I absolutely love this engine! not only is it the most faithful, but the controller support rocks! Wolfenstein 3D is the only PC fps game that I prefer using a controller over the keyboard and mouse. this engine also lets you play at higher resolutions! I play at 900x600 now, which I think might be the highest possible. this is good..because using the original PC version hurt my eyes since the resolution was so low causing the refresh rate to be super low as well. so I'm going to try to beat the game on I am Death Incarnate. I beat the first episode so far, I never really got into Wolfenstien 3D in the past..partly because I am only turning 22. the first fps I ever saw was Doom on the SNES and I never knew about the PC gaming world much at that time. I then got into ID software games again some years after we finally got a good PC with broadband and played Quake a lot. then I played Doom again and played on Ultra-Violence and then played Doom II on Ultra-Violence as well! the harder the more fun! I noticed there is some cool things about Wolf3D that even Doom didn't have. stealth. its awesome how you can sneak up behind a nazi walking and stab him. also the fact that the nazis are alerted when they hear fire in another room and come out from another door. I noticed the official ports for consoles and Mac didn't have much of the stealth gameplay, Wolf3D for the PC also has an insane amount of sprites for each bad guy. anyways I thought I would share all this, partly because I got an email explaining current inactivity on this forum for the last five days. I almost forgot about this website, because I reformatted late last year and that obviously took this off my bookmark. anyways, yeah