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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

2 posters

    GZ Doom Wads Page

    Extreme Wolfer
    Extreme Wolfer

    Number of posts : 3036
    Location : London, England.
    Job : Retired
    Hobbie : Playing Wolf3D/ROTT, eating out, travel, music, snooker
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    GZ Doom Wads Page Empty GZ Doom Wads Page

    Post by Schabbs Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:11 pm

    Here's a new page, hosted by DoomWadStation, and is dedicated to wads especially made for the GZ Doom port.
    http://gzdoom.doomwadstation.com/news.html .
    It's also been added to the links on the Dome Doom2 conversions page. Add-ons - DOOM2.

    Cat Productions - mapper

    Number of posts : 1788
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    GZ Doom Wads Page Empty Help me get this Wolf3D level in Doom 2 working in GZDoom

    Post by stathmk Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:56 pm

    I saw on somebody’s web site that there’s a secret Wolfenstein level in TUTNT. So I clicked on the link and it went to TUTNT: The Ultimate Torment & Torture:
    It requires GZDoom: http://grafzahl.drdteam.org/
    I’ve tried following the source port directions on http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/adds_DOOM2.htm , but I get errors. Can somebody please tell me how they’ve loaded it up in GZDoom?

    Number of posts : 1788
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    GZ Doom Wads Page Empty I used ZDL 3.1 for TUTNT

    Post by stathmk Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:55 pm

    I used ZDL 3.1 for TUTNT. Here's a help thread about getting TUTNT to work in Skulltag 97D3 with ZDL 3.1 or GZDoom 1.1.05 with ZDL 3.1: http://forum.drdteam.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=3954

    On a different note, the drdteam.org forum has a lot of creative smilies with weapons for Doom and Unreal Tournament.

    Schabbs, I will send you a map, a saved game, and info overnight or tomorrow.

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    GZ Doom Wads Page Empty Re: GZ Doom Wads Page

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