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    [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings...

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    [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings... Empty [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings...

    Post by WLHack Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:49 am

    Some of you have already seen this in DHW before but I decided to post it here aswell...
    In this tutorial I help you to create transparent ceilings (like in the Lair of Mantis - of coursre
    my routine might differ a lot from the one theJosh used)...

    Open wl_floorceiling.cpp and change the very end of the file from this:

                  if (curbottex != lastbottex)


                            lastbottex = curbottex;

                            bottex = PM_GetTexture(curbottex);


                        u = (gu >> (TILESHIFT - TEXTURESHIFT)) & (TEXTURESIZE - 1);

                        v = (gv >> (TILESHIFT - TEXTURESHIFT)) & (TEXTURESIZE - 1);

                        unsigned texoffs = (u << TEXTURESHIFT) + (TEXTURESIZE - 1) - v;

    #ifdef USE_SHADING


                            vbuf[top_add] = curshades[toptex[texoffs]];


                            vbuf[bot_add] = curshades[bottex[texoffs]];



                            vbuf[top_add] = toptex[texoffs];


                            vbuf[bot_add] = bottex[texoffs];




                gu += du;

                gv += dv;




    and replace it with this:


                        if (curbottex != lastbottex)


                            lastbottex = curbottex;

                            bottex = PM_GetTexture(curbottex);


                        u = (gu >> (TILESHIFT - TEXTURESHIFT)) & (TEXTURESIZE - 1);

                        v = (gv >> (TILESHIFT - TEXTURESHIFT)) & (TEXTURESIZE - 1);

                        unsigned texoffs = (u << TEXTURESHIFT) + (TEXTURESIZE - 1) - v;
                    // Get tranparent:
                        byte color1=*(toptex+texoffs);
                        byte color2=*(bottex+texoffs);

    #ifdef USE_SHADING

                            if (color1 != 0xff)
                                vbuf[top_add] = curshades[toptex[texoffs]];


                          if (color2 != 0xff)
                              vbuf[bot_add] = curshades[bottex[texoffs]];

                          if (color1 != 0xff)
                              vbuf[top_add] = toptex[texoffs];

                          if (color2 != 0xff)
                              vbuf[bot_add] = bottex[texoffs];




                gu += du;

                gv += dv;





    Last edited by WLHack on Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:31 am; edited 1 time in total

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    [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings... Empty Re: [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings...

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:35 pm

    Hey, how about a screenshot of the new effects? Very Happy

    Wolf3d Haven
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    [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings... Empty Re: [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings...

    Post by WLHack Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:29 am

    I try to post one later this evening...

    Hammer: I can see it now: you and the moon - wear a necktie so I'll know you.
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    Black Cat
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    [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings... Empty Re: [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings...

    Post by thejosh Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:32 pm

    WLHack wrote: transparent ceilings (like in the Lair of Mantis - of coursre
    my routine might differ a lot from the one theJosh used)...

    I used code by Alumiun for transparent ceilings in my mod, He posted a tutorial on it a while ago at dhw somewhere, if you can find it, that's what my routine looks like Very Happy
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    [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings... Empty Re: [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings...

    Post by WLHack Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:54 am

    Ah, that one... I tried it out but it didn't seem to do anything (or I just implemented it wrong)...

    Hammer: I can see it now: you and the moon - wear a necktie so I'll know you.
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    [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings... Empty Re: [SDL tutorial] Transparent ceilings...

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