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5 posters

    Do you fear 666?


    Do you fear 666?

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    Total Votes: 16

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Do you fear 666? Empty Do you fear 666?

    Post by stathmk Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:27 pm

    My 666th post is about Revelation and why there's nothing to fear about 666!

    This is my 666th post here. I’ve never had more than 300 posts on any other message board. I really like The Wolf3D Haven!

    This is information that I've collected over the years. First, I’ll mention 666 in modern times:


    666 is a triangular number: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36=666.

    Some Native Americans are still complaining about their land being stolen, especially the burial grounds. I don’t blame them. About 20 years ago on TV, a Native American said that Route 66 should have been called Route 666 because it allowed whites to travel and take over more of their land.

    Just very recently, a man has been fired for not wearing a shirt to work with "666 Days without an Accident." I bet that he wouldn’t be afraid to wear 665 or 667.

    In November, Jodie Foster’s Father drove around without a muffler and happened to be fined $666.

    There were about 700 students at my high school and somebody happened to have locker number 666. I think that it would be cool for Halloween, Friday The 13th, or April Fools’ Day.

    The controversial authors of the fire and brimstone Left Behind series released a book on June 6th, 2006 because it was 6-6-6. These authors really need their heads examined by shrinks.

    Some foreigners or naïve people said that American President Ronald Reagan was the Anti-Christ. His first, middle, and last names each have 6 letters making 6-6-6. Libyans might not like him because he bombed Libya and I had heard that a child of Moammar Qaddafi died from it. I saw in a National Geographic from about 1982 that Cambodians were protesting that Ronald Reagan was working on the neutron bomb. American politics get emotional and sometimes a person isn’t stable when they call somebody like Reagan, Bush, or Obama the anti-Christ.

    I once had a P.O. Box of 660. There were some Wiccans or Neopagans that had a P.O. Box someplace else of 666 probably just to get a reaction.

    If you don’t register a certain Winzip version, then you have to wait longer for it to load. I downloaded it on a particular day and then on Halloween 2009 it said, "You have gone 666 days without registering."

    I’ve heard that there was a Doom 3 or Return to Castle Wolfenstein mod file that was 666 megabytes or had 666 downloads.

    A message board for a Christian podcast in about 2007 had 666 downloads or listeners.

    When Mel Gibson’s "The Passion of The Christ" was in theaters a man became upset that he was sold the 666th ticket with 666 on it. He demanded a hall pass in place of the ticket.

    I don’t know of anybody on The Wolf3D Haven that grew up in China. I’m an American and I learned in Sociology that 6 and 666 are considered lucky numbers in China.

    On a message board that I saw over 2 years ago, it said that Britney Spears was admitted to a mental institution were she said that she’s the Devil, anti-Christ, and/or 666. Whatever! I don’t care about what Britney Spears does anymore as long as nobody is hurt.

    Hundreds of years ago, 888 was considered the number of Jesus for some reason.

    I don’t like American televangelist Pat Robertson. He doesn’t show respect. He may have pre-Alzheimer’s or a mental problem. He said that credit cards are 666 or The Mark of The Beast. He said that credit card numbers have 6 in the beginning, middle, and end, and that nobody may buy or sell without the Mark of The Beast. That makes no sense. 666 or 616 was in Biblical times, not modern times.

    I never saw all of Bill Maher’s Religulous . I’ve read a newspaper article about a really crazy man in Florida and/or Puerto Rico with 666 tattooed on himself and that he says that he’s equal to Christ or above Christ. Then I had later heard that he’s filmed in Religulous. On a personal note, I don’t like how Bill Maher is a political liberal, how he mouths off, or how he believes in pseudoscience like vaccines causing Autism.

    Most of the rest of this post is about 666 in Revelation instead of only where 666 happens to appear in modern times.

    Gematria is the way that characters are assigned numerical values. I believe that Hebrew and Greek both have 24 letters:
    Alphabetical Letter #1 of Hebrew = a value of 1
    Letter #2 = 2
    Letter #3 = 3
    Letter #4 = 4
    Letter #5 = 5
    Letter #6 = 6
    Letter #7 = 7
    Letter #8 = 8
    Letter #9 = 9
    Letter #10 = 10
    Letter #11 = 20
    Letter #12 = 30
    Letter #13 = 40
    Letter #14 = 50
    Letter #15 = 60
    Letter #16 = 70
    Letter #17 = 80
    Letter #18 = 90
    Letter #19 = 100
    Letter #20 = 200
    Letter #21 = 300
    Letter #22 = 400
    Letter #23 = 500
    Letter #24 = 600

    Add up the Gematria numbers in German, Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic for "Neron Kaiser," "Nero Caesar," or his slogan and you get 616. Somebody who I think was overeducated said that Nero’s number was mistranslated from 616 into 666 in The Book of Revelation. Then they looked in The Dead Sea Scrolls and the number was 616. Nero persecuted Jews by burning them at the stake and Revelation was written after the events that it pretended to predict. Domitian or Diocletian persecuted Jews or Christians and his name or slogan had numerals that added up to 666. Nero and other Caesars could have gone crazy partly because of the lead in their plumbing or the lead salts used to preserve alcohol. I’ve heard that in a different language that Nebuchadnezzar or Nebopollasser persecuted Jews and that the numbers in his name or slogan added up to 666.

    On a message board about 666, somebody posted that in the 3rd or 4th centuries that a madman in Roman-occupied Israel or Palestine went crazy, said that he’s 666, had a personality cult, and ordered people to pray to him or they would be killed. Except for the 666 part, it sounds like he could have gotten the idea from The Caesars, Pharaohs, or Babylonian kings who said that they were sons of gods.

    There’s a very crazy and controversial illustrator in California who has a previous history of saying things that are incendiary, make no sense, and he may have voices in his head. He said that 666 represents Catholicism. Look at "As The Papacy" at Number of the Beast . I think it’s a coincidence that only one Catholic sentence was found that adds up to 666 and it’s only 3 words out of 13 in the sentence.

    I can’t remember if it was American President John Adams Sr. who said that he hadn’t read The Book of Revelation in 40 years because "Revelation was written by a madman." In Revelation, it says that nobody may buy or sell without The Mark of The Beast on their right hand or forehead. Most people are right-handed, so they would have the Nero Caesar, Domitian, or Diocletian coin in their right hand. The part about the forehead reminds me of The President saying that "Revelation was written by a madman."

    There’s a recent theory that’s almost a conspiracy theory that a man named Arrius Calpurnius Piso, or his father, or his son was the author that put 666 in The Revelation in the First Century. For a short time I believed it. Take a religion or philosophy course and ask about the Arrius Piso theory. It falls apart very fast and your professor might even be offended. To make a long story short, one reason that it’s wrong is because in the original Hebrew or Greek it was 616, not 666.

    In The English Revelation, 144,000 men have their fate sealed or only 144,000 men go to Heaven. I’ve heard that in the original Greek that it was "twelves of twelves of thousands."

    Over 2 years ago, Jehovah’s Witnesses stopped by my Grandparents’ house and dropped off copies of The Watchtower and Awake. In one article, it’s about how a man became a Jehovah’s Witness and that he had heard that only 144,000 men that haven’t sinned are going to Heaven. I told my Grandparents, "Ever notice how sex is a sin in religion? If only 144,000 men who haven’t sinned are going to Heaven, then I’d rather be in Hell with women, my family, relatives, friends, neighbors, famous people, and heroes, than be in Heaven with 144,000 undesirable male virgins!"

    Hmm. There was a religious sect in Indiana that thought that sex is a sin. Guess what? They couldn’t repopulate for their group or attract the interest of new followers. All the members in Indiana died out over a long time.

    I think that most of 616 or 666 on the internet is a coincidence. For instance, if the number was instead 777 in Revelation then over the course of 2,000 years there would be coincidences of people, places, or slogans with 777.

    I’ve heard that in the original Greek that "anti-christ" means "replacement Christ."

    To make a long story short, you’ve got nothing to worry about with 666 or 616. There are different camps of Preterism, the belief that The Bible passages were written after the events that it pretended to predict. For instance, it pretended to predict Nero Caesar and 616 or 666.

    Speaking of religion, in next December I might type about how The Mayans don’t say that the World ends in 2012.

    Here’s a scan of 666 tape!?:
    Do you fear 666? Doublesidedtape

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    I am Death Incarnate!
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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:52 pm

    Holy CRAP. I'll read this slowly over the course of a week.

    You realize that your posting rank is currently "666", right? It's a little easter egg for peopple reaching this post count. Take a picture to mark this occasion. Smile

    Why you should not fear 666:


    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Thomas Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:34 am

    666 is nothing but a number, yes. All that religion crap just get in the way of life, let alone numbers. I always liked the number anyway. 667 is different though. That was the maximum number of mines in Minesweeper back in the day.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by ronwolf1705 Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:19 am

    Thomas wrote:All that religion crap just get in the way of life.

    Pretty much sums it up for me.

    Do you fear 666? MMCS0206

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by stathmk Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:05 am

    My favorite that I listed was the Native American that said that Route 66 should be called Route 666 because it led to more whites being on their land. It's like saying that we are the white devil oppressor.

    I don’t have cable. I was at my relatives who have cable and there’s a channel 666.

    There’s a Wolfenstein 3D mod with a Halloween theme and a level 666.

    In freshman Biology, our textbook had over 700 pages. When we were studying page 666, one girl joked that she was going to tear out page 666.

    In The Old Testament, apparently the tribes of Israel were breaking up, getting inheritances, or using diplomacy. It described how one of the tribes was getting 666 coins or jewels. I think that it was a coincidence.

    Dark_wizzie wrote:Holy CRAP. I'll read this slowly over the course of a week.

    You realize that your posting rank is currently "666", right? It's a little easter egg for peopple reaching this post count. Take a picture to mark this occasion. Smile
    I noticed the 666 posting rank when ronwolf or somebody else had 666 posts.

    Dark_wizzie wrote:Why you should not fear 666:

    I don’t fear 666 or 616. Maybe you had forgotten to read my entire post. I voted, “Ah, Hell No!” I typed, "To make a long story short, you’ve got nothing to worry about with 666 or 616." On the History Channel, they explain why Nero Caesar was who the first century Christians or Jews called the Anti-Christ. Revelation was written after the events that it pretended to predict. Daniel was written 450 or 490 years after most of the events that it pretended to predict.

    ronwolf1705 wrote:
    Thomas wrote:All that religion crap just get in the way of life.

    Pretty much sums it up for me.
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:54 pm

    Why should a person be fired for wearing 666. So much for separation of church and state. Wink

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

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    Do you fear 666? Empty 777th post and 666 Park Avenue

    Post by stathmk Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:59 pm

    Today is my 777th post! Yesterday was the pilot of 666 Park Avenue. I didn’t see it because I was at work, I didn’t know about the airing time, and I was pretty much not interested. It has Vanessa Williams and somebody who I think is the actor who played Jack from LOST. 666 Park Avenue doesn’t sound that bad or that good to me.
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:26 pm

    Why did I not make a rank for 777 posts? I will fix this now!

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

    Number of posts : 1739
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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Thomas Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:43 am

    LOL is that the Kronenbourg logo?!?!?!? Dutch beer is awful. No offense, Ron.

    (*Finds out it's French*) *whistles*
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by ronwolf1705 Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:57 am

    I don't even drink it. Razz

    Do you fear 666? MMCS0206

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:15 am

    777 stands for completion. 777 represents the Holy Trinity which is God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 777 also represents completion. 666 represents the unholy trinity which is Satan, the False Prophet, and the Antichrist. I also believe that 666 and 777 are a timeline. 666 represents the time of man probably. 777 represents completion. 777 is probably after the thousand year reign on earth and after Satan goes to the Lake of Fire forever.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Thomas Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:56 pm

    888 is Domino's Pizza, right? Wash it down with some Kronenbourg, it'll knock your clogs off.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty 777 4 Lyfe

    Post by stathmk Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:21 pm

    Dark_wizzie wrote:Why did I not make a rank for 777 posts? I will fix this now!
    Thanks. Dark_wizzie is talking about the 777 4 Lyfe Easter Egg: http://www.wolfensteingoodies.com/forumimages/777.jpg
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:22 pm

    stathmk wrote:
    Dark_wizzie wrote:Why did I not make a rank for 777 posts? I will fix this now!
    Thanks. Dark_wizzie is talking about the 777 4 Lyfe Easter Egg: http://www.wolfensteingoodies.com/forumimages/777.jpg
    I wanted to make something a bit more bizarre. Speaking of which, your poll has "-1%" of votes for the last two options. Must be SATAN!

    In related news, I roll my eyes when I see some countries skip floors or numbers because it is deemed 'unlucky'. "Luck" doesn't exist. Numbers, yes. Lucky numbers, no. Unlucky numbers, or 666? Hell no.

    I'm going to add a little Easter Egg for 888 as well.

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Jay Leno noticed a Family Bible for 3 payments of $6.66

    Post by stathmk Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:18 pm

    This thread started with my 666th post.
    Go to The June 17th episode of The Tonight Show With Jay Leno at http://www.hulu.com/watch/502088 at about 8:50 for the start of Headlines.  Watch at about 11:15 for The Reader’s Digest Family Guide To The Bible.  Jay says, “How could you not know this?  3 monthly installments of $6.66?”
    About 15 years ago, I saw a bizarre news article that a man went to donut shop with a weapon.  He didn’t demand money, drugs, sex, or hostages.  He demanded 666 donuts.  To my understanding, I thought that he was taken into custody, given a mental evaluation, and had mental problems.
    jpb6891 typed: << 777 stands for completion. 777 represents the Holy Trinity which is God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 777 also represents completion. 666 represents the unholy trinity which is Satan, the False Prophet, and the Antichrist. I also believe that 666 and 777 are a timeline. 666 represents the time of man probably. 777 represents completion. 777 is probably after the thousand year reign on earth and after Satan goes to the Lake of Fire forever.

    My response:  I don’t believe in mystical or esoteric numbers.  I also write Math equations that I don’t think that most people would understand or appreciate.  I don’t know if it was Dante’s Inferno from hundreds of years ago or another book at about the same time where Muhammed is called The Anti-Christ, which makes no sense.  Muhammed lived from 570 to 632 AD, not 666 AD.  I’ve heard that Nebochadnezzar may have lived 666 years before Jesus, but I don’t know if that’s accurate.  Nebochadnezzar persecuted Jews according to The Bible.
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:17 pm

    777 is supposed to be a lucky. Oh wait, that's in all places except Asian, where the number is 888. But WHATEVER.

    666 is just a number. Why be scared of numbers? Unless that's the amount I owe to somebody. I'd sufficiently fear that.

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Do you fear 666? Empty Kentucky girl refuses to be contestant #666...

    Post by stathmk Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:49 pm

    According to news from last week, a Kentucky girl tried 3 times to get a number other than 666 for a race. All 3 times she was denied. Then she decided to cross out her name and not be in the race this year at all than be contestant number 666. There’s an article and video at http://www.lex18.com/news/whitley-county-cross-country-refuses-to-run-after-being-assigned-666-number/ One of the typed comments was something to the effect of, “If your God kills you or sends you to Hell for wearing a number, then your God is a psychopath.” A Facebook friend posted a link to pretty much the same thing, but from a different affiliate's web site. His comment was, “Numerological numbskulls!”
    This year, I was listening to a podcast about recovering from a family of religious extremists. One girl called in and said that she knows of people who will put an extra item on the supermarket conveyor so that the total isn’t $6.66 anymore.
    There were 700 or 800 students at my high school and somebody got to have locker #666. It was only a number to them. That would be great for Halloween!
    jpb6891 posted: 777 stands for completion. 777 represents the Holy Trinity which is God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 777 also represents completion. 666 represents the unholy trinity which is Satan, the False Prophet, and the Antichrist. I also believe that 666 and 777 are a timeline. 666 represents the time of man probably. 777 represents completion. 777 is probably after the thousand year reign on earth and after Satan goes to the Lake of Fire forever.

    My updated response: Constantine legalized Christianity in about the year 333 and I don't remember the exact year.  Constantine didn't know or care that the Earth would still exist after the year 1000.  The one thousand year reign of Jesus before the world ends makes no sense in modern times because it's now after the year 2000 instead of the Earth ending in about the year 1000.  Look at timelines of failed End Times Scenarios at http://abhota.info/ and Penn & Teller's BS on Youtube.

    EDIT: I had forgotten to mention that I watched The 666 Numberphile episode on Youtube about a year ago.
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:35 pm

    Human superstition. We can fly to the moon but we are scared of Floor 13 on buildings.

    How sad is it to be scared of a number?

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

    Number of posts : 1739
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    Registration date : 2007-09-13

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Thomas Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:36 am

    Yes, the few times I've been on a plane I always glanced at the lack of row 13 (12 skips to 14 immediately)... Ridiculous. I mean, it's just so stupid and lame!

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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Do you fear 666? Empty C4 terminal?

    Post by stathmk Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:09 am

    Thomas wrote:Yes, the few times I've been on a plane I always glanced at the lack of row 13 (12 skips to 14 immediately)... Ridiculous. I mean, it's just so stupid and lame!
    Airplanes have no row 13?  But the airports have a C4 terminal!?  C4 is an explosive sometimes used by Islamic Terrorists.

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:18 am

    Should I not have bought this on eBay then?
    Do you fear 666? Bill6660666

    Very Happy Twisted Evil Shocked 

    I do believe in heeding the Apostle John's warning, but I think it would be silly of me to fear a mere number (or pentagram/black cat/whatever) and every other possible placement of it - just my spin.

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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Should I not have bought this on eBay then?

    Post by stathmk Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:29 am

    I didn’t know that you’re a Canadian.  I’ve heard that Revelation was written by John of Patmos, who is not the same as The Apostle John.  Is that right?
    You mentioned money and briefly pentagrams.  In an antique store or at a flea market, I saw a coin from Africa or an island with a pentagram or upside-down pentagram on it.  I guess that it means something different there.  There’s a religion known as Wicca or Druid from hundreds of years ago from The British Isles.  They had an upside-down pentagram.  Some say that it’s a symbol of a goddess that we misinterpret as Aphrodite or Venus, but I’m not sure.  Wiccans or Druids seem to be very private people who mind their own business.  It sounds like the only thing about them that’s real and not a stereotype is that they are at The British Stonehenge at the solstice or equinox.

    America has had “In God We Trust” on paper money since about 1953.  Some might say that this is using the Lord’s name in vain.  Some say that if love of money is the root of all evil, then putting “In God We Trust” on money is a sacrilege.  I’ve heard that there are 41,000 different Christian denominations in America.

    Number of posts : 1788
    Age : 44
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Do you fear 666? Empty Crazy lady on Dr. Phil

    Post by stathmk Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:07 pm

    I saw a preview for the November 18th episode of Dr. Phil.  A crazy lady is accusing her daughter or daughter-in-law of practicing Hoodoo, Voodoo, or being of the devil because the address where she was married starts with 666.

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:48 pm

    stathmk wrote:I didn’t know that you’re a Canadian.  I’ve heard that Revelation was written by John of Patmos, who is not the same as The Apostle John.  Is that right?
    You mentioned money and briefly pentagrams.  In an antique store or at a flea market, I saw a coin from Africa or an island with a pentagram or upside-down pentagram on it.  I guess that it means something different there.  There’s a religion known as Wicca or Druid from hundreds of years ago from The British Isles.  They had an upside-down pentagram.  Some say that it’s a symbol of a goddess that we misinterpret as Aphrodite or Venus, but I’m not sure.  Wiccans or Druids seem to be very private people who mind their own business.  It sounds like the only thing about them that’s real and not a stereotype is that they are at The British Stonehenge at the solstice or equinox.

    America has had “In God We Trust” on paper money since about 1953.  Some might say that this is using the Lord’s name in vain.  Some say that if love of money is the root of all evil, then putting “In God We Trust” on money is a sacrilege.  I’ve heard that there are 41,000 different Christian denominations in America.
    Some theologians disagree that John of Patmos and John the Apostle are the same man.  Some disagree whether the book was literally written by his hand or whether it was transcribed (and some suggest altered).  Some disagree as to when it was written (70 AD? 95 AD?).  Personally I side with the majority and think that John the Apostle was exiled to Patmos where he received the revelation.  As to this and the rest, who can say for sure?

    'In God We Trust' first appeared on American coins in 1864 on the two-cent piece (I have a few as they are great conversation pieces) and the reason attributed to the introduction is the increased religious fervour due to the Civil War.  President Teddy Roosevelt (a Christian himself) arranged the suspension of those words on $10 & $20 gold pieces issued in 1907 and/or 1908 in an effort to separate church and state, but public outcry was so great they were reinstated.  One variety of the 1907 $20 gold piece is unique and is priceless (just some useless trivia).  More info is available at the Treasury Department's web site (straight from the horse's mouth): Treasury Department

    And yes, I am definitely a Canadian.  Smile

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: American coins

    Post by stathmk Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:06 pm

    The episode of Dr. Phil with the crazy mother-in-law complaining about 666 has apparently been moved to another day.
    Ack, I’ll look for my 1863 American coin reproduction that doesn’t have “In God We Trust” on it.  If I find it, then I’ll scan it.  If I don’t find it, then I’m just going to forget.
    Thomas Jefferson was Deist, not Christian, so it’s strange that American coins with Thomas Jefferson have “In God We Trust” on them.  Susan B Anthony addressed the National American Woman Suffrage Association meeting in 1896 with “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”  So it’s strange that Americans have her on coins with “In God We Trust.”  Mark Twain said that “In God We Trust” is such a great motto that the only way that it would be better is if it were true.  During the Bush and Gore year 2000 election fiasco I joked that America’s money would instead have, “God Help Us.”  I’ve heard that America’s official motto is “E Pluribus Unum.”
    I’ve heard that in Saddam Hussein Al-Tikriti’s Baath regime in Iraq that he put the Arabic translation of “In God We Trust” on The Iraqi flag because he was crazy or he used it as propaganda.

    Are you a coin collector too?  Liberia in Africa had a $10 coin with John F Kennedy Jr. on it after he died in a plane crash in the ocean.  I am not making this up.
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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:28 pm

    I have the In God we trust crap listed in my book somewhere. As you already know, Red Scare, OMG, quickly, add In god we trust to the rest of the currency, and then to the Pledge of Allegiance! I've seen Fox News commentate on that, and as you also probably already know, they are full of horse shit. That clip summarizes their prejudice.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Dark_Wizzie

    Post by stathmk Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:14 pm

    Dark_wizzie wrote:I have the In God we trust crap listed in my book somewhere. As you already know, Red Scare, OMG, quickly, add In god we trust to the rest of the currency, and then to the Pledge of Allegiance! I've seen Fox News commentate on that, and as you also probably already know, they are full of horse shit. That clip summarizes their prejudice.
    I watched the episode of Dr. Phil from yesterday where the crazy lady has delusions including that 666 appeared twice. She was very offensive.

    You mentioned The Pledge of Allegiance. Looney Toons are so old that it was when Porky Pig didn’t say “…under God...” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxlxoAcSusw

    You mentioned Fox News, but you didn’t offend me. I’m Republican or Libertarian, but I think I would complain about both Fox News and CNN. I’m glad that on The Wolf3D Haven that everybody seems to be telling the truth about politics and religion from their point of view instead of saying lies for the shock value. We might be offended here for a day, but then we go back to typing about Wolfenstein 3D.

    I was at an antique store and reading a book about how supposedly America’s Founding Fathers were Christian so I could get into the author's mindset while I was waiting for my parents to finish looking. A book about how America’s Founding Fathers were Christian is vague, overlooks that we were seceding from The Christian Country of Britain*, overlooks a lot of other things, and the author doesn’t notice or doesn’t care to mention The Treaty of Tripoli that America is not in any sense a Christian nation. Apparently The Mayflower Compact thanks The Father, Son, and The Holy Ghost, but I thought that’s just one sentence and vague. Apparently without the Church of England, The Colonies were able to print The Bible in the language of the Algonquin Indians, which I didn’t know. That sounds vague instead of like The Founding Fathers being specifically Christian. Somebody typed in a message board 10 years ago that the only countries founded by a religion were The Vatican, Israel, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. In a message board with about the same topic somebody typed, “Which Founding Fathers? The Native American ones or the white ones?”

    I understand that when Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence that when he put in, "unalienable rights given by The Creator..." that Deists were already talking that way at the time.

    *My point is that why would America's Founding Father's declare themselves Christian if The Church of England is what they were trying to get away from?  They had enough of the Church of England trying to control them.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty The Mark of The Beast is 616, not 666.

    Post by stathmk Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:46 pm

    In the July 19th, 2014 comic of Ripley’s Believe It Or Not In Spanish at http://www.gocomics.com/espanol/ripleys-en-espanol#.U8saREAuCSo or http://www.gocomics.com/espanol/ripleys-en-espanol/2014/07/19/#.U8sasEAuCSo , it says that The Mark of The Beast is 616, not 666.  I somewhat know American Spanish.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Video game wiki includes Wolfenstein and 666

    Post by stathmk Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:51 am

    If you go to http://wolfenstein.wikia.com/wiki/Wolfenstein_Wiki today, then it says, “666 Pages on this wiki.”

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    Do you fear 666? Empty A Psychologist friend posted about The Crazy Monster 666 Lady

    Post by stathmk Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:41 pm

    A Psychologist friend posted about The Crazy Monster 666 Lady.  I think the lady in the video needs a Psychologist.  In response to chatting about The Crazy Monster 666 Lady on Facebook, I posted something like this yesterday:
    OK, let me get this straight.  In Hebrew Gematria, not Arabic numerals, it’s not the same symbol repeated?  The Hebrew letter for 600 is not the same as 60 and not the same as 6?  Diocletian, I think, persecuted Jews or Christians and his name or slogan had numerals that added up to 616 or 666.  Nero Caesar or Neron Kaiser persecuted Jews and his name or slogan was 616 in The Dead Sea Scrolls.  Bear with me that this Ripley’s comic is Spanish, not English: http://www.gocomics.com/espanol/ripleys-en-espanol/2014/07/19
    Also, Revelation was encoded and written after the events that it pretended to predict.
    I live in America and I think that those Americans who are quick to declare that something is anti-Christian wouldn’t bat an eyelash if something is anti-Jewish.  It may be different persecution of Jews and Christians with ISIS in the Middle East.
    Here’s the original video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntfUA6TmLs

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Thomas Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:59 pm

    The internet sho' is wonderful.

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:05 pm

    Anti-Jewish stuff is just as offensive to me as anti-Christian stuff is. The synagogues of Satan in Revelation were not run by true Jews, but by followers of Satan AKA a Triad cult. The Triad in real life is a Satanic trinity known as the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan. There are so many ways to interpret Revelation. Triad means a group of three. Trinity means three in one. The false trinity is not a trinity at all, but rather a Triad. Hitler could have been a very part of this Triad system described in Revelation as well as Nero. I lean toward a futurist viewpoint of Revelation. I think people will understand Revelation when the time is ready to understand it. When God reveals the true meaning of it, the whole world will understand it. Until that time, it is just speculative. The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan are three separate entities. The Trinity, God the Father, Son, and Spirit are the same God because they are one group.

    That lady on the video is legalistic. Legalism is not good. Legalism can be a sin. Jesus came to preach love. Jesus was not involved in looking for demons under every rock. Jesus cast out demons, but that was not His primary mission. The mission of Jesus was love. Jesus wants people to have a relationship with Him. He does not want people to go looking for demons under every rock.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty You're not making sense. Are you doing this as a joke?

    Post by stathmk Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:50 pm

    jpb1991 wrote:Anti-Jewish stuff is just as offensive to me as anti-Christian stuff is. The synagogues of Satan in Revelation were not run by true Jews, but by followers of Satan AKA a Triad cult. The Triad in real life is a Satanic trinity known as the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan. There are so many ways to interpret Revelation. Triad means a group of three. Trinity means three in one. The false trinity is not a trinity at all, but rather a Triad. Hitler could have been a very part of this Triad system described in Revelation as well as Nero. I lean toward a futurist viewpoint of Revelation. I think people will understand Revelation when the time is ready to understand it. When God reveals the true meaning of it, the whole world will understand it. Until that time, it is just speculative. The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan are three separate entities. The Trinity, God the Father, Son, and Spirit are the same God because they are one group.

    That lady on the video is legalistic. Legalism is not good. Legalism can be a sin. Jesus came to preach love. Jesus was not involved in looking for demons under every rock. Jesus cast out demons, but that was not His primary mission. The mission of Jesus was love. Jesus wants people to have a relationship with Him. He does not want people to go looking for demons under every rock.
    You're not making sense.  Are you doing this as a joke?

    You say, "Anti-Jewish stuff is just as offensive to me as anti-Christian stuff is. ..." but then in the next sentence you talk about the synagogues of Satan!?

    Jesus cast out demons?  I'm familiar with that from The book of Matthew, but you believe in demon possession!?

    Jesus came to preach love?  Have you ever heard of Matthew 10:34?

    You mention Satan a lot.  Satan is a play on words.  Set from Egyptology looks like Satan.  The satyr from Greek Mythology is half-man, half-goat, like a depiction of Satan.  Satan or Shaitan is the word for deceiver.  It's a play on words from Set, satyr, and Shaitan.

    Just calm down, you take things too seriously.  Rise of The Triad is just a game.  The only criminal real organization called the Triad was in modern China, not 1st century Israel.  It can't be healthy to take religion so literally and seriously.

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:52 pm

    The synagogues of Satan were not Jews. They were false Jews. Cults of Satan worshipers. Read Revelation. It says they are not Jews at all, but claim to be. They are Satanists. They were not Jews, but Babylonians. Jesus is about love.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: jpb1991

    Post by stathmk Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:47 am

    jpb1991 wrote:The synagogues of Satan were not Jews. They were false Jews. Cults of Satan worshipers. Read Revelation. It says they are not Jews at all, but claim to be. They are Satanists. They were not Jews, but Babylonians. Jesus is about love.
    I have read Revelation.  It's a messed up book written by a madman.  It has a dragon with extra heads and horns, and a third of mankind dying.  Martin Luther almost didn't want it in the Bible.

    There's some other messed up parts of The Bible that raise red flags.  Lott's wife was turned into a pillar of salt.  Abraham almost sacrificed his son.  Jethra or Jethro sacrificed his daughter pretty much because the voices in his head told him to.

    I've been in a synagogue.  There's nothing more Satanic about it than a church.  However, Jews and Christians can believe in a devil.

    I don't have to be a Christian.  There's Judaism, Buddhism, Native American religions, and a lot of other religions.

    JPB, how old do you believe that the Earth is?  Do you believe in the grandfather with the Ark of animals in the flood?

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:50 pm

    stathmk wrote:
    Jesus came to preach love?  Have you ever heard of Matthew 10:34?
    Am I to understand that you consider Matthew 10:34 to be a contradiction to Christ preaching love?  I don't want to put words in your mouth, but if you don't mind, could you elaborate so I can get what you mean?

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    Do you fear 666? Empty I sent you a message.

    Post by stathmk Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:00 pm

    ack wrote:
    stathmk wrote:
    Jesus came to preach love?  Have you ever heard of Matthew 10:34?
    Am I to understand that you consider Matthew 10:34 to be a contradiction to Christ preaching love?  I don't want to put words in your mouth, but if you don't mind, could you elaborate so I can get what you mean?
    I sent you a message.  Take your time to read it.

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:14 pm

    The earth is billions of years old. The days described in the Bible are not earthly days, but days in God's time it seems. The Bible uses the word dragons for dinosaurs. Scientists came up with the name dinosaur in the 1800s. Dragons and dinosaurs are the same creatures. Whether or not dragons can breath fire is up for debate. I believe that Noah's Ark did happen. Dragons, in animal form, were extinct and were not on the ark.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty This conversation is getting sad.

    Post by stathmk Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:19 pm

    jpb1991 wrote:The earth is billions of years old. The days described in the Bible are not earthly days, but days in God's time it seems. The Bible uses the word dragons for dinosaurs. Scientists came up with the name dinosaur in the 1800s. Dragons and dinosaurs are the same creatures. Whether or not dragons can breath fire is up for debate. I believe that Noah's Ark did happen. Dragons, in animal form, were extinct and were not on the ark.
    This conversation is getting sad.

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:26 pm

    Why is it sad? Dragons to me are another name for dinos. The days of creation is what I meant in the previous post. The world was not created in six earthly day, but six days in God's time. According to modern science, the earth is 1 point something billion years old.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty No, the Earth is 4.45 to 4.6 billion-years-old.

    Post by stathmk Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:45 pm

    jpb1991 wrote:Why is it sad? Dragons to me are another name for dinos. The days of creation is what I meant in the previous post. The world was not created in six earthly day, but six days in God's time. According to modern science, the earth is 1 point something billion years old.
    No, the Earth is 4.45 to 4.6 billion-years-old.

    It's sad because of your Science knowledge, and I'm thinking of what you're listening to, believing, saying, your agenda, and how people perceive you.  They may perceive you as gullible or sad.

    My computer is acting strange.  I'll reboot and check back in an hour.

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:25 pm

    I remember now that the earth is 4.6 billion years old. It has been a while since I had Geology.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty How The Earth Was Made

    Post by stathmk Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:03 am

    jpb1991 wrote:I remember now that the earth is 4.6 billion years old. It has been a while since I had Geology.
    This morning, before my lunch shift, I watched a rerun of How The Earth Was Made from apparently 2007 or so on The History Channel.  They said that the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago from a comet or asteroid hitting the Yucatan in Mexico.  They also said that the Indian Hindus or Buddhists unknowingly carved temples out of 60-to-70-million-year-old lava.  They said that the volcanic eruption contributed to the demise of the dinosaurs and that dinosaurs didn't go extinct all at once.  They didn't notice or didn't care to mention that a North American dinosaur went extinct 100,000 years after the comet or asteroid hit.

    Dinosaurs and humans were never alive at the same time like in The Flintstones or according to a Christian sect in Kentucky.  The exceptions seems to be komodo dragons (Which aren't dragons and don't breath fire), crocodiles or alligators, and one other reptile from dinosaur times.  I confuse the difference between crocodiles and dinosaurs, but one has been around longer than the other.

    Have you ever seen The Bible Story in waiting rooms in dentists offices or hospitals?  It's an illustrated children's book that depicts the first humans as European-looking and between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.  The first people would actually have been Black Africans according to modern Science.  The Creation Museum in Kentucky depicts the first people as European looking and on friendly dinosaurs!?!?

    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:21 am

    I do not believe that dragons/dinos, the animals, were alive when humans were on the earth. Leviathan in Job is Satan in dragon/dinosaur form. The real dino fossils in science were not remains of demons. To me dragons and dinosaurs are the same thing. Dragons may not breath fire. Dinos are the closest things from the word dragon in the Bible that dragons actually represented. Dragon is the original term for dinosaur due to the Bible recording it first before scientists came up with another term dinosaur. Using the words dragon or dinosaur should not matter. They are the same creatures and in my opinion, the biblical word dragon means the same thing as the word dinosaur.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Back onto the oddball topic of 666

    Post by stathmk Sun May 03, 2015 12:36 pm

    Yesterday, I was watching a tv show called Innovation Nation with Mo Rocca.  They talked for part of the episode about Steve Wozniak doing the chips and circuitry and Steve Jobs doing the marketing for The Apple I.  They showed an old magazine advertisement for The Apple I with "Byte Into an Apple" and the price below.  The price was $666.66 and I'm going to estimate that the price stood out a little bit more at possibly 14 point.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Level 666 & "Who Is God"

    Post by stathmk Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:25 am

    I noticed today that this Noah Pak for Super Noah’s Ark 3D has a level 666:

    Yesterday, I watched the first episode of “Who is God” with Morgan Freeman on The National Geographic Channel.  Next week, it’s going to be a 1-hour episode about The End of The World & 666.  I hope that they mention that Nero Caesar, who persecuted Jews, is 616 or 666 in Gematria.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty National Geographic Video

    Post by stathmk Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:47 am

    Here’s part of the video of what I was talking about: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/the-story-of-god-with-morgan-freeman/videos/was-nero-the-antichrist/ .  The video is 2 minutes & 19 seconds.  If you watched the entire video on TV, they show 1900-year-old scrolls, & explain that different texts have 616 or 666.  “Neron Kaiser” is 666.  “Nero Kaiser” is 616.  “Beast” adds up to 666.  “Advantage” adds up to 666.  There was another word that added up to 666.
    I have a problem with the translation of “Anti-Christ” & “Christian” in the first century.  They say that Nero was The Anti-Christ, but I say that it’s more grammatically correct to say Nero was The Anti-Jew.  I believe that for all Nero cared that he was killing Jews, not Christians, that he blamed for the fire of 64 AD.  I’ve heard that there were other names for first century Christians & Jews like Essenes, Sadducees, Pharisees (Law givers), Zealots, Ebionites (The poor?), Nazarenes (The carpenters?), God-fearers (Greeks who converted to Judaism?), & that the word for “Christian” hadn’t stuck yet.  I don’t have time to explain why I think so or you might disagree.
    There’s what sometimes is called Preterism.  They write about events that they pretended to predict after they happened.  Nero is one example.

    I’ve touched on too many facets of 666 & made my point about Nero.  I might just forget to ever come back to this thread.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty $666.66 for a computer

    Post by stathmk Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:03 am

    According to an article in literally today’s news, a rare Apple I with serial number 14 might sell for about $300,000 at auction.  If you read the rest of the article, it says that the computer from 1976 originally cost $666.66.

    On the topic of 666, I think that I had forgotten to mention that I saw an advertisement post at a gas station for a carton of cigarettes for $6.66.

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    Do you fear 666? Empty 666 members here!

    Post by stathmk Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:35 am

    Comedian Jerry Lewis died in August and they showed an old news clip of him dancing.  He was wearing a baseball uniform, spun around and 666 was on the back of his uniform.

    Sigma64 pointed out that we now have 666 registered users:

    = = = = = =
    This isn't a long post, I simply wanted to point out that, eerily, we have 666 registered users. Exactly what this means, I have no idea, but I thought that some attention should be brought to this, simply for the heck of it.

    -The Ever Psyched Sigma 64
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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

    Post by Sigma64 Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:53 pm

    I always found it hilarious that the price for the original Apple was $666.66. I can see $666, but I wonder why the .66?

    -The Ever Psyched Sigma 64

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    Do you fear 666? Empty Re: Do you fear 666?

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