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Wolf3d Haven Forum

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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

    Forumotion wants staff

    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

    Number of posts : 5120
    Age : 30
    Location : California, USA
    Job : Investor
    Hobbie : Computers, chess, computer chess, fashion, and philosophy
    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    Forumotion wants staff Empty Forumotion wants staff

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:53 pm

    Staff Wanted!

    Hello everyone,
    As may guess from the title, the staff of the Support Forum will be increasing their numbers in the near future.

    Indeed, after long months of waiting and backtracking, the Review Section is yet another step closer to it's completion. While the actual section is still in preparation, we have decided to start the applications for the Review Team, also called the ForuMotion Reviewers. A new group will be created when the section opens.

    To come to terms, only 2 to 3 applicants will be kept in the end. To sort out who will pass, applicants will be passed through a series of tests; 3 forum analyses to do. This is because the places up for offer are for Reviewers. If you are only good for Graphics or Moderating, we ask you refrain from applying because we're not interested in those talents here.

    How to apply?

    Nothing more simple
    First of all, we ask only members who have been her for 3 months or longer apply. This isn't to discriminate newcomers, but rather to avoid the "come and go" type member.
    Secondly, you'll have to send a P.M to EditBot. The content of the P.M will be the analysis you write on the forum in EditBot's website field. You will not need to register to be able to provide a full analysis of the forum - there is nothing else to see
    You will be judged by the Staff on the quality of your analysis, so we advise you provide an analysis like what you count on providing in the eventuality that you get hired.

    The "winners" of the first round will be informed so by P.M, an answer from EditBot himself (a rarety unseen since 3 years). They will then be given in that same P.M the address of the second forum to analyse.
    The finalists will then have the last forum to analyse. The remaining ones, numbered between none to three will be hired in the new Review Team under the leadership of the Team Leader. The Team Leader's identity will remain secret for reasons of national security, I'm sure you'll all understand

    For each session, or round, a delay of 1 week will be accored for the members to analyse the forum given and submit it to the EditBot account

    Errors to be avoided
    As said previously, we ask members who haven't been registered since 3 months not to submit their application. We will be checking, so it's simply a waste of your time.
    There is stricly no need to send several applications. The first ne sent is the last - if you have doubts or modifications to add, make sure they done and over with before you send the application.
    All members posting their analysis publicly will be eliminated. Why? Because other members can simple copy-paste the work done and submit it under their name...
    As stated earlier, only positions for the Review Team are at stake. They will have close to no moderation rights or status - it's not their job. If this is what you want, wait for the better time.

    We wish the best of luck to all those who'll send their application, and we look forward to reading those excellent reviews.

    The ForuMotion Staff

    Wolf3d Haven
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      Current date/time is Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:43 am