This isn't a long post, I simply wanted to point out that, eerily, we have 666 registered users. Exactly what this means, I have no idea, but I thought that some attention should be brought to this, simply for the heck of it.
2 posters
We have 666 registered users!
Sigma64- Wolf3d n00b
- Number of posts : 6
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-28
- Post n°1
We have 666 registered users!
-The Ever Psyched Sigma 64
stathmk- Veteran
Number of posts : 1788
Age : 44
Location : Indiana, United States
Job : fast food worker & webmaster
Hobbie : old games & young dames
Registration date : 2008-04-08
I now pointed out in the old 666 thread that you noticed we have 666 members: