Wolf3d Haven Forum

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Wolf3d Haven Forum

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Wolf3d Haven Forum

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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version

    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

    Number of posts : 5120
    Age : 30
    Location : California, USA
    Job : Investor
    Hobbie : Computers, chess, computer chess, fashion, and philosophy
    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version Empty Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version

    Post by Dark_wizzie Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:17 pm

    Beloved Typlo says the update is finally complete.

    I'm a proud to announce you our new update, that will be fully operational and up on your forums within a few minutes!

    1. Admin notepad in your admin panel:
    Admins can now leave eachothers comments in the admin panel

    Active notepad:


    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version Upl2921829682

    2. Summer/Winter time management : (Member profile >> preference):


    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version Upl6442499060

    For an optimal work, you'll need to apply those modifications in the templates (phpbb2 users only):


    Templates index_body

    => Add :

    At the end of the code

    Templates profile_add_body

    => Add after :

    [td class=row1]{L_DATE_FORMAT} :[/td]
    [td class=row2]{DATE_FORMAT}[/td]

    The following code :

    [td class=row1]{L_AUTO_CORRECT_DST} :[/td]
    [td class=row2]
    [td class=row1]

    [td class=row2]

    Before :


    3. Automatic members activation: No need to validate your members anymore, their account is automatically activated and operational.

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 31102008153427te3

    For an optimal work, you'll need to apply those modifications in the templates (phpbb2 users only):


    Templates profile_confirm_body

    => Add after :


    => The following code :


    [td class=row1]{L_ENTER_CODE}* :[/td]
    [td class="row2 captcha"]
    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version {switch_captcha


    And before the code :

    [td class=catBottom height="28" align="center" colspan="2"]{S_HIDDEN_FIELDS} [/td]

    4. Deletion of forum cookies : A button on forum index that allow you to delete simply and fastly all forum cookies, without any particular manipulation.

    5. Today's active topics + Today top 20 posters + Top 20 posters
    are now available:


    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 31102008154029vp5

    6. Domain names renewal/deletion automatic management :

    You will now be alerted by email once your domain name arrives near expiration:

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 1010

    at anytime, after the warning appears (D-30) the admin can directly renew its domain name:

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version Upl6943595264

    After buying or renewing the domain name, the founder can actually ask to delete its domain name
    Once the deletion is asked, you can cancel this decision until Forumotion has finalized the deletion

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 1310

    7. A new forum software : INVISION !
    This version will have features that aren't available in other version :
    - Next 5 days calendar events
    - possibility to hide categories on forum index

    Login/logout page:

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 410

    Entire forum preview:

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 510

    Same forum with hidden categories:

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 611

    Possibility to hide/display smilies while using the extended editor:

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version Upl0822667234

    "Who's online" image blocks customisation:

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version Upl7102689073

    8. Login page on index: header, footer or both (in Display > generalities)

    Forumotion: new update, new functionalities, new forum version 06112008110956zl4

    9. Invision and PunBB on Hitskin: You now can upload Invision and PunBB skins on Hitksin, and display them simply on your forum.

    I hope you appreciate all these new features!

    This first update is mainly aimed to admins, stay tuned for another list of updates very soon, that will be mainly for users this time!

    Best regards,
    Forumotion staff
    This begs a question: What type of forum theme do you want??? Yes, I know you are tired of new forum themes. So far I have tested the forum timeout on the Inivsion theme. The bug is not fixed in that theme.

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 20, 2024 7:28 am