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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

Officer-Michael John
Wolfer Software
20 posters

    Shadow Genesis

    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:30 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    Hi all.

    This topic is about a new mod that is being created by me and my brother, Mario Maniac. Yeah, he is still alive, in case you are in doubt.

    First of all, I feel like I should say that this game, like its predecessors, is based in nazis and demons. I understand some of you may not like the idea, but we do. Also, by predecessors, I mean its prequels, all of them. This one is centered in the same story and it involves elements of previous gameses. 

    If you ever played an addon made by us or heard someone criticizing our style, you probably know how things are going to be developed. We enjoy a challenge, and we also enjoy the fact that this won't be a game that you will be able to finish in a couple hours.

    Anyway, we've been working on it for a long time now, although we didn't work that much due to other stuff and whatever. Sprites, sounds, coding and all that stuff, except for maps and music, are already done. Like I said before, there are many level specific codings that are obviously yet to be done.

    We didn't decide yet how many levels the game will have yet. We are just going on with the story, until it is the right time to end. I also think it is worth mentioning the maps are all 128x128. We always thought it was bad to have so many small claustrophobic rooms, but that was the only way to make big nice levels.

    Obviously, I'm not spoiling much yet, but I can guarantee the game has a bunch of never seen before features.

    After that wall of text, here are a bunch of screens, to show something that has been made already. I'll post more screens from time to time in here.

    Official Beta Screenshots (latest released version as of now):

    Shadow Genesis Part 1 Beta Download: (The forum inserts this adfly thing on the link. I can't do anything about that, so don't complain.)
    As bugs are found and fixed, I'll upload new patches here. You should download them as soon as possible. I'll also write what the bug is about.

    Important things before you download this:

    • You can press 'L' to see the ratios so far in the game.
    • The game is incomplete. What you will download is a demo version, which corresponds to the first part of a two part game. This part contains 39 levels. Whenever the full version is released, you WILL lose your savegame.
    • It's probably best not to play this on "I am Death Incarnate" unless you want some big suffering.
    • WolferCooker succeeded in completing the game, but that doesn't mean there are no bugs. In fact, I can almost guarantee there are.
    • If you get stuck somewhere and you feel like there is a bug that prevents you from completing it, it's better if you post it here so everyone can see it, and we can fix it if it's really a bug. If it's not a bug, I won't spoil anything and I won't give you the solution.

    • There are no secret levels for now, although some "mechanisms" that would enable you to get to them are already in the game. That means there can be keys/switches/things that have no objective the way the game is now.
    • Although this should be obvious, READ the ReadThis section.
    • Achievements and mementos aren't in the game yet, even though the ReadThis describe them. Don't mind that, for now.

    Full package (this has been updated and now links to the official beta version):

    Patches (no need to download any of them anymore. All of the patches have been included in the official beta version. The list of patches has been kept here purely as a log).


    Full Game (upcoming, not to be released anytime soon):

    (contains features not currently available on the official beta)

    Small spoiler: Soul Orb Entrance

    That's it for now. Cya.

    Last edited by Mega Luigi on Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:12 pm; edited 36 times in total

    Number of posts : 90
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    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:26 pm

    Now I've been playing Shadow Genesis this week, and I really like the progress of the gameplay so far. Levels from 1 to 11 is perfect, and also difficult, based by the enemies, puzzles, traps and bosses, during the walkthrough progress. Excellent.Very Happy

    But now, it seems that I've come to a barrier that I cannot break through. And it's the puzzle solution in level 12.Sad

    Don't get me wrong, the idea behind this is well thinking and has a red line through the gameplay, but let's be honest here: I find that puzzle extremly difficult. I have been in every single rooms, found those items, read informations and tried to get some results about fifty times, but still got no results. It feels like cogwheels and gears in my brain is getting rusty each try, and now I'm almost exhausted in my head.

    Maybe I'm not the only one who had problem with this puzzle during the level. Level 9 had also a puzzle that was difficult, but I managed it after a few hours. This one feels eternally to resolve.

    And now I'm in the point that I almost give up. For an alchemist like me.Sad
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:01 pm

    I figured this would be a problem since I had big trouble with it myself the first time around. It actually took me 5 days to get it right. Mega Luigi did say he'll make changes to that to make it easier in the final version.

    Alrighty then. Did you find the red fang plant? If not, head to the elevator you first started in as what Snake said.

    I'll give you the lowdown for the first part of the puzzle for free, but I'm not giving it all away right now and the remaining parts I will give you hints otherwise Mega Luigi will chastise me for giving it all away too soon.  

    Look at the book to make C-infinity. It says to use 30% C-Epsilon and put into C-Delta. Pretty self explanatory there. ERASE ALL MIXTURES BEFORE STARTING ANEW. Once you made C-infinity, select it and mix it with itself (any ratio), then select it again and use the mixture in the coil. That'll regenerate the coil. Go back to the hellish room where you see the power supply and place it there. This will turn on the Temp/mixture gauges located in the very back wall behind the science equipment.

    And that's the first part of 5 of the puzzle to get you started.

    I'd advise you to READ the manuals (minus the C-infinity manual) again and READ CAREFULLY. Jot down notes or take a screenshot of each page to save you time. Also, there is a VERY important billboard to look at located in a nazi office. Find it and screenshot it.

    Even I still have trouble remembering a part or two of this puzzle since it's one of the longer ones.

    Number of posts : 90
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    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:03 pm

    Thank you very much, WolferCooker, but this part you described now I managed to do that, which it took me one day to find out. It is the potions of NZ01 and NZ02 and how to combine it to NZ which I find quite difficult and confusing.

    But I'll rather wait for the final version when it come, since I have two small children to play with them. Looking forward patiently.Smile
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:07 am

    What you need to do is extract the red fang dye AND its oil in order to use NZ01 and NZ02. NZ01 and NZ02 don't mix together.

    Look at the botany manual and READ CAREFULLY.

    Number of posts : 90
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    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:26 am

    Thanks again. Will try to figure out later.

    However, on level 10, after I visited the demon realm through teleportation, every objects and enemies outside the realm change the colour to pale ashes. Is that a bug, or is it intended to be?:I
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:42 am

    Seems to be a bug due to different shading in the same map. Everyone will experience it. It'll fix itself after you beat the level.

    BTW, another hint for Level 12, when you do mixtures that require you to change temperature, pressure, or both, set them BEFORE you mix. If you have to do the mixture over, set it again.
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
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    Bring em' On!

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:28 pm

    Seems like a lot happened during my absence, nice. WolferCooker's tips can be of great help for you, but if you still have problems, please let us know.

    And about level 10, I suppose I could say there's smoke in your eyes and that it was intentional, but that would seem like a lame excuse (and it really is). Well, since it's not a big problem, I'll not release a patch just for that. I'll wait until some other bug is found (I'm always very optimistic) then I fix that.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:06 pm

    I'm no fan of mixing things by itself as I told Mega that during testing, but this is the case right now.

    Forgive me Mega, but I don't want him or anyone else have this kind of trouble I did. I will tell them specifically what to do to obtain the missing parts, but the final thing they have to do on their own is to solve the final part regarding the Ultimate Chemical Weapon.

    - To obtain the red fang dye, you have to strip the red fang itself. That's where the stripping agent comes in. Mix the red fang with itself (unfortunate), then go to the process controls (temp, pressure, and separation), select separation and then stripping.

    Remember: discard ALL mixtures when starting over

    - To obtain its oil, mix the red fang dye with itself, then go to the process controls again, select filtration from the separation menu (from Botany manual), and then select oil/water separation the second time.

    Now this where NZ01 and NZ02 come in.

    - based on the NZ01/NZ02 manual, a small amount of NZ01 is used to extract the toxin through electrophoresis ("hint hint", "hint hint"). Select what you think is a small amount of NZ01 and mix it with the dye. Then back to the process controls you go and select electrophoresis. This is how NZ00 is obtained. (not gonna exactly give you the 'small amount' og NZ01 right here)

    - To make it active, mix 10% of NZ02 (as the NZ01/NZ02 manual says) with NZ00, but you MUST set the temperature first (via process controls). The temp range is the manual. After all that, you obtain NZ.

    Now you have all the parts you need to make the 'Ultimate Chemical Weapon'. This is where you must solve it by yourselves. Go back to the offices and look for a big billboard and it will tell you what ingredients are needed and their required percentages. This where the mixing statistics comes in handy for you check the percentages of your mixture. It's to the left of the process controls. BE SURE TO SET THE TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE before mixing as it states on the billboard.

    Once you have that, to exit the level, you need to poison its water supply. There are 6 total animated waterfalls on the walls of both waterways (3 on each side). Find them and then simply tap the 'open' button (like you're gonna search for pushwalls) in front of each waterfall.

    Number of posts : 90
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    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:35 pm

    I will thank all you guys for helping me very much. Now it seems that all my rusty gear in my brain is smeared with oil and grease to keep my motivation up and proceed further on my walkthrough.

    Now I decided to stop ask you guys for more help. It is time that I shall figure it by myself, even if I get stuck for next puzzle solution, unless if there's bug to prevent from doing that. I will rather ask some trivia and questions from the game and previous releases, when the time will come.

    On the other side, I've decided to create a new topic very soon on this forum. It will base on enemies and boss sprites, but I will describe it more when I'll create it. Maybe next week, two weeks or within a month I guess, but I can guarantee it will be quite interesting.

    Stay tuned:D
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 161
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:20 pm

    Yeah, I also agree that mixing things with themselves is a bit weird, but I also wanted to make the player think about the percentages after the mixings, considering you always have to choose two compounds, even if it is the same one. The way you speak it sounds like a torture, haha. You've gotta admit it was fun. Very infinitely fun.

    I remember your PM:
    "Oh dear god... Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated  Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated Frustrated"

    Well, maybe I was too cruel there. Let's see what people think about this. After all, like I said, I can always make it harder should people want. Twisted Evil 

    @brickgolem: Sure, feel free to ask anything you want. Just as a tip for recognizing bugs, we will never do things that will force you to die/restart the level or anything like that intentionally. I mean that concerning the real "main-flow" of the level, excluding secret areas. In other words, if you ever get stuck in a situation like that, then there's probably something wrong, and let me know if that happens. I'm curious about that topic you mentioned. Looking forward to it.

    Number of posts : 90
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    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:48 pm

    I have always wondered about the Mutant SS: why it shouts when you approached them, unlike other mutants which become silent? And despite have immunity to pain, why do they paralyze when you shoot them?

    Still laughing everytime the head of SS Sergeant explode at the same time they yell "Scheissekopf". How is it possible? Very Happy

    And I managed the Level 12. Seems I don't have to bang my head to the wall anymore.
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 161
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:50 pm

    Oh, so it seems someone wants to know too much. There are question that should never be asked! Evil or Very Mad  So don't complain if you find a dead fish laying on your desk some day. Firing a Gun 

    Well, jokes aside, I wish I knew what we were thinking when we did that Mutant SS, since it's been so long since he first appeared. I think they used that sound on Beyond Mutantstein SE for the Mutant SS and we liked it.

    I also agree about the SS Sergeant, really makes no sense at all. I find it even funnier if you throw a syringe at him. I mean, why the hell his head explodes after being hit by a syringe? Maybe B.J. has an overwhelming strength we never knew about.

    And I'm glad you succeeded on level 12. Sorry if it was too hard.

    Anyway, I've posted a new patch on the first page for a fix concerning holy crosses.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
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    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:56 am

    I like a switcher open an eletronically door. I like it adding this function,but I don‘t know how to adding?
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 161
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    Registration date : 2012-11-01

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:46 pm

    Heya, people.

    I'm glad so far we haven't found too many bugs, and most of them weren't really major bugs. Tomorrow I'll be traveling and won't be back until March, so anything that happens during that time won't be fixed. I may be able to reply at times, but I won't be able to test or fix anything. Just for letting you guys know.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 332
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    Hobbie : Video and Wolf 3D mode making
    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:07 am

    I making a detail video from Shadow Genesis level 3. Fight with Submarine Willie from Lost episodes mod.

    Video link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmu-ykC88uU&feature=youtube_gdata_player

    Number of posts : 90
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    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:21 pm

    Since I'm playing Shadow Genesis from the release to now on, I will wait to create the topic about enemy/bosses sprites for a little while. I will first play the whole game to the end, and search for some bugs during the gameplay. Then I'll post a review about the game.Very Happy

    And speaking of the bugs, I've found a big one on level 13, where you can shut down the Guardian even if you haven't got the key card from the Skull Mutant.

    But where is the Book of the Dead on level 11 and 19?
    Or the Orb of Fate on level 14?

    This game is getting exciting each step I'll take. Wow.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:02 pm

    brickgolem wrote:shut down the Guardian even if you haven't got the key card from the Skull Mutant.

    You're supposed to shut down The Guardian BEFORE you enter the hallway opposite its position. Key is you can't engage with it (when active) since it's invincible. Even if you lure it to an area you can trap it in, it'll eventually break free and catch up to you since it's fast. You can't outrun it forever.

    However, The Guardian is supposed to reactivate once you kill the skull mutant (says so by BJ quote) so you have to race to the exit once you get the final key.

    Tell me EXACTLY how you got that to happen and I'll try to reproduce it. I never had any problems with The Guardian when I tested it.

    brickgolem wrote:But where is the Book of the Dead on level 11 and 19?
    Or the Orb of Fate on level 14?

    In Level 11, if you haven't noticed, there are a few areas in the wooden hallway that are covered in death artifacts where the mutants come out of. One of them is a mini secret area. If you haven't noticed by now, after you kill the boss, there's a time delay in completing in the level. At the same time, after you kill the boss, he drops a holy cross and you see at the end of the arena a death artifact, another holy cross and a teleport. Put 2 and 2 together there... (hint hint). Be sure to get there very fast. 

    There's no need to collect the Orbs of Fate right now. They are purely aesthetic in this version, but they won't be in the final version. Also, if you read the ReadThis, they are easing the challenge of collecting all Orbs of Fate. You don't have to collect every one of them, but you still have to collect most of them. There will be a later level in this version where you clearly can't get at one which I told them a while back and they will fix it eventually.

    It's been a couple weeks since I've played it due to school reasons so my memory with the game isn't quite as good as what it was.

    FYI, Mario Maniac and Mega Luigi are on hiatus right now since they are on vacation so report problems to me from now on. If you beat the game, brick, start over and keep playing it because there are many mini-secrets (most are not pushwall related and don't count towards the secret % ratio) that you have most likely missed on the earlier levels. Same goes for everyone else.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 332
    Age : 26
    Hobbie : Video and Wolf 3D mode making
    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:36 am

    It one little problem. I playing on 4th level and I don't found a Gold key. I search and not I found.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:42 pm

    This will be the only one time I will help you. Search every dead doctor's body for it. The ones that are slumped against the walls and carrying a pistol.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 332
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    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:39 am

    Where and what room I'm searching a dead doctors?
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Sat Feb 27, 2016 11:48 am

    Look for these guys throughout the map. That's all I'm gonna tell you.

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Screen10

    Number of posts : 90
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:44 pm

    Sorry for the late post, WolferCooker, but I'm in the process where family time is my top priority.

    But here is my explanation: I've played on level 13 twice, and managed to the exit too, but the first gameplay I played on patch 2 (beta 2), and on the second gameplay I played on patch 5 (beta 5).

    The gameplay on patch 2 was no wrong at all, since I killed first the Skull Mutant, grabbed the Key Card and shutted off the Guardian to proceed to the mutant area.
    But the gameplay on patch 5, I could actually shut off the Guardian before I kill the Skull Mutant and grab the Key Card.
    And the screen doesn't glow red when you picked up the Soul Orb.

    That was my explanation. Now I must ask you for a little help:

    On Level 25 (Underworld), I've getting stucked when I come to the shrine with an Orb of Enlightening, sealed by artifact of death. And I have no holy crosses. The Hunter, which I gave him attention on the other side with a gunshot, must be the key (quote by Orb of Despair), but I can' t manage to find it. Any suggestion?
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Location : Pennsylvania, U.S.A
    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Sat Feb 27, 2016 7:51 pm

    brick, you see the colored torches very close to the lake that's blocking you from the shrine? Go past them and head like you're going into the lake but face the shrine when doing so. There is a invisible warping tile that will transport you across.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 332
    Age : 26
    Hobbie : Video and Wolf 3D mode making
    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:54 am

    WolferCooker wrote:Look for these guys throughout the map. That's all I'm gonna tell you.

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Screen10

    How do I find it? It is hidden behind a secret place in the 4th level?
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
    Age : 34
    Location : Pennsylvania, U.S.A
    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:31 pm

    Looks like I got confused between the 4th and 5th levels.

    Michael-John, for Level 4, you have to kill ALL the enemies in the first set of the map where you can wander around (before you're able to get the keys). One of them will drop the yellow key. You probably didn't account for the enemies behind the pillar columns in one of the wooden rooms and/or you didn't look hard enough to find a room or two with enemies that are connected by very narrow hallways.

    The screenie I showed is for Level 5 and is an example of the sprite that holds the yellow key. There are 6 or 7 of them scattered throughout the first part of the map and one of them will have it.

    Number of posts : 90
    Age : 40
    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:06 pm

    I have tried and tried to come any further in the level 25, but now comes the moment I have no idea what I should now.

    I will describe my walkthrough from the beginning to where I get stuck on the level 25:

    1: I've killed first all nazis/mutants/demons in the first open areas before I went into the wooden hut.
    2: Then I went into the teleporter to come to the brown lab on the other side of the lake.
    3: There in the lab I killed all the enemies and grabbed the holy cross guarded by a Ubermutant. I also find the secret with two pushwalls right side of the lab. ( the one and only secret I've found).
    4: With the holy cross, I've teleport back and went into the forbidden tomb, where I used the cross and find the gold key at the dead body where the zombies are wandering.
    5: With the gold key, I've opened the locked doors, killed all the enemies there and went into a T-shaped cross.
    6: I've went first on the left side where there's a lot of tall grasses, killed all of zombies, hellhounds and hellkeepers, find the book of the dead and search everywhere. Then I come to two blue torches which seems to have an invisible barrier, which forced me to return to the T-shaped cross.
    7: On the right side I've killed everything, including the Hunter. Then I passed through the other two blue torches at the lake and went into the invisible warp tile, which I come to the shrine on the other side of the lake.

    And now I'm stuck in the shrine. With the red skull screenlock showing up and no holy crosses at my hand, how I'm supposed to pass through the death artifacts? No pushwalls or secret walkways I've found either at the shrine. I've used a gunshot, and the other Hunter come to the other side of the lake, between the two torches I've warped to the shrine. I didn't find any solution what I shall do now, as I ran out all of ideas of what it was possible.Sad

    Is the something I've missed which prevent me to go any further? Is there other pushwalls I've overseen? Is there something wrong I did which I cannot go further? Overall, have you some hint to me, WolferCooker?
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:08 pm

    I'm confused. I found the flag in a wood inserted into the wall and I can not go there.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:09 am

    Huh. I remember hearing about this mod a long time ago. I see that it's still getting worked on. I'm not sure how many 128x128 mods there are now. I will probably give it a whirl when it's done.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:35 am

    Well, Shadow Genesis is maybe the only mod I know which have 128x128 maps. But the Operation: Serpent has bigger maps, which is around 185x185 maps.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:46 am

    I'm doing well a 128X128 maps in my frist mod (updated version) and in my second mod (SDL version).
    Mega Luigi
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:06 am

    Hello, guys. We're back. Now we can reply and get back to bug fixing. We had almost no access to internet, and the few times we had was a short time and very slow connection.

    After you get teleported to that place, you should have some dialogues before the artifacts disappeared automatically. Then, you would be teleported back to the torches, automatically too.
    Didn't that happen to you? I tested that and it worked fine. If it didn't happen, might be something more serious.

    Also, thanks for telling me about the Guardian. It should be working fine now.
    Officer-Michael John
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:09 am

    Hi Mega Luigi! Welcome again here on forum. You know helping for Me. I don't know founding a Gold key on 4th level.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:43 am

    You mean the dialogues from the Snake or the Evil Yoshi itself, Luigi?

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Somebody please explain.

    Post by stathmk Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:57 am

    brickgolem wrote:You mean the dialogues from the Snake or the Evil Yoshi itself, Luigi?
    Somebody please explain.  I haven't gotten around to playing Shadow Genesis yet.  I should play it.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:51 am

    brickgolem wrote:I have tried and tried to come any further in the level 25, but now comes the moment I have no idea what I should now.

    I will describe my walkthrough from the beginning to where I get stuck on the level 25:

    1: I've killed first all nazis/mutants/demons in the first open areas before I went into the wooden hut.
    2: Then I went into the teleporter to come to the brown lab on the other side of the lake.
    3: There in the lab I killed all the enemies and grabbed the holy cross guarded by a Ubermutant. I also find the secret with two pushwalls right side of the lab. ( the one and only secret I've found).
    4: With the holy cross, I've teleport back and went into the forbidden tomb, where I used the cross and find the gold key at the dead body where the zombies are wandering.
    5: With the gold key, I've opened the locked doors, killed all the enemies there and went into a T-shaped cross.
    6: I've went first on the left side where there's a lot of tall grasses, killed all of zombies, hellhounds and hellkeepers, find the book of the dead and search everywhere. Then I come to two blue torches which seems to have an invisible barrier, which forced me to return to the T-shaped cross.
    7: On the right side I've killed everything, including the Hunter. Then I passed through the other two blue torches at the lake and went into the invisible warp tile, which I come to the shrine on the other side of the lake.

    And now I'm stuck in the shrine. With the red skull screenlock showing up and no holy crosses at my hand, how I'm supposed to pass through the death artifacts? No pushwalls or secret walkways I've found either at the shrine. I've used a gunshot, and the other Hunter come to the other side of the lake, between the two torches I've warped to the shrine. I didn't find any solution what I shall do now, as I ran out all of ideas of what it was possible.Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Icon_sad

    Is the something I've missed which prevent me to go any further? Is there other pushwalls I've overseen? Is there something wrong I did which I cannot go further? Overall, have you some hint to me, WolferCooker?

    Did you ever activate the conversation between BJ and the Orb after you warped to the shrine?

    I might consider making a temporary walkthrough so people can see what's up.
    Mega Luigi
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:54 pm

    @brickgolem: It's actually none of them, it's as WolferCooker said, a dialogue between B.J. and the orb, which is represented by that radio icon.

    @stathmk: Yeah, I imagine this might sound funny for someone who has not played the game. Don't worry though, the atmosphere is pretty much like it was in The Lost Relic.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:09 pm

    What software is needed to record Wolf4SDL? I know recording a demo doesn't cut it.
    Mega Luigi
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:44 pm

    I used Fraps for the teaser video.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:02 pm

    I actually changed my mind recording a walkthrough. I feel too embarrassed showing off my Wolf3d skills.

    The way I play Wolf3d is I constantly reload to correct any mistakes I make and I try to get 100% everything on every map. These 128 X 128 maps make me forgetful sometimes on what to find, do, etc.

    I thoroughly search for secrets/treasure on every level and it takes me much longer to complete it even though I know the way to exit. With Shadow Genesis, there is so much random chance and trial and error to complete some levels and also reveal secrets, get treasure, kill enemies, pick up randomly dropped items, etc.

    For example, in the very first level, if you want to get 100% everything, it will take luck and skill to do so. Soldiers randomly drop helmets, heath, and even different kinds of ammo. You'd have to constantly reload and kill the same soldier over and over if you want to get armor and above 100% health by eating wild mushrooms. Having near 150% health and 100 armor is your best chance to survive the ambush site. The ambush site has treasure so if you strategically kill everyone there, you also have to make sure your health is at or below 12% before you kill your final enemy because you'd have the best chance to kill yourself with a wild mushroom. Even then it's no guarantee because you could also gain health from it as well.

    Unless you guys want to specifically see how I do it, I won't do any walkthroughs because the way I play makes me think that I'm a coward. Sometimes constantly reloading to get enemies to drop random items can really come in handy then or later on in the game.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:21 am

    Through I managed to complete Level 25, I find it all situation a little bit weird. When I came to the T-shaped cross and went to the right first, everything was right as it should. But when I went to the left side and exterminate all of enemies, picked up all ammos and treasures, I've got stuck when I went to the right afterwards in the shrine. It was no dialogue between BJ and the Orb, but Yoshi that talked to me. And I'm no kidding at all.Exclamation

    Overall it looks like a bug. The dialogue I've had with Yoshi at the shrine was the same dialogue both in Level 22 (Chronicles), where I grabbed the Orb guarded by a Vulcan Cannon, and in Level 23 (Under the World), where I took the orb where the blue key is. I'm playing with the latest patches.Exclamation

    Anyway, I'm on Level 27. It's getting darker now...pale
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:55 am

    Weird... then again I never did do what you did.
    Mega Luigi
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:51 am

    It's very weird. I checked the map and the coding, and those messages are only to be triggered in their respective maps. There's also nothing in the map to trigger any kind of events in the part you mentioned.
    Do you have your saved game from that part? What happened to you shouldn't even be possible, actually.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Officer-Michael John, I need you to read.

    Post by stathmk Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:27 am

    WolferCooker wrote:You will do no such thing Michael-John. You will NOT go around and do as you please with other people's Wolf3d mods and release them as your own without their permission and giving them the proper credit.

    What you are doing is beyond annoying and it's pissing off a lot of people in the Wolf community. You may like other people's Wolf3d mods, but you do not respect their work and privacy. Mario Maniac and Mega Luigi have no intentions of releasing any of their source codes and that's that.

    This isn't a country club where everyone is fine with what you do. There are subtle rules around here and you are not following them.

    I was like you once. I even pissed off the great Wolf Skevos-Jones. Not sure if he forgives me for what happened all those years ago, but it made me realize that there are boundaries that you shouldn't cross.

    If you keep this up, I will put in a good word to Dark_wizzie to ban you from this forum. You see your reputation points? They're in the negatives. You wanna know why? It's because you have not earned the trust and the respect of the Wolf community here as a whole. Just because they aren't saying anything to you doesn't mean that they are okay with what you are doing. I've seen on DHW that one Wolfer did not appreciate you making a mod that came straight from his source code and you didn't give him the credit.

    You better clean up your act because not only you'll get banned here, you'll also get banned from DHW as well.

    This is my last post to you because I am done with your shenanigans. Good day to you sir.
    Officer-Michael John, please briefly read https://wolf3d.darkbb.com/t3449-mod-makers-who-plagiarize-any-more-will-be-banned & tell me by private message if you understand.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:07 am

    Fortunately, I have the saved game from that part. Thank goodness I didn't delete or overwrite it. I will soon send the saved file from my private message to yours if my free time allows it.

    It feels like when you start the level again without weapons, you'll lose some of your favourite guns which you find it quite handy. Especially when you're on the level 28 and the bloodbath is overloaded. What a thriller.

    I will likely ask you, Mega and WolferCooker, just for the gameplay: Which is your favourite/most difficult level you're faced on? Which level combined with music and atmosphere is the scariest you've been? And which enemy do you find the most annoying of them all?
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:51 am

    Cool, glad to know you still have it. If you ever encounter any other weird bug like that, if you can make a backup of that savegame and send it to me, it's always very helpful.

    About losing your weapons, yeah, the way it is now, unless you are really screwed in your savegame, there's really no point in dying. I can't say I really like it.

    As for the last question, it's funny to say that, but neither me or Mario have played the game as a whole. I mean, we tested our levels individually (and that's part of the reason why there are/were bugs that only happen when you play a full game), but not the full game. Also, when we tested them, there were no new musics, only the original ones playing, and that quite changes the atmosphere. I also feel like my opinions are a bit too biased concerning the favorite parts. I mean, since I thought about them (talking about the levels I made, obviously), it's reasonable that I would like them, right? Well, this is not entirely true, since sometimes things don't turn as good as you wanted them to, although I can't remember that happening on this game. Still, as a creator, the moments that turned the best in my opinion considering the levels I made were the following:

    *The fight with Dark Inquisitor + the entrance to the soul orb
    *Level 36 bosses (not sure if you got there already, so I won't spoil much about them)
    *Level 37 in general

    Just as a curiosity, for the most part of the game, even numbered levels were made by me and odd numbered levels by Mario, except for:
    -Levels 16, 17 & 18, which were made by me and are centered in a subplot.
    -Levels 21, 22 & 23, which were made by Mario.
    -Levels 36 & 37, which were made by me. Again centered in a subplot that gives some explanations concerning the main plot.
    -Levels 38 & 39, which are the final levels and were made by Mario.

    As for an annoying enemy, I don't really recall any of them being specially annoying (unlike what happened in the Lost Relic). That may be because we restrained lots of them to specific environments, and it's a lot better this way, if you ask me. Still, I think the snipers on level 28 were even a bit cruel of me Twisted Evil. When I tested the level, I was killed countless times by them. But, like I said, since they do not appear in many levels, I don't find them really annoying. There is also a considerable quantity of monsters reserved only for the second part of the game, as there are also monsters in the first part that won't come back on the second part.

    Hmm, I guess I wrote much more than I intended to. Sorry about that Cool
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:16 pm

    Levels 37-38 fascinate me the most, Brick.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:15 am

    Hey Mega Luigi! I send to for you a my savegames in private. Because I don't found a Gold key on 4th level?
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:37 am

    Oh I finally see what you did wrong there MJ. You used the pushwall to shortcut yourself back into the wooden corridor before you got the gold key thus blocking it.

    MJ, start the level over again. When you do, STAY in the section of the map that is wooden where you start. The gold key is behind the small roundabout in the room where you encounter lots of mutants.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:08 pm

    Michael-John, what WolferCooker said is true and is a bug, indeed. I didn't receive your e-mail with the savegame, by the way. That'll be definitely fixed for the final version.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 3 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:10 pm

    I found a Gold key on 4th level WolferCooker. Thanks.

    Hey Mega Luigi! I teleport on 1st level and I watch a lots of enemy and I don‘t killing an all. I don‘t pick up a staying treasure.

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