Plagiarism is a fine line to cross. It’s a waste of the time & resources of the one doing the unauthorized work & of the time of the ones playing the mod. It can only ruin the reputation of the ones copying the ideas. When in doubt, ask permission for maps, code, layouts, graphics, sounds, music, concepts, or etc. Please credit where you’ve gotten the intellectual property for your mod.
It would be a waste of Brian’s time if he were still the webmaster of The Wolfenstein 3D Dome & putting the copied mods online. It’s a waste of my time when I put the mod on Wolfenstein Goodies or of Tristan’s time if he were to put the mod on The Wolf Front.
That having been said, I have had a chat with Dark_wizzie, the other Wolf 3D Haven moderator. We have decided that anybody who still plagiarizes any more mods, especially where we can tell where it came from, will be banned from The Wolf 3D Haven.
If you are uncomfortable with your mod still being on The Wolfenstein 3D Dome, Wolfenstein Goodies, The Wolf Front, or a Wolf 3D Haven thread because it’s plagiarized, outdated, or whichever, then contact us & we’ll see if we can take it down. Contact me if you suspect that somebody is copying your intellectual property in your game.
It would be a waste of Brian’s time if he were still the webmaster of The Wolfenstein 3D Dome & putting the copied mods online. It’s a waste of my time when I put the mod on Wolfenstein Goodies or of Tristan’s time if he were to put the mod on The Wolf Front.
That having been said, I have had a chat with Dark_wizzie, the other Wolf 3D Haven moderator. We have decided that anybody who still plagiarizes any more mods, especially where we can tell where it came from, will be banned from The Wolf 3D Haven.
If you are uncomfortable with your mod still being on The Wolfenstein 3D Dome, Wolfenstein Goodies, The Wolf Front, or a Wolf 3D Haven thread because it’s plagiarized, outdated, or whichever, then contact us & we’ll see if we can take it down. Contact me if you suspect that somebody is copying your intellectual property in your game.