If you are not sure, take a free tpying test from Google or something. I just hit 100. Welcome to the triple digit club!
4 posters
What is your typing speed?
What is your typing speed?
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Total Votes: 4
Dark_wizzie- I am Death Incarnate!
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Message : I made this forum when I was 13
Registration date : 2007-03-24
- Post n°1
What is your typing speed?
Wolf3d Haven
Minute Logic Blog
Schabbs- Extreme Wolfer
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Location : London, England.
Job : Retired
Hobbie : Playing Wolf3D/ROTT, eating out, travel, music, snooker
Registration date : 2007-03-24
- Post n°2
Re: What is your typing speed?
Dark_wizzie wrote:If you are not sure, take a free tpying test from Google or something. I just hit 100. Welcome to the triple digit club!
I just about made the double digit club. My score was 20.
Cat Productions - mapper
Thomas- Veteran
Number of posts : 1739
Age : 33
Registration date : 2007-09-13
- Post n°3
Re: What is your typing speed?
I don't think typing speed is a competence, really. It's just handy if you're constantly on-line in circumstance of communication, but other than that, it's not a big deal. Personally, I type pretty fast, and I never look at the keyboard. I've done it this way since I was a kid. I can feel my way forth. Now, if it was an actual keyboard rather than a computer-one, it would be considered a great skill; this is just, you know, something that is there, rather than being useful to the max.
Tenamk- Seasoned Wolfer
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Registration date : 2010-09-24
- Post n°4
Re: What is your typing speed?
Hit 45. I guess that is 50
I won the first forum raffle!
Dark_wizzie's signature: Nobody is perfect, I am nobody. Copier of my siggy will be severely pwned.
Tenamk says: Oh crap!