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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

Officer-Michael John
Wolfer Software
20 posters

    Shadow Genesis

    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
    Bring em' On!
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:30 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    Hi all.

    This topic is about a new mod that is being created by me and my brother, Mario Maniac. Yeah, he is still alive, in case you are in doubt.

    First of all, I feel like I should say that this game, like its predecessors, is based in nazis and demons. I understand some of you may not like the idea, but we do. Also, by predecessors, I mean its prequels, all of them. This one is centered in the same story and it involves elements of previous gameses. 

    If you ever played an addon made by us or heard someone criticizing our style, you probably know how things are going to be developed. We enjoy a challenge, and we also enjoy the fact that this won't be a game that you will be able to finish in a couple hours.

    Anyway, we've been working on it for a long time now, although we didn't work that much due to other stuff and whatever. Sprites, sounds, coding and all that stuff, except for maps and music, are already done. Like I said before, there are many level specific codings that are obviously yet to be done.

    We didn't decide yet how many levels the game will have yet. We are just going on with the story, until it is the right time to end. I also think it is worth mentioning the maps are all 128x128. We always thought it was bad to have so many small claustrophobic rooms, but that was the only way to make big nice levels.

    Obviously, I'm not spoiling much yet, but I can guarantee the game has a bunch of never seen before features.

    After that wall of text, here are a bunch of screens, to show something that has been made already. I'll post more screens from time to time in here.

    Official Beta Screenshots (latest released version as of now):

    Shadow Genesis Part 1 Beta Download: (The forum inserts this adfly thing on the link. I can't do anything about that, so don't complain.)
    As bugs are found and fixed, I'll upload new patches here. You should download them as soon as possible. I'll also write what the bug is about.

    Important things before you download this:

    • You can press 'L' to see the ratios so far in the game.
    • The game is incomplete. What you will download is a demo version, which corresponds to the first part of a two part game. This part contains 39 levels. Whenever the full version is released, you WILL lose your savegame.
    • It's probably best not to play this on "I am Death Incarnate" unless you want some big suffering.
    • WolferCooker succeeded in completing the game, but that doesn't mean there are no bugs. In fact, I can almost guarantee there are.
    • If you get stuck somewhere and you feel like there is a bug that prevents you from completing it, it's better if you post it here so everyone can see it, and we can fix it if it's really a bug. If it's not a bug, I won't spoil anything and I won't give you the solution.

    • There are no secret levels for now, although some "mechanisms" that would enable you to get to them are already in the game. That means there can be keys/switches/things that have no objective the way the game is now.
    • Although this should be obvious, READ the ReadThis section.
    • Achievements and mementos aren't in the game yet, even though the ReadThis describe them. Don't mind that, for now.

    Full package (this has been updated and now links to the official beta version):

    Patches (no need to download any of them anymore. All of the patches have been included in the official beta version. The list of patches has been kept here purely as a log).


    Full Game (upcoming, not to be released anytime soon):

    (contains features not currently available on the official beta)

    Small spoiler: Soul Orb Entrance

    That's it for now. Cya.

    Last edited by Mega Luigi on Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:12 pm; edited 36 times in total
    Bring em' On!
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:36 pm

    I don't know if this is a glitch in-game, but when I picked up the skull staff ammo, my staff didn't increase in ammo (maybe there is another stave possibly?)... Then when my staff runs lower on ammo, it slowly increments overtime.  Finally, when having the staff out, time freezes or at least moves extremely slow, like 1 second = 10-15 IRL seconds, then also events in the game either freeze or executes in the next tick.

    Another glitch that occurs in the Snake level (lv 37), is where Snake automatically stops moving and becomes an object where you can just walk over rather than a solid actor. He also doesn't really respond to the commands given when he gets glitched out like that.

    Currently finishing up level 38 and then moving towards the final level in the beta. Smile

    Last edited by Milanor on Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    Registration date : 2014-05-23

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:54 pm

    I've cleared level 38, and it was quite a challenging, but yet good level, though there is one part where the enemy spawns infinitely from stepping past a certain row, and that part is quite hectic.  I tried to take things one at a time and clear a path through, though fighting in close quarters and limited movement while dealing with boss-like enemies, that's hellish. Neutral I've saved my invincibility artifact for that moment.  All the other shadow trials (don't want to go into too much detail here) ok, though it is a tough level.  I will want to say thanks to Mario for allowing a save (event based) when collecting a key. 

    Speaking of keys, there is a red key door though I did find two additional keys (neither are the red keys) in optional (non-secret) areas.  So I'm not sure if I missed something or a design error? Shocked Plus, I think there is an area that I cannot revisit after doing an event.

    So I'll let Mario comment on this whenever he is on. Smile Right now I'm going to tackle the final level of this beta, level 39.
    Mario Maniac
    Mario Maniac
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    Can I Play, Daddy?

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mario Maniac Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:21 am

    I wonder if it was that obvious I made level 38. @ 
    The keys you found are used for the doors. If you had found the red key, you would also have found the other keys ' locked doors behind the red key one. Well I'm going by what you told me. I don't remember which door comes first.
    If you fought all the creatures you said, you did it wrong. pirate  I forgot now, but it's possible go thru that and return by summoning monsters only twice. Of course, if you completed the raids challenge first, you will have a lot of ammo to use there. And yea, the area where you fight the dark cardinal will remain closed after you go there.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 127
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2014-05-23

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:13 pm

    I've just beat the game, on Bring 'Em On difficulty! Very Happy I have to say, it is quite amazing and wow the last boss fight was long, but was still a bit more generous than that one fight I had with Dark Inquisitor (probably due to the amount of space to move around and no other minions around thankfully. Smile Then again his attacks are nothing to sneeze at because they can easily destroy BJ should there be a small mistake or so. Also due to the long phase of the fight, and no saving in between phases and transitions is what makes it challenging as well too.). I did wonder, why did the game crash afterwards and not have an endgame statistic? I was curious to see level 40 but I guess it is not available.

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Cleare12
    I do still plan to revisit various parts of the game and try to find other ways around it or unlock some more secrets as I do have questions in regards to it.  Maybe I might find some more (undiscovered) glitches, bugs, or anormalities throughout the game and then let you guys know. Smile

    Anyways, I plan to write a review which will have my thoughts, suggestions, and constructive criticisms on the game itself (it's unlikely to be public due to spoilers unless you would ok it.) and I will probably send you the doc file once I'm done. 

    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:48 pm

    Cognratulations on that. Now we know for sure it is really possible Cool.

    Hmm, level 40 is not supposed to crash the game. Actually, the game should be ended as soon as you started level 40. That map is actually not the one you should play after level 39, since that is actually a secret level. We just let it there because the game would end anyway, so...

    I seriously hope you find more bugs so that we can have an (almost) bug-free final version later. I look forward to seeing your review, but yeah, ideally we wouldn't want to spoil too much, since there are decisions you make throughout the game that can change other parts later, and it would kind of ruin the fun. Receiving some feedback is the coolest part of releasing a game.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 127
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2014-05-23

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:54 pm

    I would ask about the skull staff abnormality, is it intended to recharge over time (very slowly), or does it not accept skull staff ammo (I picked it up in earlier levels but the ammo didn't increase). Also, I've noticed that it stops time (or slows it to about 1/10th-1/15th of a second in real life time) and events as well, so was that the function of the skull staff?

    Also, you don't need to answer this, but I don't know if there are other weapons I didn't pick up but keybinds 7,8,9, and 10 only have one weapon. I'm sure there might be another one but missed it during the playthrough?
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
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    Number of posts : 161
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:09 pm

    Ah, it took me some time to understand what's happening. You're right, that staff does recharge slowly, but there is no ammo for it. The thing is, that staff is not the "skull staff" for which you picked up the ammo. Skull staff is another staff, which you most likely didn't find, I suppose. I'm pretty sure when you picked up that staff there was a message "Rubbish", which is because we never decided how to name that weapon Evil or Very Mad, but all you have to know for now is that it is not the skull staff.

    As for slowing down time, I really have no idea why that happened, that was not intended at all, nor does it happens here. You probably noticed that weapon fires two different types of projectiles. Did you notice if that happens on both of them?

    Not all of those buttons have more than one weapon, but I'm sure you never found some secret weapons. pirate
    Bring em' On!
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:54 pm

    Ah yes, there is one projectile that does rebounds a couple of times after hitting a wall or passing through an enemy, and there is another projectile that just goes like a normal one.  

    As far as the secret weapons, you are correct that I haven't found all of them yet, and I will try to look for the skull staff as well as other ones (if there are any more). Perhaps having those other weaponry could have made my hard difficulty run a bit smoother.  tongue

    Edit: I just found a bug where you don't take damage from a corrupted cacodemon after a certain point in level 37.  I think it has something to do with Snake's behavior, not sure. Usually when you are within a few squares of the C. Caco, you take 1% damage every few ticks or so, and 1% damage being 1-2 squares away for every 2 seconds or so when the C. Caco is dead.  The bug seems to temporarily disappear in level 38 when I took the sparking orb or something.

    Also, whenever part 2 is finished, will there be a BETA version for it? I want to make sure that is also as bug free as possible and that 100% ratios in kills, secrets, and treasure are done.  I may attempt it on the Bring 'Em On for the BETA (or Don't Hurt Me. difficulty) just to test it out.
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
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    Bring em' On!

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:19 am

    Yeah, there are two projectiles. Do both of them cause the time to "slow down"?

    Hmm, interesting thing on the corrupted cacodemon damage. I'll take a look on the routines that damage you to see if there's any problem, although I think it is very odd for that routine to be affected by Snake.

    I'm not really sure about having a Beta for part 2, can't really decide that right now. This time, we didn't play the game ourselves, and I suspect that if we had we would have avoided quite a lot of bugs. But we shall see what happens when we get closer to finishing it Smile
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:30 am

    Actually, no I don't think the projectiles slowed/froze time, but just having that weapon wielded did.
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:35 am

    Hnm, interesting. Does the time remain slow/frozen all the time when you're wielding the weapon or just at random times?
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:01 am

    All of the time as long as I am wielding it.  However, when I switch to a different weapon, time resumes as normal.
    Wolfer Software
    Wolfer Software
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Wolfer Software Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:25 pm

    I know giving a tips. In WL_ACT1.CPP you search a NOWAYSND you write under:Secret Area! and in WL_MAIN.CPP you search a this:         

    gamestate.episode = param_tedlevel/10;
    gamestate.mapon = param_tedlevel%10;

    And you change a 10 to XX. Exaple:60.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:19 am


    I've fought the final boss again and this time, it looks like I did manage to get to the end game screen and the highscores as well.  Plus, the ratios look even better than before! Very Happy I think my first time the game crashed probably due to some other reason (I can't reproduce it though.)

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Cleare13

    I wonder whats with the 89% treasure? Shocked Oh well, at least I gotten 100% kills and secrets. Razz

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Shadow11

    Whoa overkill on the ratios.
    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Shadow10

    Very Happy

    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:07 am

    Congrats on beating it in the actual normal mode Milanor, but you still have plenty to discover in this game. Keep playing it and maybe you'll get lucky on getting your hands on a few weapons dropped by enemies.

    Oh I should've mentioned to you, did you notice the Soul Tormentor weapon in the final area you warp to after defeating Xaphan? (The EoD final boss) VERY useful weapon down the road.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 127
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:12 pm

    I think I noticed a gated area, but I couldn't go further because I lack a holy cross Sad
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
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    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:10 pm

    The Soul Tormentor is in front of the death artifact. You can just grab it. It has 100 ammo, but I always save it for the final boss.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:10 pm

    Oh are you referring to the weapon that has two different projectiles when fired, one is a normal one while the other shot type is a ball that ricochets off walls/objects and passes through enemies? Also, it regenerates ammo (slowly) over time.  If that is the one you are referring to, then yes I would have that weapon.
    Speaking of other discoveries, I'm still trying to discover the Skull Staff (missed it earlier in the game), as well as other secret weapons (if there are), as I believe my life would have been easier with those weaponry.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
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    Number of posts : 332
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    Hobbie : Video and Wolf 3D mode making
    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:56 pm

    My favourite levels:level 4,20,25,28. I play on hard difficulty (I am Death Incarnate!). Like TWIGA,KHOPE and DECNXS.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
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    Number of posts : 332
    Age : 26
    Hobbie : Video and Wolf 3D mode making
    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:08 pm

    Hi Mario brothers (Mario Maniac and Mega Luigi)! You don‘t know,that you released full version from Shadow Genesis mod?

    Number of posts : 90
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    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:54 pm

    Michael-John, are you a man without any sign of patience? Everytime you ask Mario and Luigi for the release date, and you're doing it often, it's the same that you annoying them. LEAVE THEM ALONE!

    And by the way, didn't Mario tell you to stay away from this thread? Didn't you take my warnings and advice very clearly? Well, that confirms us that you've forget everything we spoke to you within few months. How shameful!Evil or Very Mad

    Number of posts : 1786
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty I had heard that they spent 7 years working

    Post by stathmk Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:31 pm

    brickgolem wrote:Michael-John, are you a man without any sign of patience? Everytime you ask Mario and Luigi for the release date, and you're doing it often, it's the same that you annoying them. LEAVE THEM ALONE!

    And by the way, didn't Mario tell you to stay away from this thread? Didn't you take my warnings and advice very clearly? Well, that confirms us that you've forget everything we spoke to you within few months. How shameful!Evil or Very Mad
    Officer-Michael John, I had heard that they spent 7 years working on this version of Shadow Genesis.  It's none of our business when they release the full version.  People have work & personal lives.

    Michael John, you strike me as somebody childish who will regret he's spent so much time on video games as he gets older.  Stay away from this thread.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 332
    Age : 26
    Hobbie : Video and Wolf 3D mode making
    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:14 pm

    stathmk wrote:
    brickgolem wrote:Michael-John, are you a man without any sign of patience? Everytime you ask Mario and Luigi for the release date, and you're doing it often, it's the same that you annoying them. LEAVE THEM ALONE!

    And by the way, didn't Mario tell you to stay away from this thread? Didn't you take my warnings and advice very clearly? Well, that confirms us that you've forget everything we spoke to you within few months. How shameful!Evil or Very Mad
    Officer-Michael John, I had heard that they spent 7 years working on this version of Shadow Genesis.  It's none of our business when they release the full version.  People have work & personal lives.

    Michael John, you strike me as somebody childish who will regret he's spent so much time on video games as he gets older.  Stay away from this thread.

    I only asked. You know,that I can not wait for good things. Then I ask me to it when the my mods. It does not bother me. Soon I release from old cross-over mod update version (Project Wolfenstein 3D:New Year's Eve). I do not want to quarrel with anyone. That is not my goal.

    Number of posts : 1786
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Project Wolfenstein 3D: New Year’s Eve

    Post by stathmk Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:18 am

    Officer-Michael John wrote:
    stathmk wrote:
    brickgolem wrote:Michael-John, are you a man without any sign of patience? Everytime you ask Mario and Luigi for the release date, and you're doing it often, it's the same that you annoying them. LEAVE THEM ALONE!

    And by the way, didn't Mario tell you to stay away from this thread? Didn't you take my warnings and advice very clearly? Well, that confirms us that you've forget everything we spoke to you within few months. How shameful!Evil or Very Mad
    Officer-Michael John, I had heard that they spent 7 years working on this version of Shadow Genesis.  It's none of our business when they release the full version.  People have work & personal lives.

    Michael John, you strike me as somebody childish who will regret he's spent so much time on video games as he gets older.  Stay away from this thread.

    I only asked. You know,that I can not wait for good things. Then I ask me to it when the my mods. It does not bother me. Soon I release from old cross-over mod update version (Project Wolfenstein 3D:New Year's Eve). I do not want to quarrel with anyone. That is not my goal.
    I'm worried that you'll plaigiarize.  Project Wolfenstein 3D: New Year’s Eve should not have plaigiarized resources.
    Mario Maniac
    Mario Maniac
    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

    Number of posts : 47
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mario Maniac Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:30 am

    Hey guys, we have made a second teaser video, also about the same levels from the beta. For you who played to the end, there's nothing really new here, except some changes we made to the levels with higher walls.

    We made this because we said in the beta the game features demons. However, that's one of the things we paid almost no attention while making the first video. So, just to avoid people feeling tricked or something like that, we are showing now a bit more.

    As said in the description, we had a major slowdown while making levels because we had to implement several things before we could continue making the second half. But we're doing it. cyclops 

    As soon as I get to talk to Luigi, I'll tell him to put this in the first post too.
    Officer-Michael John
    Officer-Michael John
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 332
    Age : 26
    Hobbie : Video and Wolf 3D mode making
    Registration date : 2014-08-04

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:34 am

    I wacthed Teaser 2 video and will be good. I like High wall as Doom. I tryed this function,but not will be good. For you good Mario Maniac,that you know better coding as Me. I learn coding. I know adding the some tips what good for you and Mega Luigi as coding changes. And I not like problem.

    Number of posts : 90
    Age : 40
    Location : Askim, Norway
    Job : Chicken factory terminal worker
    Hobbie : Wolf 3d mods, Castlevania, Super Mario Bros games, Heavy Metal Music, Road Trip, Forest Walk, Mountain Climb, Facebook
    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:24 pm

    Mario and Luigi, you've showed me and all of us (wolfers) that everything's possible of making mods like this. I've been aware that the double-stacked walls definitely will bring this game into a new dimension. And IT DID. I'm pretty sure that this feature will be a milestone and next step to upcoming mods in the future.Idea

    Based from the latest teaser, now it feels more Doomish and Hexenish. Especially the atmosphere, fortresses, castles and house feels more organic, real and epic. And monsters like Cyberdemon and Dark Inquisitor will fit perfectly together, since the height is 128 pixels high than 64 pixels.cyclops

    Overall, it's astonishing.Shocked

    But I wonder one thing; will it be possible to add sprites wider than 64 pixels in this game? I guess that monstrosities like Spider Mastermind is perfectly fitted on outer areas.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
    Age : 34
    Location : Pennsylvania, U.S.A
    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:40 pm

    Looking good there boss! Looking forward to replaying the early levels with the improvements!
    Mega Luigi
    Mega Luigi
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 161
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    Registration date : 2012-11-01

    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:19 pm

        Heh, glad it worked in the end (although there seems to be no end to this feature, as I keep having to fix small bugs all the time Rolling Eyes). Although earlier levels can't be revamped that much for the sake of realism. I mean, we don't have much freedom with different heights considering you're supposed to be going up in a castle.
        As for the size of the monsters, most of them don't need to be rescaled that much to fit in Wolf's sprites (we already use 128x128 sprites, by the way), but specifically Spider Mastermind is a bit too big for that. Not that we can't do it, we can always scale the sprite down (to fit in a 128x128 bmp) and then scale it up in the game, but of course that means it loses quality to a degree.
        I had already thought of coding a way to externally load some predetermined larger sprites, but never really worked on that. I fear it could be more time consuming than it seems to be. Still, it's an idea to be considered.

        It's interesting, when I made the first room with higher walls, it was quite noticeable how much better things looked like.

    The second teaser is also already on the first page. I spent the day trying to access the forum, which seemed to be offline for some reason, only to discover that somehow it was my computer's fault, as that only happened in that specific pc. Cool, huh!?

    Last edited by Mega Luigi on Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : It seems I thought of something and wrote another :)))
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:32 pm

    Woot, this is awesome, I'll probably run through the game once more to experience the changes made in the levels, it'll be interesting for sure. Smile This time, I may go for easy difficulty in order to save my sanity and due to time constraints (I'm studying at uni and I only have so much time). Hopefully, this time I would be able to get through the game and unveil some other secrets that I didn't get in the first playthrough.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:07 pm


    You tellin' me. I've seen rescaled walls in some Wolf3d mods under the Doom engine, but I NEVER thought they could be rescaled and stacked upon each other within the Wolf3d engine itself. It's a darn shame the Wolf3d engine was never meant to handle other features such as actual stairs/ramps/hills.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:26 am

    WolferCooker wrote:@Mega

    You tellin' me. I've seen rescaled walls in some Wolf3d mods under the Doom engine, but I NEVER thought they could be rescaled and stacked upon each other within the Wolf3d engine itself. It's a darn shame the Wolf3d engine was never meant to handle other features such as actual stairs/ramps/hills.
    I agree with WolferCooker. It is not intended to Wolf 3D engine,that use Doom engine or Duke Nukem 3D engine. I like this function. But in Doom is better as in Wolf 3D High wall function. Not bad I said.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by brickgolem Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:14 am

    Speaking of double stacked walls, now the environment looks so high enough that it fit not only to big enemies like Cyberdemon, but also flying units. Which you approach them, they start moving on heights and lower near the ground during the fight. Helicopters is an example which is perfectly suited for this.Surprised
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:55 pm

    @WolferCooker: yeah, it's something quite unnatural to think about considering Wolf engine. Still, after SDL was released, I dare to say that most, if not all, technical limitations come from the editors, and not from the engine itself. It's at times like these that I wish there was an open source editor around.

     If you come up with an enemy that uses the sort of strategies you mentioned, we could definitely use it somehow. Just tossing an idea out there. Cool

    Edit: just spoke with Mario, we are quite interested in doing something like that, it's an awesome idea, actually. Like I said, don't take this as a request, but if you get inspired to come up with something, we will be happy to use it Smile
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Officer-Michael John Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:23 am

    What editor you use,that you know making floor?
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WLHack Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:26 am

    Just noticed the beta was out... I was actually looking forward to this so let's see what this is like.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:09 pm

    It's been out for some time Hack. Give a try. It does have some of your stuff in there and I made sure to tell them to give you credit!
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WLHack Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:43 am

    WolferCooker wrote:It's been out for some time Hack. Give a try. It does have some of your stuff in there and I made sure to tell them to give you credit!
    Yeah... Anyway started playing and really liked the beginning of level 2... BTW, can you survive the officer onslaught at the end of level1Ä?

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:24 pm

    WLHack wrote:BTW, can you survive the officer onslaught at the end of level1Ä?

    You can, but if you do so with a decent amount of health remaining, you won't be able to die picking up mushrooms that can hurt you as much as heal you.

    I told Mega Luigi about this and suggested something different to it. There will be changes to that part in the final version. What they will do I don't know, but that part needs to be fixed.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WLHack Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:58 pm

    WolferCooker wrote:
    WLHack wrote:BTW, can you survive the officer onslaught at the end of level1Ä?

    You can, but if you do so with a decent amount of health remaining, you won't be able to die picking up mushrooms that can hurt you as much as heal you.

    I told Mega Luigi about this and suggested something different to it. There will be changes to that part in the final version. What they will do I don't know, but that part needs to be fixed.

    Okay, nice to know.
    It did concern me a bit that what would happen if I survived, but good to know you have but some though to it.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mario Maniac Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:29 am

    Sorry for the late answer, I have been away from those forums for some time due to real life issues.
    This error in level 1 was my mistake. I wanted to grant an achievement in case you survived that ambush, but since we decided to only do those achievements after the game was finished, I left that the way it was without making the proper adjustments.

    By the way, Milanor completed the game in "Bring'em On", but he suffered quite a little. Very Happy
    We tried to get things working before balancing the enemies, health and ammo. That's why we advice to play in one of the first two difficulties.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:19 pm

    Thanks Mario. When I get more time I will be revisiting parts of the mod (albeit a lower difficulty to save some time), and try to discover new things as well as finding the weapons that I never found on my first run though. Smile

    Btw, I've been thinking about someone doing a LP on the game sometime in the future, but based on certain parts, it just seems like a hassle to record, like reload save reload save, die rinse repeat, I guess there must be some way someone could record a very long level (took me well over 2 hours on some levels), with all the challenges and not end up dying or missing out stuff/messing up a lot. I just know if I tried to play a challenging wolf3d mod, it's pretty much like reload save reload save, die a lot, reload after a few seconds, well... you get the idea, it would probably be hard to watch.. Sad (Recalls level 28, level 37, and parts of level 18, but I don't want to spoil it too much here.) I suppose someone could record it by adding some memes or little transitions to make it smooth or something. (I don't want to go off on too much of a tangent here, so I'll create a topic in the help desk forum regarding recording and gameplay since it's something I haven't found a lot of feedback on.)
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mario Maniac Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:17 pm

    Yeah, I understand what you mean.

    If I were to record it, I'd would record certain pieces of the level and then assemble all of them at the end. For example, you record the level to the point you find a locked door. Keep recording until you get the key, then stop recording, and restart it after you arrive the door again. Doing things like this would save time.
    In cases of death, you can record, and if you die, you just delete that video and keep recording it until you succeed. It's a pretty lame tactic, but it works. Very Happy 
    Either that or you can put small tags during your video saying "click here to skip this self-slaughter part", something like that.

    EDIT: Forgot to say, if you decide to do this, feel free to record anything. Don't feel like you shouldn't record it because it will spoil something. As I mentioned before, as long as the spoil is not directly in this thread, it's okay, because here it may take people by surprise and ruin something. But if they decide "I want spoil, I will watch on youtube", that's their choice.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:11 pm

    Cannot download the beta version anymore because the mediafire account has been suspended.

    Please fix ASAP
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mega Luigi Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:27 pm

    I was about to ask if you were sure about that, since the account is fine and working, but I just realized what happened.

    The adfly account associated with the adfly links this forum inserts automatically is the one that's been suspended, actually. I never liked having such ads in the game's download link, but could never find a solution for that either. I'll see if there's any workaround to avoid that crap. Either way, it's something the owners of the forum need to fix, not me (the server owners, I mean, not Wizzie).

    Thanks for letting me know, though santa

    EDIT: I've been able to get rid of the lousy adfly thing by replacing mediafire's name with its IP on the link. Hopefully this will keep working, but I'll check it from time to time.

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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Try this link

    Post by stathmk Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:10 pm

    Try this link:
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Mon Dec 26, 2016 7:59 am

    thanks Stath
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Mario Maniac Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:51 pm

    Hello guys.

    It's been a while since the last news. I'll try to give an idea of how things are going.

    We usually are slowed down by our own ideas. If we had made exactly what be planned at first, this game would be long finished by now.

    Let's get started. For those who played the game, may remember this beta has 39 levels.
    -We revised every level to give at least some of them higher walls. We mentioned that before.
    -Some levels had changes. For example, The Citadel and the way the coil switches work and the Ethereal Jewels.
    -There will be at least 3 new bosses that are optional around those levels, and they are connected to the secret levels.
    -We implemented several of brickgolem's suggested enemies and ideas in general. But they will only appear after those 39 levels.

    We think the game will have around 70 levels, by our current plan. Not counting secret levels. That means about 30 levels to be done. From those 30, we made 7 levels so far and one secret level.
    Yeah, 1 year, 8 levels. That's very few, we agree. But we had to make a whole new environment not seen during the first half. We had to make most of the sprites ourselves, and that took a lot of time. That means the next levels won't take as long as those did. Doesn't mean it will be quick either. Very Happy
    The features, as much as I would like to spoil everything to show we did something, I can't do that. I'll just say we added a way to buy things through a very unusual way. When we released the beta, we thought we were already spoiling it way too much. Now we can safely say that's really just a part of a whole.
    Besides that, the puzzles take time to make. And for those who played can notice that we appeared with 2-3 new enemies during almost every of the 39 levels. Just that is way too time consuming.

    We will explain all the plot holes during the second half. Since we are focusing a lot in the story, those next levels, in general are taking more time than the previous ones.
    We added many new features, weapons, enemies... and like brick noticed, you will also play with Snake during the second half. His weapons are different, and so are the tactics. The requires a certain balancing with the enemies, so... it's a damn lot of work to do.

    We also would like very much speeding up this process, but we can't. Hope you guys have patience with us, and we're always open to suggestions. Smile We like suggestions because we can share the fault of taking so long with you. Cool
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by WolferCooker Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:23 am

    alrighty. If it's gonna take that much time then so be it.
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    Michael - Shadow Genesis - Page 7 Empty Re: Shadow Genesis

    Post by Milanor Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:08 am

    Thanks for letting us know of what is going on with Shadow Genesis! Smile I've been away from wolf3d for a long time, but looking forward to the finished mod someday in the future. Also, speaking of the beta, I do have some undiscovered secrets as well as another weapon type (that I most likely never found).

    Furthermore, I am swamped with other things so I might not get back to it right now, but sometime in the next year when I've sorted out whatever is going on right now in my life then I'll go back to the game. Don't worry I still remember most of the things from last year, when I played the beta of Shadow Genesis. Smile

    One thing that I'm doing if I do replay it is to play on the lowest difficulty since having to reload save multiple times is quite a hassle, let alone if someday I decide to record gameplay. I am just hoping that no content is locked behind harder level difficulties (other than just more enemies and more points) since this mod is a really unique mod in that the easiest difficulty is already harder than Death Incarnate of other mods.

    Finally, I do want to say that I've sorted the issue with recording software, OBS in particular, now I just need to find a good video editor that could do the trick then I'd be sorted in the technical department of video game footage. Smile

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