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Wolf3d Haven Forum

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    E4M10: Crap or ingenious?


    E4M10 hot or not?

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    E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_left0%E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_right [0%] 
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    E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_left0%E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_right [0%] 
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    E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_left0%E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_right [0%] 
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    E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_left0%E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Bar_right [0%] 

    Total Votes: 0

    Number of posts : 1739
    Age : 33
    Registration date : 2007-09-13

    E4M10: Crap or ingenious? Empty E4M10: Crap or ingenious?

    Post by Thomas Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:01 pm

    So this lopsided pyramid of disappearing officers is the fat reward the player gets for discovering a secret level in good old Episode 4. How do we feel about it? Any merits? Anything particularly loathesome about this map??? Now somebody talk! scared

      Current date/time is Wed Nov 13, 2024 3:52 pm