Akuul wrote:
Interesting and what will do the Israeli people with borders of 1967?
The same thing we did with those before 1967
Lived happily in a known and (wordly) legitimate and accepted borders , without opressing other people and treating them like "second sort" of humans (which they are, according to jewish religion).
Well, you mean 1967 borders with territory swaps? You mean that BORDER everyone knows any future agreement with Palestinians will be based about? Obama has much more supporters here than you might think. Though russian immigrants automatically took the right wing - Israel is not Russia that can never allow itself to compromise it's territory...Israel gave land quite a few times in the past, and will keep doing that, as "land for peace" is the only way anyone can go, there is no other base for negotiations.
We are doing this for ourselves, not for the Palestinians....I couldn't care less about the Palestinians, their future - is in their hands, and if they don't want secure and independent future for themselves in prosperity - noone will or should convince them,sure not me...The (only) issue is - occupation is bad for us, for Israel...and Israel is the only state I care about. Occupation corrupts our hearts, spends tons of our money of building things that will be removed in any agreement, all the military and security expenses...to protect settlers from palestinians - and palestinians from settlers...and religious fanatics from others and from themselves...and others from them.... It hurts our international and regional legitimacy and connections... etc etc....
By the way doomjedi.. your house in what territory will appear if borders remove?
...taking into account the future land swaps which will be part of any real solution - not much jews (if any) will be left beyond Israel's borders (and those who will move - will get a "over-million" compensation)...that's the whole purpose of land swaps - large jewish population spots will be given to Israel, and other lands will be added to Palestinian state... Arabs agree to that, always did.
Also, hundred thousands of Arabs/palestinians happily live in Israel 1967 borders as legitimite , happy and equial Israeli Citizens and take active part in Israei life and all areas... I work in a college that more than 50% of students are arabs and are treated most well
Better than in any future palestinian state, that's why all Israeli arabs protest not to be added to Palestinian state under future land swaps....
So why some jewish settlers can't live the same way as legitimate minority under Palestinian state? IMO people should live whenever they want to
If the land and specific geographic location is more important for them than which country rules them... Many jews live abroad, so what?
But this doesn't answer your question, so let me get back to the topic.
That's an interesting question...you probably think that we treat the territory beyond 1967 borders as ours and do not remember where is came from and what it's it's status... Only naiive people, and people who care nothing but low housing prices - and blind religios fanatics/settlers who think all Israel land was given to us by GOD and should all belong to us - live there.... normal people doesn't. It's not like normal land... Whould you build your house in a land that is under dispute with arabs and it's future is pretty much known to be passed to Arab state? Whould you? I ask you?
Whould you live far from everything...surrounded by arabs who hate you and try to kill you... and think you opress them and take their land? Whould you? Whould you live in a place where you and your children can be killed sleeping at night in your home by terrorist? Where each time you drive your car - people throw stones at you and try to shoot you and you drive your children to schools like in war - in armored vehicles...under army protection....with army permission?
Whould you live in a land where your security needs cause much humiliation, road blocks, opressing to nearby Palestinians who can't live, work, move freely...?
Where no Israeli law is enforced or exist...."nobody's land"....outlaw...
No...you need to be a religious fanatic for that... blinded by fake patriotism and twisted religious crazyness...
And naiive russian immigrants that were lured to those places with low house prices and didn't know a thing about history or politics...or were brainwashed by "russian-style" nationalism and patriotism.... The actual facts are that for me to buy such a large house (especially with land) within legitimate borders - I need to work 2-3 generations to earn money too... And there it's "an american dream" of cheap housing...but the time of a "real price" will come...
So - to you question - NO. Those areas are not seen by most Israeli people as part of Israel (actors even refuse to perform in those areas...) - and even for those who do see them as such - it too unattractive and too dangerous to live in. So no - I don't live even close to those lands that are under dispute. So don't worry about me
Population centers of more normal people (those naiive russian immigrants) will stay in Israel under land swaps...and those crazy fanatics I feel nothing in common with - will have to make their choices in those lone settlements...
Every healthy state needs borders...defined...Russia has borders defined...and not under dispute... It's like if you wouldn't know where your physical body ends and the rest of the world starts...how could you live? How whould you enter a door...lift a pen...?
Also you forget that the same fate will happen to Golan heights... The most beautiful, breathtaking green part of Israel...as it belongs to Suria and will be given to her under any future agreement. We have actually even more "settlers" there and this will be hard to remove...