn't you and your brother also do some bad things back then? Trying to hack DHW or threatening it by impersonating John Carmack to get some source code? You should be able to relate to his pov a bit at least. He is older compared to that and his english nonexistent but different people, different brains. I also haven't been an angel several times. Anyways, he seems like a hopeless case unlike you. Everyone has some flaws so all of us should get banned by the cactus man (idea 6).

    Chokster37 wrote:6 for sure. I think our "wise" admin Dark_cactuar is more into modern shooters like Counterstrike these days anyway...

    5 sounds good too (if you mean "modification" and not "moderator"). Will the hero be Undead Energizer Bunny From Hell?  Laughing

    2 is something I've always wished for. If the Dome was this way since 1999-2000 I probably wouldn't have lost interest in mods in general.
    6: Must be the Counterstrike with Dragons and medieval setting =p

    5: Hah meant "modification" and that sounds like funny idea but won't have the character unlimited "energy" this way? A bunny battling an Officer shooting gibberish words at you while he starts to copycat your moveset.

    Milanor wrote:1-2 just hinders reuse, creativity
    Only if you can't be creative without it.

    Idea 7:
    Write his internet provider and ask them to ban him from the internet. Utopia coming soon.

    Number of posts : 1784
    Age : 43
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty The Troll mod

    Post by stathmk Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:01 pm

    Atina wrote:... 5: Hah meant "modification" and that sounds like funny idea but won't have the character unlimited "energy" this way? A bunny battling an Officer shooting gibberish words at you while he starts to copycat your moveset. ...
    I don't know.  Do you mean this?:

    OK, I'm sort of going back on the topic of an Egyptian 3D mod maybe with pyramids.  It already exists from about 1991.  It's "Scarab of Ra" for the Macintosh & is now freeware.  There are also 2 Egyptian-themed Woltenstein 3D mods, & some Egyptian mods for WolfenDoom, Doom 2, & Heretic.  I'm not naming the specific mod titles because Officer-Michael John might copy too many resources.
    Mario Maniac
    Mario Maniac
    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

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    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by Mario Maniac Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:56 pm

    Joshua wrote:Mario Maniac, do you think I should be banned? I understand the wrong things OMJ is doing. I bet he did not include a credits file. Not doing this is plagiarism.
    I don't think your case is the same as Michael John. You copied maps, ok. You're risking letting people notice that and call your game boring, non innovative. Your choice, your consequences.
    OMJ came to us asking help on how to get our resources and how to code our game's features in his game, that after we already knew he copied our maps. That's what's annoying. If he code one artifact we added, fine. HE did it. No one said we have rights over any code. But some things were painful to make. Some things took us months of work to get done, and certainly not to give everything that easily for someone who spams the forum asking for help for every "if" he must add in the code.
    The point is how he did it, not what. You understand what is plagiarism. He doesn't, and doesn't care about it either. We also can't trust what he says. Like he did in DHW, he posted one of his leaving threads and 2 hours later was already spamming the coding section again with more questions.

    Atina wrote:It sounds quite off if you dont even know where the resources came from. Also from what i read that you (the authors of the mod) haven't even played or tested your own mod. What's better, a place with few mods but more originality or a place with plenty of mods and less originality?

    I would say problem is both or rather one thing goes with the other. He acts idiotic and his mods. Mr. walking Wikipedia (Stathmk) made a topic about banning plagiarisators. Or would it be fine if he manages to replicate the mod without help of anyone as long as he gets banned from the forum and your email?
    We didn't play the game as a whole. We tested everything we did, and that surely doesn't mean it's bug free. You really think we would release years of work without testing? WolferCooker even played the whole game to help us find bugs before we announced the beta. So you didn't read it right or there's a problem in your understanding. This sprite thing have always been like this in wolf, so don't talk like if that became a problem now. By the way, turning sprites into black and white, 8 bit styled version doesn't make them original.
    And yea, that's what I'm saying. As long as he does things by himself, I don't care about what he does. What I don't want is he bugging us asking help for every new thing we added and he wants to add in his game too. Besides being almost impossible understand him/making him understand something, he just lied to use with this new account. So if he stays away, the better for us all.

    Atina wrote:Taking graphics, sounds are ok but levels not? What if for other people it's not ok if you take their graphics, sounds? Maybe this is a general community issue since the biggest focus of the community seems to be map design
    Again... I'm talking for myself. Levels are almost always original things, but most sounds and graphics come from somewhere else. If someone complains about that, it would be ironic since they also copied them from somewhere. It's like, "don't steal this, I stole it first". And to avoid fall in this irony, I say: I don't care.
    And every mod maker is already using a game made by someone else. To be honest, I think no one can claim anything as their own in the wolf community. You're making your work over someone else's work, so that never will be totally yours. If you release something and someone use them, deal with it. That doesn't mean we have to like that. What we can do is credit the author of the mod we took things from, though that's not the point of this discussion.
    That's why I'm saying again... he can do whatever he wants, as long as he stay away from us. Wanna copy our stuff? Do it yourself, and not behind a fake account asking our help on how to replicate our own game.

    Atina wrote:Didn't you and your brother also do some bad things back then? Trying to hack DHW or threatening it by impersonating John Carmack to get some source code? You should be able to relate to his pov a bit at least. He is older compared to that and his english nonexistent but different people, different brains. I also haven't been an angel several times. Anyways, he seems like a hopeless case unlike you. Everyone has some flaws so all of us should get banned by the cactus man (idea 6).
    We did try to get Spear Ressurection's code, yes, but hacking DHW... I don't know where you saw that. As I said, we were kids. Really kids. Childish 10 year old kids. Immature. We wouldn't ever do something like that again. And you know what? We got banned for that from DHW over 10 years ago.
    Even I laughed at myself when I read again what we wrote to get that. It was really pathetic. We learned the lesson, though. Long ago. He didn't, because he ignores what you tell him. If talking doesn't work, actions must be taken.
    Besides, that has nothing to do with what he is doing now. 10 years+... forget that. We made mistakes, we paid the price. It's just fair if he pays too.

    And I don't really understand your actions here. You just came and started complaining about us complaining about OMJ, with dubious facts from a past that never happened, and yet criticizing OMJ at the same time. If your hobby is nitpicking and creating ruckus, congratulations. You're being ironic yourself criticizing Michael John.

    Chokster37 wrote:
    I don't see anything about Egypt or Pyramid Doors in here.
    Good point. I didn't notice that. cyclops
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by WolferCooker Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:50 pm

    Atina, since your so quick to jump the fact that Shadow Genesis is mostly using material from other games (since it is true after all), if you wanna blame someone for that, blame me. I don't really care what you do. The reason a lot of it is used from other games because Mario, Mega, and I believe it suits the theme and environments of the game really well.

    THE MAIN DIFFERENCE though is that when I PM them my ideas, I tell them where they are from and to give credit to the games/authors, etc. if they were to be used.

    Shadow Genesis is in a way like a research paper. You can use ideas and stuff from other sources as long as you PROPERLY GIVE CREDIT for it. That is what is LACKING in all of Michael-John's mods (aside from the fact that he earned our distrust by deliberately asking for help to code certain features without respecting other Wolfers and their work and giving credit for them). Those are the REASONS we have been going after him for so long.

    Number of posts : 1784
    Age : 43
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty The name of his brother?

    Post by stathmk Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:53 pm

    Officer-Michael John wrote:I write for kkk911 (my friend) in Hungarian: Én nem normális nem vettem észre, hogy jó útra akarnak téríteni. Mindig azt hittem, hogy csak bántanak, tisztelet a kivételnek. Sok rossz dolog ért engmet a DHW fórumon meg máshol. Azért sokszor néhány emberben merek bízni. Azért használom mások pályáit, de nem mindig mert sokszor nincs pályaötletem, pályaötlet adásnak vagy egy visszatekintés = visszatérés (A The Old Relics módban lesz ilyen) meg a sok mód miatt is. Minél hamarabb túlesek ezen a sok módon. Mindennap módolok és ez is fáraszt engemet ezért nem veszem észre a dolgokat. A karácsonyi módot adott ötletet mint Lingyan203-nak WSJ (Wolf-Skevos Jones). Rossz azt látni, hogy a fórumon kevés a tag és ez is fáj nekem. Ezért nem voltam sokáig a sok mód miatt egyrészt. Másrészt WolferCooker mondta, hogy én kapok betiltást. Mind végig ezt hittem. A Wolfer Software fiók a testvéremmel közös. Későbbiekben a módoknál megpróbálok nem copy/paste funkciót használni. Tanulom az angolt, de nehéz nekem és a német könnyű. Sokan meg nem értenék itt mivel a nagy része angolul tud. Ezt a fórumot jobban szerettem mint a DHW-t. Őszintén mondtam. Mert itt barátságosabbak. A Mario Maniac-nak a jó, hogy több rutint tud mint én 18 éves létemre. Ő ad kód változtatási ötleteket. Néha azért kérem a forráskódokat mert csak úgy tudok fejlődni mert a kódolási tapasztalatom nagyon rossz. Ennyit is akartam kkk911. 

    Köszönettel:Officer-Michael John
    I wasted a little bit of time copying text, going to https://translate.google.com/?tl=hu, & pasting the text.  Part of the translation was that Wolfer Software is actually both Michael John & his brother.  I almost figured that out anyways.
    Somebody please tell me the name of his brother & if the brother is much closer to being a normal functioning person.

    Number of posts : 14
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    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by thetalentedmrleo Thu Jul 14, 2016 7:23 pm

    His brother is Tyler Durden.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
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    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by Officer-Michael John Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:45 pm

    WolferCooker wrote:Shadow Genesis is in a way like a research paper. You can use ideas and stuff from other sources as long as you PROPERLY GIVE CREDIT for it. That is what is LACKING in all of Michael-John's mods (aside from the fact that he earned our distrust by deliberately asking for help to code certain features without respecting other Wolfers and their work and giving credit for them). Those are the REASONS we have been going after him for so long.

    I give always for Wolfers a credit. I write in Readme and Read This! file a credits. Hey Stathmk, my brother name: David Wolfer. He loves playing on online and with Doom. He plays from Wolf 3D with SplitWolf.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Location : Pennsylvania, U.S.A
    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by WolferCooker Fri Jul 15, 2016 7:13 pm

    Not buying it.
    I am Death Incarnate!
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    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:04 pm

    Mother of god.

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
    Age : 34
    Location : Pennsylvania, U.S.A
    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by WolferCooker Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:54 pm

    There's your proof Wizzie. He was just not a guy to reason with. I'm very sorry to see you return under these circumstances, but it's good to see you again.

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    John - BJ's African adventure - Page 2 Empty Re: BJ's African adventure

    Post by Sponsored content

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