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    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors"

    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

    Number of posts : 39
    Age : 38
    Location : subterranean caverns & catacombs
    Job : Entrepreneur
    Hobbie : Beach Days & Gardening
    Message : Author of Castle Erzengel Demo, and the upcoming Runes of North Castle Court, and the rest of the Series : Knights of the ᛋᛋ.
    Registration date : 2021-12-05

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Empty [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors"

    Post by Agent_Falcon93 Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:52 pm

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Right-arrow

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Right-arrow 

    I am having allot of trouble with this tut 
    I had to change and do allot of things that where not listed, to reduce the errors,
    ie adding   three } 's at the end and defining the second sprite. 
    but I still cannot get this to compile, I seem to be down to one problem but I get 7 errors cited to these line in that block, that cite a single thing " statptr "
    In WL_Agent.cpp 
    for (statptr = &statobjlist[0] ; statptr !=laststatobj ; statptr++)

    I dont know the proper terms and such so bear with me, this " statptr " is a big problem here. 
    I noticed in my IDE that the little hover pop up didnt appear for statptr, just blind shot(I still haven't came to understand this stuff) but I tried adding in it some places that made the hover thing happen. 
     ie      extern  statobj_t *statptr;     , but I still get a many errors. 
    WL_AGENT.CPP|1732|undefined reference to `statptr' 
    all errors cite that block of code and all errors cite statptr 
     [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" 1f624 
    quite unsettling.

    Last edited by Agent_Falcon93 on Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Right-arrow

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Right-arrow farao "Call Pizza Hut and say Ardwolf"  [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" 1f355
    Can I Play, Daddy?
    Can I Play, Daddy?

    Number of posts : 39
    Age : 38
    Location : subterranean caverns & catacombs
    Job : Entrepreneur
    Hobbie : Beach Days & Gardening
    Message : Author of Castle Erzengel Demo, and the upcoming Runes of North Castle Court, and the rest of the Series : Knights of the ᛋᛋ.
    Registration date : 2021-12-05

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Empty Solution

    Post by Agent_Falcon93 Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:44 am

    Aside from the obvious stuff I had fixed/added ie brackets and defining some sprites

    The issue of the    *statptr;   which was confounding me,  scratch

    Nex solved by the addition of 

    statobj_t *statptr; 

    at the top of the added block in cmd_use  in WL_Agent.cpp

     [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" 1f60e

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Right-arrow

    [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" Right-arrow farao "Call Pizza Hut and say Ardwolf"  [solved]"Interactive Objects w Errors" 1f355

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 2:56 am