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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

2 posters

    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over

    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

    Number of posts : 5120
    Age : 30
    Location : California, USA
    Job : Investor
    Hobbie : Computers, chess, computer chess, fashion, and philosophy
    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Empty Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over

    Post by Dark_wizzie Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:15 am


    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Sujet11
    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over _ Michael Jackson contest : the results!


    First of all thanks to all participants, we've had 25 creations for this contest Idea

    Now, let's see the winners!

    First : Jagodicans

    Second : Veljko


    Third : M0cY

    Congrats to all 3 of you! Please send me by PM your forum so we can credit you with your prizes Idea

    See you all soon for a new contest!

    Best regards,
    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Typlo
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    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over 6001-53
    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Adminactif

    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Garcon12
    Posts: 2421
    Age: 23
    Language: French, English
    Country: Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Flag_f12
    Warning Level: Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over 1
    Join date: 2007-09-04

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Empty Re: Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:22 am

    Ohhh, I missed this Crying or Very sad

    Number of posts : 1788
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Michael Jackson Theme Contest Over Empty Michael Jackson was from Indiana

    Post by stathmk Sat Oct 10, 2015 6:32 pm

    I didn't participate in the contest.

    Michael Jackson was from Gary, Indiana.  That's not the same Indiana city that I'm from.  I was visiting The Indiana State Fairgrounds in the summer of 2009 just after he died.  I got to see his tombstone artwork or a copy of it.  I thought that in the image on it that he was dressed in the same clothes that he either Moonwalked in or danced to Smooth Criminal.

    Personally, I thought that television talked about Michael Jackson's death too much partly because Farrah Fawcett, yet another actor, and other people died the same day.  I have no special feelings for Michael Jackson.

    After he died, it was revealed that Michael Jackson wanted to be the Spiderman actor.  Also, Jackson reportedly contacted George Lucas or Stephen Spielberg wanting to be Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars Episode I.  Lucas or Spielberg was bothered by this.  Jackson mailed Britain asking if he could be a British Knight.  Britain wasn't interested.  He compared himself to King Arthur and Peter Pan at The Neverland Ranch.  My opinion is that Jackson was a spoiled brat, on a drug, or delusional.

    Unicorn316385, are you Chris?  I'm surprised that you like Michael instead of Janet!?

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