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    Longest par times = Longest levels? (Original Wolf3D)

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    Longest par times = Longest levels? (Original Wolf3D) Empty Longest par times = Longest levels? (Original Wolf3D)

    Post by WolfForever Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:48 pm

    In the original Wolfenstein game, the following levels have a par time of 5:00 or higher - E2L6, E3L8, E6L1, and E6L4-E6L8 (sensibly, the last five normal levels in the game).

    However, I think there are other levels in the game (two great examples: E4L5 and E4L8) that are just as long as these. (And when I say "long", I'm talking about strictly the fastest non-secret route to complete the level, not the actual size of the level.) However, these two levels only have pars around 4 minutes.

    Even further, a few levels such as E2L5 and E5L5 also have pars of at least 4 minutes but less than 5 minutes, but these particular levels can actually be completed much quicker in general (and still without finding secret shortcuts) if you know where to go, compared to my other examples E4L5 and E4L8.

    All this makes me question of ID Software considered level length (length being defined as how long the fastest route to completion without any secret shortcuts is) alone when making par times, or if other factors were considered as well, as if so what these factors may have been that could explain some of these discrepancies.

    What do you think/what are your comments regarding this?

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