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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code


    Number of posts : 11
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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by racquetball1987 Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:49 pm

    I've been silently working on a TC using the DOS 16-bit code. It's 90% complete and there's only a few code related things that I haven't been able to figure out (and believe me I've tried).

    #1) I really need an invisible tile that blocks BJ from passing it and blocks guards as well, but enemy projectiles and BJ's missiles would ideally pass through it (I'm using Poet's missile launcher). It could be either assigned to a certain floor code value or as a object that can be placed similar to the endgame trigger. It cannot be a static object because I intend on using too many on certain maps.

    #2) I also would like missiles to pass through all static objects. No clue where to start there.

    #3) Currently enemy missiles pass through other enemies. I would like them to explode on contact.

    If anyone can point me in the right direction at all it would greatly be appreciated, my TC will just sit waiting to be released until I can figure this stuff out.

    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:37 am


    Last edited by    on Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by doomjedi Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:24 am

    Why to use DOS code?
    "modern" Wolf3D players are SDL-spoiled by this point to want to play with DosBox and crappy framerate.
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by Andy Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:41 am

    For an alternative method for #3, check out this code snippet from the Mac-enstein Second Encounter source code and apply to your situation.

    There's an if/else if/else section which refer to the player's rocket, the player's fire, and then enemy rockets. I would add a similar check for bosses in the player's rocket section, and expand it to include any enemies that should explode the rockets.

    In Mac-enstein, the rockets and fireballs go through all enemies (killing them of course), but explode on impact when they hit bosses.

    This is in WL_ACT2.C :

    void T_Projectile (objtype *ob)
            long    deltax,deltay;
            int             damage;
            long    speed;
            objtype *check, *extracheck;   // Poet: adding a missile launcher

            speed = (long)ob->speed*tics;

            deltax = FixedByFrac(speed,costable[ob->angle]);
            deltay = -FixedByFrac(speed,sintable[ob->angle]);

            if (deltax>0x10000l)
                    deltax = 0x10000l;
            if (deltay>0x10000l)
                    deltay = 0x10000l;

            ob->x += deltax;
            ob->y += deltay;

            if (!ProjectileTryMove (ob))
                    if (ob->obclass == rocketobj)
                            ob->state = &s_boom1;
                    else if (ob->obclass == hrocketobj || ob->obclass == drocketobj)
                            ob->state = &s_hboom1;
                            ob->state = NULL;               // mark for removal


            // Poet: adding a missile launcher. New section: the player's rocket

            if (ob->obclass == rocketobj && ob->flags & FL_NONMARK && ob->flags & FL_BONUS)
                // Check if player's rocket hit anybody
                check = objlist ;
                while (check)
                    if (check->flags & FL_SHOOTABLE)
                        deltax = LABS(ob->x - check->x);
                        deltay = LABS(ob->y - check->y);

                        if (deltax < BJROCKETSIZE && deltay < BJROCKETSIZE)
                            if (check->obclass == bossobj ||   // APN: keep going, except for Bosses
                                check->obclass == gretelobj ||
                                check->obclass == schabbobj ||
                                check->obclass == giftobj ||
                                check->obclass == fatobj ||
                                check->obclass == mechahitlerobj ||
                                check->obclass == realhitlerobj)
                                  ob->state = &s_boom1;    
                            DamageActor (check, 150);

                    check = check->next ;

            else if (ob->obclass == hrocketobj && ob->flags & FL_NONMARK && ob->flags & FL_BONUS)
                // Check if player's fire hit anybody
                check = objlist ;
                while (check)
                    if (check->flags & FL_SHOOTABLE)
                        deltax = LABS(ob->x - check->x);
                        deltay = LABS(ob->y - check->y);

                        if (deltax < BJROCKETSIZE && deltay < BJROCKETSIZE)
                            if (check->obclass == bossobj ||   // APN: keep going, except for Bosses
                                check->obclass == gretelobj ||
                                check->obclass == schabbobj ||
                                check->obclass == giftobj ||
                                check->obclass == fatobj ||
                                check->obclass == mechahitlerobj ||
                                check->obclass == realhitlerobj)
                                  ob->state = &s_hboom1;
                            DamageActor (check, 55);  // APN: fire weaker than missile

                    check = check->next ;


            // Check if player hit by anything
            deltax = LABS(ob->x - player->x);
            deltay = LABS(ob->y - player->y);

               if (deltax < PROJECTILESIZE && deltay < PROJECTILESIZE)
               {       // hit the player
                    switch (ob->obclass)
                    case needleobj:
                            damage = (US_RndT() >>3) + 20;
                    case rocketobj:
                    case hrocketobj:
                    case drocketobj:   // DHW: adding a new projectile (Deathwish)
                    case sparkobj:
                            damage = (US_RndT() >>3) + 30;
                    case fireobj:
                            damage = (US_RndT() >>3);

                    TakeDamage (damage,ob);
                    if (ob->obclass==needleobj || ob->obclass==drocketobj)
                        ob->state=&s_hboom1;   // DHW: make projectile explode (the_fish)
    //                else if (ob->obclass==drocketobj)
    //                {
    //                    ob->state=&s_hboom1;   // DHW: make rocket explode (the_fish)
    //                    PlaySoundLocActor(MISSILEHITSND,ob);
    //                }
                        ob->state = NULL;      // mark for removal

            ob->tilex = ob->x >> TILESHIFT;
            ob->tiley = ob->y >> TILESHIFT;


    Number of posts : 11
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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by racquetball1987 Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:16 am

    Thanks for your help! I was able to get everything working perfectly. I tried the 'macenstein style' rockets too but ultimately decided to stick with the ones that detonate upon hitting a guard. Hopefully in few weeks I'll upload the finished product.

    Doomjedi, maybe everyone is too spoiled to use DOSBox but moving this over to SDL would be a huge job as my code is a huge mess.
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty hmmm

    Post by Nexion Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:24 pm

    doomjedi wrote:Why to use DOS code?
    "modern" Wolf3D players are SDL-spoiled by this point to want to play with DosBox and crappy framerate.
    Oh.. reminds me of WolfForever.
    * why use SDL code?
    * varying tutorials for each
    * varying compiler environment for each
    * personal preferences
    * DOS code is the original
    * how close is the SDL code to the DOS code?
    * creativity challenged by one more limit or "total" freedom of SDL
    * besides isn't DosBox on SDL which would make it sort of DosWolfSDL?
    * DosBox is available on more platforms by default
    * crappy framerate or running it with 3000 cycles? I wonder, how do people play for example Redneck Rampage, Blood, Chasm, TekWar.

    If you can't run "Life On The Streets" smoothly in DosBox you probably have also trouble running "Operation Eisenfaust Legacy" smoothly with SDL. Both eat lots of cpu for breakfast.

    Since this is in the coding section.
    Have you actually tried to code one mod by yourself or have you made one mod more or less all by yourself (which requires more sacrifices)? It's bit different if you don't have a team with people for each section.

    SDL Wolf or DosBox Wolf - which gonna be crippled first by a new (Windows) OS?

    Best advantage of a DOS version:
    it annoys WolfForever

    Btw. good luck with the project, sounds promising if it's something along the lines of Life on the Streets : P

    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:53 pm

    pig monkey cat

    Last edited by Mancubus on Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:48 am; edited 3 times in total
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by doomjedi Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:58 pm

    Have you actually tried to code one mod by yourself or have you made one mod more or less all by yourself (which requires more sacrifices)?
    And I just asked a question many people (even coders) would, as the bottom line is that most (if not nearly all) Wolf3D mods nowdays ARE made on SDL. That's a solid fact, and I bet those modders have a good reason to use SDL (and even me, not being a coder can easily list some of those, like memory limits removal...). So I don't have to be a coder myself to "dare" asking such question. I didn't imply any specific coding knowledge on my side and didn't claim SDL is easier to code, just less limitations. I do think it's easier to play, without need for DosBox.

    I understand your reasoning and where you come from and why DOS might better for you, it's a matter of preference and modding style/process. And I much respect you as a modder.
    I understand the "more platforms" thing...though most people make mods mostly for Windows as it seems.
    I can relate to "keeping original code"...though for me - people don't play code - they play a mod...I don't think people can differ "original" code in a mod they play from "non-original"...so why would they care? Code are just letters...hidden. Maybe because I'm not a coder it's harder for me to relate to a charm of sacred original code...can try through my charm of original sprites vs. new ones - and so I can relate...but there is a big difference...people actually SEE the sprites in the mod. They don't see or feel the code.
    I understand FULLY the creative charm to have stronger engine limitations. I mod Wolf3D blocky engine after all...SDL or not.
    I still think SDL makes you to choose your modding limitations (you can still impose of yourself) and not being forced into a set of limitations (some you like and some limit you too much for your vision or modding style) some of which you don't actually like...
    As long as the mod "feels" and "looks" retro, true to the source.

    But regarding sacrifices...I'll dare to say I did more artwork for "Legacy" than most other modders do on their whole mod coding included...and I didn't do any "sacrifices" artwise. It's all about modding attitude.
    Even having a team (and a coder) behind me it took us 4 years to make "Legacy" (and almost 3 years to make our next mod to be released). So "sacrifices" are made by people who prefer to make sacrifices to get more mods done...they don't have to... Better to make one memorable mod than 10 "play and forget" ones (I reference here no particular mod or modder).
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Creative Designer

    Post by Nexion Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:43 pm

    I'm derailing this more, hope mr.racquet won't mind since he found already a solution.

    I get the point of the port, it's demand and what it's good for. True, you didn't imply anything although you jumped into just to push SDL and claiming DOS framerate is bad. There is a disdain of DOS(Box) despite that it's not really harder to use and runs also other games. If you don't play the code then i don't know what you are doing. I could also say to scrap the graphics cause we have option to be spoiled by 128x128 graphics.

    doomjedi wrote:And I much respect you as a modder.
    Thanks but all my works so far have some flaws and/or are mixed results.

    doomjedi wrote:...people don't play code - they play a mod......people actually SEE the sprites in the mod. They don't see or feel the code.
    Graphics > code (gameplay details (bugs), controls (Quake 3 Defrag anyone?), color depth, sprite scaling in different resolutions, opl...) cause it is not visible? So sure that players don't feel the code or the difference? The charm comes from its entirety. Otherwise i guess you could just replace the music/sound files with high-quality mp3 sounding to 99% same and have x65 files + dll files in the folder being 5678 mb.

    doomjedi wrote:Code are just letters...hidden.
    So is the math of the universe. Some people play games blindfolded even.

    About DOS being original thing; to relate it to your sprites. Didn't you say few times there are original/wolf3d related graphics in your mods to serve just as a candy/homage for wolf3d fans? Why bother with the visual plane then. It could be argued a "sacrifice of vision" was made to appeal to other people.

    doomjedi wrote:But regarding sacrifices...I'll dare to say I did more artwork for "Legacy" than most other modders do on their whole mod coding included...and I didn't do any "sacrifices" artwise. It's all about modding attitude....
    Of course you could do lots of artwork for 4 years because you could focus only on this part (i guess the focus got lost at the titlescreen, npc and other things). For so much artwork the art style and design are incoherent. What's the use of all if it doesn't flow. I know you have graphical skills but they aren't too "visible" across the whole thing.

    Somehow Duke Nukem Forever and Daikatana crossed my mind while thinking about your last paragraph.

    Try to do a mod on your own by just trying the best (or what's possible) in all other departments except graphics.
    Would you give up being spoiled by a team from the beginning or can't your vision of a game be made without a team / could sacrifice it for creative workarounds?
    Or let's say Mr. Ron gets catapulted into space and is never to be seen again.
    Would you do the maps in your style to the bitter end or look for a level designer that delivers your idea perfectly or just cancel it due to impossibility getting close to your idea?

    It's not only about attitude. You can learn programming, music and other things but that doesn't mean you ever gonna have the talent (or people) to do exactly this 1 song you had in your vision for the game music.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by doomjedi Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:37 am

    Nexion wrote:and claiming DOS framerate is bad
    Well, sure it's bad for Build Engine games (and I tried quite some times to run almost each of those with it), but even for Wolf3D mods I've tried it for it had bad framerate for larger DOS mods, "Orb of Dillaria" I remember in particular.
    But for me this is not it's main problem...it's interface is just...very uncomfortable. I have a build with a menu...and still. It doesn't even remember for me last directory.

    If you don't play the code then i don't know what you are doing
    Yes, not using 128x128 art is a good example of self-limitation, engine-unrelated, I put on myself as a modder, for mods to look and feel Wolf3D.
    But I meant, after all those years - I can change 2 pixels in a guard and wolfers will somehow notice the difference and it'll look weird to them. There is real charm and purpose to keep and reuse original art untouched, the art all are used to see and seek to meet.
    Code...if I used this coding function, or that one...original "if" loop or changed it to "while" loop, or changed variable name - who will notice? As long as it emulates the original Wolf3D code closely gameplay-wise. The original syntax can't be sacred...just the result, the feel it creates.

    About DOS being original thing; to relate it to your sprites. Didn't you say few times there are original/wolf3d related graphics in your mods to serve just as a candy/homage for wolf3d fans? Why bother with the visual plane then. It could be argued a "sacrifice of vision" was made to appeal to other people.
    Well, my approach is different from WLHacks who prefers to go for all "hand-made" art from scratch...I try to reuse as much art from other oldies as possible to be effective...and keep it relatively consistent (not to use too many dominant art from different games in one mod), of a more classic look (I always prefer variants of Wolf3D enemies or Bosses to art from other games), and palette.
    It can be indeed seen as sacrifice on my side to speed up the development. Still, I carefully select art I use going over many sources before deciding, and try to use art only if it fits my vision well - so compromise is set to a minimum. I even don't feel compomising, I see it as part of modding, modding charm...make new things from all scrap, reuse, reinvent old art for new uses and ways not thought of before...it's fun of modding.
    This is modding vs. indie game development where all resources have to be new.
    If I'd want or felt capable for "all new" indie game - I'd make indie games and not modding. I mod art... modding - modification of existing.
    This is par to my fun...the limitation...that forces me to be creative with what I have or can find. See the potential in existing art and to bring it to use.

    Would you do the maps in your style to the bitter end or look for a level designer that delivers your idea perfectly or just cancel it due to impossibility getting close to your idea?
    I did try to map. "Origins" had a bonus map based of my design revisited by Ron/Dean ("Entrance") - and some others scrapped, and Xmas pack has 2 my levels revisited the same way - levels I've made - "Village" and "Cold Storage". I've envisioned them, designed them - and mappers just fixed them to higher proper mapping standards and balancing.
    But yes, I love making art and would prefer to focus just on them, finding more skilled artists for the rest of the areas. But working on a team has it's downside - less control, you're more dependable on others ,their mood, vision, free time and will...discussions and decisions are harder and not always to my full liking, it's a compomise...sometimes you wish you'd just do all by yourself, not depending on others. At least back where I had more free time...nowdays I have much less free time to mod and less time to focus on my projects and creativity...since I have a girlfriend....so being part of a team is actually beneficial... modding work is still being done even when I'm busy with my life. But having a team is good too - more balanced decisions, more variable and objective opinions, feedback, better testing...
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty derailinator

    Post by Nexion Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:00 pm

    doomjedi wrote:I have a build with a menu...and still. It doesn't even remember for me last directory.
    Which is funny cause the menu frontends are there to make it easier. I don't like them (just messes up Windows more) and just use a simple batch commandline script. Build engine games run just as well as Legacy. If you can run those advanced wolf shading mods (which require maybe a 3-4 ghz cpu for full FPS) smooth then you probably screwed DosBox yourself.

    doomjedi wrote:original  "if" loop or changed it to "while" loop, or changed variable name - who will notice?
    Sure and I can change 1 pixel in a titlescreen (320*200 = 64000) from black to almost black and it wouldn't make any difference. Take the graphics and code in a similar level.

    Some random example:
    There is Ripper's tutorial of "removing the scalertable". It doesn't change anything visible in the game and the game works pretty much them same. Nevertheless it's way slower (as far as i recall) than the original ASM version and drops quite a lot FPS (8-12 if i remember right) which can be noticable. It's also as default in the SDL version. Can't say for sure if the SDL port would be faster without it but using more caching (+asm) instead of calculation i would guess so (no guarantee). It came to mind now reading about Chris' post on the other forum with DosBox-shading thing.

    doomjedi wrote:This is modding vs. indie game
    Until now an indie game is simply a game made by an independent team. Heck, the wolf mods in the "list topic" i made some weeks ago are basically indie games. There was another term used for mods that did more than just editing few things and was called TC - Total Conversion. Apparently this term seems to be dying and quite less popular these days. I guess Web 2.0 made it too easy; google something fast, edit things, blog about it and throw it into the face of the world.

    doomjedi wrote:....There is real charm and purpose to keep and reuse original art untouched, the art all are used to see and seek to meet.....
    Using 128x128 wouldn't create a Wolf3D feel despite Mac-Wolf and Jaguar Wolf? If you try to meet Wolf3d art style then you automatically sacrifice some creativity. So does taking art with varying art style from other sources which also makes it look like a fruit bowl.
    If you can't change 2 pixel cause of other people, the ones that love those graphics (games), then it sounds more like an excuse to take graphics from other games to appeal more to people for attention or their opinion. More so you being a graphic artist. If you needed it to speed it up or be effective this way and being too busy with life (who isn't?); maybe make mods in smaller scale or it ends in a Duke Nukem Forever syndrome.

    doomjedi wrote:....bonus map...team.....
    Bonus map is an extra, not something that defines the (more important) original mod in the first place and therefore the question remains. Everything has pro and contra, also a team, but it's different if you have no team and no talent for graphics, music, etc. You can have the biggest ambitions and an iron will but never be able to create the 1 song on your own while in a team it's possible even if a compromise is around the corner.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1378
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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by doomjedi Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:28 am

    Nexion wrote:Until now an indie game is simply a game made by an independent team.
    Well, maybe regarding the origins of the term - yes...but for me indie game is "all from scratch" one, a game you can legally sell (if you want to) - with no legal limitations, with no resources borrowed from other older commercial games, so almost no Wolf3D mods are indie games, they are mods, mash-up of edited older game resources.
    And indeed, to be indie game, as the term implies - it also has to not be a game made by some official big gaming company but just people...maybe ex-workers of such game company, but without corporate limitations or creativity limitations.
    Why would you need Moddb.com and Indiedb.com then, separate sites with separate demands? Do you know many (or any) commercial companies making mods of commercial games? Both "types" are developed by independent developers...so all are indie games in your terms. By mod is attached to an engine (of existing earlier commercial game)...you have to define the engine you're basing your mod of - to register a mod on moddb, and that game has to be predefined as legit engine on the site to select.
    All indie games on indiedb site are new engines developed from scratch. THIS - and not being just independent developer - is the main difference between those sites. New resources, including new engine.

    Indeed you can call any "from scratch" game a TC of actually any other game. You can say Doom is Mario TC with code, art, music changed.
    But TC in a classical way means same coding engine is expecte - but new resources - maps, art, sound and music and dressed on it. Those can be new to the engine - but made all new or taken from other game.
    You can make Duke3D TC on Doom engine, or Wolf3D TC on Quake... even with no new resources... for me TC is art/sound/map conversion chat is total - changes all original resources.

    doomjedi wrote:...Using 128x128 wouldn't create a Wolf3D feel despite Mac-Wolf and Jaguar Wolf?
    For me. I do not speak for everyone. Everyone sets for himself what defines Wolf3D experience/ feel/ engine for him.
    Otherwise you will make a games that look like poor Doom engine mods - and not good Wolf3D mods. If I'd want slopes, high walls, non-orthogonal walls etc - I'd mod zDoom or more advanced engine. We are retro-gamers if we mod Wolf3D. But everyone can define for himself how retro he wants or prefers to be, and set limitations for himself. I never played MAC-Wolf at the time..only much later, if at all. So it doesn't...feel Wolf3D-ish for me...sure with 1-directional enemies and how they walk.

    If you can't change 2 pixel cause of other people
    I do alter Wolf3D art in my mods as you know well...make new Boss, enemy, scenery variants etc...I love mods that alter wolf3D art even for the sake of "modding" - doing change...even slight change of color or pixel. Modding is from "modification".
    But I understand the fact that many wolfers feel that using some unchanged Wolf3D art in Wolf3D mods - is sort of special honor for the original engine and game we all love. Just as Stan Lee cameo in every Marvel movie. Those, if unchanged - are sort of cameos, like meeting an old friend again and again. And yes - also speeds game development.

    then it sounds more like an excuse to take graphics from other games
    Well...zDoom art threads are showing that it can be done...but here, in Wolf3D modding community - I don't know many mods that did 8-dir enemies from scratch, beside simmetrical blobs (chosen because they are...blobs, no need to rotate). It's tons of work and mostly redundant to make new 8-dir enemy and not all are up to that (I know how much work it is - I rotated Wolf3D mecha 8 directions). So if you want 8-dir enemies that move like people, and can be sneaked on - you have no choice but using art from other games. It's not an "excuse"...it just what it is.
    I don't try to use "Bodycount" art because I want to appeal to Bodycount fans...etc.
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty the code that went out of the loop

    Post by Nexion Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:00 pm

    Being bit pointless here since the code part is totally gone now: I can edit 20 secs out of a movie. Does that make me a movie editor or not? About commercial mods (though some started with home developers); Team Fortress, Redneck Rampage (to some degree) and Nam 67 come to mind.
    You don't have to do an engine from scratch to make an indie game. There are many indie games running on Game Maker or Unreal engine and I think RetroBlazer runs even on a Quake 1 port.
    You can take art that exists, "mod" it and throw it into a commerical game but only if certain licenses of the art apply. Same with music and sound effects.

    doomjedi wrote:unchanged Wolf3D art in Wolf3D mods - is sort of special honor for the original engine and game we all love. Just as Stan Lee cameo in every Marvel movie.
    Keeping original art is now called sort of honorable cameo? You might have missed it but Stan Lee shows up in a Marvel movie for few seconds compared to 2 hours of run time. Percentage-wise the graphics want to have a word with that. I don't see any big difference here compared to let's say "The Lost World Part 34" except for bit more graphical skill and some higher percentage of edited graphics.
    At some point it gets stale to see graphics reused so many times.  If Stan Lee shows up in EACH Marvel movie.. what's so special about it anymore? For hardcore fans it might be ok but most often you see this problem in commercial games when the sequel features the same or modified old graphics. Even if the mod offers nice gameplay and features it loses part of itself anyways.

    doomjedi wrote:Well...zDoom art threads are showing that it can be done...but here, in Wolf3D modding community
    (z)Doom communities seem to have not the best reputation for ripping/modding art from what i have seen. In other words: just cause other people do or don't do so doesn't mean you need to do so. There goes another part of creativity.

    doomjedi wrote:It's tons of work and mostly redundant to make new 8-dir enemy and not all are up to that. So if you want 8-dir enemies that move like people, and can be sneaked on - you have no choice but using art from other games. It's not an "excuse"...it just what it is.
    And exactly this is an excuse. It's too much work and takes too long. Here comes the point of the team again. If you only do the graphics for 4 years (especially as a skilled graphic artist) compared to a 1-man team, who does all sections together (with limited talents), and end up with this then in all fairness it sounds anything but good. Objectively both projects might be same quality. It's fine if someone wants it this way but then also certain criticism goes with it.

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by racquetball1987 Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:04 pm

    Haha this really did get off topic.. I'm having another problem, wasn't sure if I should start a new topic or not..

    Every time I try to load map 56, 59, or 60 the game dumps me into dos with this "Wolfenstein 3-D Unexpected Error! MM_SetPurge: Block Not Found!"  I tried compiling an older version of my code and this error doesn't seem to happen. There's nothing wrong with the maps themselves as far as I could tell.. Should I just be trying to free up memory or is there something specific that might have caused this?

    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:47 pm


    Last edited by    on Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 11
    Age : 36
    Registration date : 2011-03-05

    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

    Post by racquetball1987 Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:51 pm

    Looks like I only had music assigned to the first 50 maps. Embarassed Can't believe I didn't catch that one. Thanks again __!

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    90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code Empty Re: 90% done a TC and need help with a few minor touches.. 16 bit code

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