Eventually someone is going to want to have more than one door type and they will want to use it with a different door side than the default, retina burning cyan one. The one you find on DHW isn't terribly flexible and doesn't really allow for the 64+ wall code change. This solution is remarkably simple and takes mere minutes of code editing and is very flexible.
Do a search for:
Go ahead and put in a new set of curly braces ({}) under the if statement as this takes more than 1 line.
Add this in our new if-block
Do the same for HitHorizWall in the same place and just adjust DOORWALL+3 to whatever you need it to be.
Do a search for:
- Code:
if ( tilemap[xtile][ytile-ytilestep]&0x80)
Go ahead and put in a new set of curly braces ({}) under the if statement as this takes more than 1 line.
Add this in our new if-block
- Code:
wallpic = DOORWALL+3;
Do the same for HitHorizWall in the same place and just adjust DOORWALL+3 to whatever you need it to be.