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    Hacked Mac shareware version

    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 191
    Age : 69
    Location : Los Angeles, California
    Hobbie : Wolfenstein 3D, Final Fantasy and Sokoban
    Registration date : 2010-08-03

    Hacked Mac shareware version Empty Hacked Mac shareware version

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:02 pm

    When I first downloaded the original Mac shareware version, after registering and getting 2nd Encounter and paying for 3rd Encounter, I ran across a shareware version on a BBS at the time that was touted as being v1.0.3. I downloaded it thinking maybe it was some update that MacPlay hadn't told us about. After emailing back and forth with the programmers at Interplay (the guys who wrote the Mac version), I found that it was indeed a hack. I looked at the files and did comparisons to the original 1.0.1 and 1.0 shareware versions I already had, and documented it all in my document, The (Almost) Complete Guide to Wolfenstein 3D.

    Recently, I downloaded the shareware version again and had it on my drive, just waiting for a Mac emulator to be working so I could check it out and play it again after all these years. While waiting, I managed to get a copy of the guide and had that waiting also. Well, last week I got a Mac emulator working, and was finally able to check these things out. Re-reading the guide has helped me remember many things I had forgotten, but the chapter on the hack is what caught my interest. I decided it was time to play the game and see if I could still remember the levels. Lo and behold, the secret doors were strange. It was like the texture had gotten screwed up some how. Well, I started looking at the files, and I found that what I have is the hacked shareware version. All of the numbers I had recorded in the guide correlated to this game. I had never tried to play it before, because I didn't think it was necessary since I already had both the 1.0 and 1.0.1 versions of the game, as well as the 1.0.1 version of 2nd Encounter and 1.0.2 of 3rd Encounter. So, this is the beginning of me being able to document the things that are different about the 1.0.3 hack in terms of what's actually in the game.

    But what I lack, and hope someone can point me in the direction of, is the original 1.0 and 1.0.1 versions of the shareware game. I plan to do more in-depth comparisons than I did last time, since I now have the disk space and tools to help me document everything. But I really need those other shareware versions. I can't compare to them if I don't have them.

    I hope that someone who reads this can help me locate the other versions. It will help my cause alot.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 191
    Age : 69
    Location : Los Angeles, California
    Hobbie : Wolfenstein 3D, Final Fantasy and Sokoban
    Registration date : 2010-08-03

    Hacked Mac shareware version Empty Re: Hacked Mac shareware version

    Post by Asa Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:57 am

    I created another topic on Diehard Wolfers for this same thing. There has been some activity there, so if you're interested, here is the link.

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