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2 posters

    128x128 textures and sprites - how??

    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 1
    Age : 43
    Registration date : 2016-05-06

    128x128 textures and sprites - how?? Empty 128x128 textures and sprites - how??

    Post by nedius Fri May 06, 2016 4:56 am

    Hi there,

    I'm new to Wolf3D modding, although played several.

    I've seen many references to mods and packs of 128x128 textures and sprites, often related to the mac version.

    Is there a 'recommended' version of the game for running with 128x128 textures and sprites? Ideally with an editor?

    I've been exploring Chaos Edit, and can see you can change textures to 128x128, but they either make the game crash or don't draw correctly. Is there a good tutorial I can look at for adding/editing wolf3D so that is uses 128x218 textures and sprites?

    The reason is I've got some 128x128 textures and sprites I want to use, but they look awful when reduced to 64x64.

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    128x128 textures and sprites - how?? Empty Re: 128x128 textures and sprites - how??

    Post by Mega Luigi Fri May 06, 2016 6:59 pm

    Hmm, since you are new at this, I'm not exactly sure about how much you know about modding. There's not really a recommended version for 128x128 stuff, but most people nowadays Wolf4SDL, since it's exactly the same as DOS Wolf without many of the limitations.

    However, to enable those high res graphics, you would need to compile the code. It's not possible to enable it just by using ChaosEdit or any other editor, although, once enabled, you would need to convert your graphics to the proper size to avoid problems.

    To enable it in the code, simply uncomment the following line in the file version.h of the source code:
    #define USE_HIRES

    The act of enabling it is really simple, although you could have problems during the compiling if you never did it before, but there are tutorials for that somewhere, should you need it.

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