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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

4 posters

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile?

    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 3
    Age : 48
    Registration date : 2023-07-23

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile?

    Post by Wolf3d1995 Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:18 pm

    Hi guys,

    I been a die-hard wolfer since 1995, as a teen I thought this game was so cool and I have been playing it on mobile since about 2015, when I discovered this game on Google Play. Back then there was some Chinese (?) developers who ported this game and even Spear of Destiny to the Android platform, and the way they designed their app was the BEST.

    All the control buttons worked extremely well, and were not clunky but in the right spot for optimal reflexes and smooth gameplay. Only thing was there was no difference in going forward between running or just moving forward; the speed was the same I think.

    Whether the shooting button or the movements, everything was very logical and worked well. I played thru ALL the levels and finished uncovering ALL the secret tunnels. There were maps of all the levels too, which I think I downloaded online.

    Alas, Google kept closing them down. And around 2017, I realized the app was completely banned and gone for good. After my phone had to be thrown away, I gotten a new phone but....the app was gone by then.

    After that, Wolfenstein slipped my mind until lately, I get the urge to play this game again. But now, it's the same situation, there are no good versions of Wolfenstein for mobile to be found anywhere. At least not that Chinese app. I wonder if anyone knows what I am talking about here? If not mistaken it was called WolfDroid3D or something.

    The closest or most similar app to the one I used can be found on APK Pure (just search for Wolfenstein 3D). I'm not allowed to post links.....

    But if you see the screenshots of the apps there, the buttons do not look the same. And the app size is pretty big at 20-something Mb. Not sure what all that bloat is for? I am afraid to download them due to malware fears. If I recall correctly, the old WolfDroid3D was just around 6 Mb or less than 10 Mb for sure. But unfortunately ALL the copies of any APKs for Wolfenstein 3D for mobile that exist online now, are NOT the WolfDroid3D....... Crying or Very sad

    Has anyone played Wolfenstein 3D on mobile, and what version did you use, and is those 20-something apps that I mentioned above, safe for download?

    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

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    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty Re: Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile?

    Post by SilverWolf Tue Jul 25, 2023 9:56 am

    I never got a smartphone until 2021, and only got one because Walmart was the only place open due to covid lockdown and I needed a phone and they had no flipphones. The only app I tried for wolf was Magic Dosbox, which lets you add buttons on the screen wherever you want for each key you want to use. Pretty cool I guess, even though I hate touchscreens
    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 3
    Age : 48
    Registration date : 2023-07-23

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty Re: Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile?

    Post by Wolf3d1995 Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:14 pm

    Hope I'm not the only one who played Wolfenstein 3D on the smartphone, because it really worked GREAT on smartphone in landscape mode. If the app is done properly, moving forward, strafing, firing, changing weapons, pushing walls....all can easily be done. The toggles on the left and right have to be well thought out, and this was the case with the app I am raving about.

    And the app that worked really well was the one I mentioned, WolfDroid 3D or something. It was working great back in 2013-2015 when I was on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

    And still working on Galaxy Note 4 in 2016-2017. Even though by then the app no longer existed anywhere and the developer could no longer be contacted.

    But after I had to get a new phone, I did a long search for this WolfDroid 3D and could not find anything online. There is a copy I think is one of the earlier versions of WolfDroid 3D but it crashes on my current phone, which is not even a new phone.

    So back to my question. Anyone tried the APKs of Wolfenstein elsewhere? These are not WolfDroid I think. They are too large.

    But if they work, let us know!

    Number of posts : 1787
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty I might have the files!?!?

    Post by stathmk Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:33 am

    Wolf3d1995 wrote:... some Chinese (?) developers...
    Hello.  Which nation are you in?  Do you know Chinese?  Personally, I'm in America.  Did you mean that they have Chinese names typed in English's Romance alphabet letters or in Chinese characters?  If it was Chinese characters, then I really don't remember that one.

    My second phone was a 16 GB Android and I do remember downloading a free Wolfenstein 3D game from The Google Play store.  I also remember downloading a free Doom 2: Hell on Earth game and the reviews included "...just to be clear, this version has more levels than the 1994 Doom 2: Hell on Earth game for the computer."  I don't know if the Android Doom 2 version also has the 2 Wolfenstein 3D-themed secret levels with SS that are a little bit shorter.  I don't know if the 2 Wolfenstein 3D-themed secret levels matter to you.  I at least transferred all of the photos and videos from my 16 GB Android by a cable to my computer.  This included the Wolfenstein 3D and Doom 2 games.  Then I traded up to a 128 GB Android.  Wolfenstein 3D and Doom 2 games were no longer available in The Google Play Store.  I asked the guy in the Verizon store in my town if I can copy saved games and/or other apps over from what I saved on my computer.  He said that there's a malware risk and that's even if it works with an updated phone.  He said that he's a shoe guy that copied the Shoe Carnival app to his computer to copy to his new phone.  There was no malware, but the app didn't work.

    I'm the only other Matt still on these Wolfenstein forums.  I might have time to copy the files over from my computer at a another time.  Please stay in touch.

    Wolf3d1995 likes this post

    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 3
    Age : 48
    Registration date : 2023-07-23

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty Re: Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile?

    Post by Wolf3d1995 Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:07 am

    stathmk wrote:
    Wolf3d1995 wrote:... some Chinese (?) developers...
    Hello.  Which nation are you in?  Do you know Chinese?  Personally, I'm in America.  Did you mean that they have Chinese names typed in English's Romance alphabet letters or in Chinese characters?  If it was Chinese characters, then I really don't remember that one.

    My second phone was a 16 GB Android and I do remember downloading a free Wolfenstein 3D game from The Google Play store.  I also remember downloading a free Doom 2: Hell on Earth game and the reviews included "...just to be clear, this version has more levels than the 1994 Doom 2: Hell on Earth game for the computer."  I don't know if the Android Doom 2 version also has the 2 Wolfenstein 3D-themed secret levels with SS that are a little bit shorter.  I don't know if the 2 Wolfenstein 3D-themed secret levels matter to you.  I at least transferred all of the photos and videos from my 16 GB Android by a cable to my computer.  This included the Wolfenstein 3D and Doom 2 games.  Then I traded up to a 128 GB Android.  Wolfenstein 3D and Doom 2 games were no longer available in The Google Play Store.  I asked the guy in the Verizon store in my town if I can copy saved games and/or other apps over from what I saved on my computer.  He said that there's a malware risk and that's even if it works with an updated phone.  He said that he's a shoe guy that copied the Shoe Carnival app to his computer to copy to his new phone.  There was no malware, but the app didn't work.

    I'm the only other Matt still on these Wolfenstein forums.  I might have time to copy the files over from my computer at a another time.  Please stay in touch.
    I think they were Chinese developers because I did email them to ask some questions and their English wasn't very good, and I also bought their paid version from the Google Play Store. They merely imported ALL that comprised the Wolfenstein games into a mobile app format and were selling the full level version (with all the different bosses) for $5 a copy (if I remember). All secret levels worked, everything worked great.

    The game just played so smooth on my Galaxy Note 2 phone, and even later on my Galaxy Note 4 phone, and all the buttons were optimally placed and not too big or small. Just a great experience.

    But only later I realized Google Play was always trying to take them off the store, but back in those days, the Play Store wasn't policed so heavily so they always returned when taken off. If you searched for Wolfenstein 3D in the Play Store around that era, you would surely have come across their app.

    They also ported the whole Spear of Destiny game into an app but this was not free. That was really good and I had a lot of fun playing SOD on my phone back then.....

    I talk as if it was such a long time ago, but it was only about 10 years ago. 

    Surely there would have been some forum users here who played their mobile app game?

    Number of posts : 1787
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty A game includes Progresstein 3-D!

    Post by stathmk Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:36 pm

    Wolf3d1995 and SilverWolf, I've found a Wolfenstein 3-D Android parody game.  I'm sorry that it's not the one that I meant to look for.  I do remember a dog in a screensaver for Windows 98 Second Edition.  I remember Clippy and a cartoonish man that looked a little bit different from Einstein in Microsoft Office.  Go to https://play.google.com/store/search?q=ProgressBar95&c=apps for Progressbar95 - nostalgic game.  Look at the screenshots and one of them is Progresstein 3-D with the comedian impersonating Clippy holding a bazooka or gun and the comedian impersonating the dog at red bricks like The Wolfenstein 3-D title screen.  If I'm understanding this, the screenshot with "BarOS 10.II PRO" is a parody advertisement for the Apple Imac’s After Dark screensaver.  So I did download the game to my Android and played the tutorial level where the progress bar was like a Pong, Brickles, Breakout, Super Breakout, Arkanoid, or Alleyway game.  The comedian impersonating Clippy says, "I Love You!" which is a joke about the year 1999 or 2000 email virus that had "I Love You!" in the subject line.  It also sounds like a 486 computer revving up.  The Progresstein 3-D minigame first starts at level 25, I think.  I haven't reached level 25.  In the reviews, at least one person complained that money must be spent to delete the advertisements.  In a review, somebody typed that if your character loses a life in the quasi-Wolfenstein 3-D game, then you go back to it and it doesn't play the music anymore because of a glitch.  400 levels!?  Have fun!
    Years ago, I thought that I saw a meme with Microsoft Word’s Clippy.  Somebody edited Clippy’s text bubble in Photoshop with the same font to something along the lines of, “I see that you’re viewing some hot lingerie and swimwear action.  Mind if I join in and watch?”

    Number of posts : 1787
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty I made it to the Wolf 3-D parody level in ProgressBar95!

    Post by stathmk Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:08 pm

    I played the free version of ProgressBar95 for Android as Guest.  I played it over and over again for maybe 20 minutes to get to the Wolfenstein 3-D parody level, which is not quite on level 25 as I had heard.  The Wolfenstein 3-D parody level is more refined and fun than I had thought!  You should play it!  I didn't even buy any optional unlockable items.  I haven't bought the steampowered.com version for the PC just yet.

    Number of posts : 19
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2010-12-10

    Anyone playing Wolfenstein 3D on Mobile? Empty I used to play SOD on NOKIA N72 with my own levels

    Post by gengyu89 Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:40 am

    The good thing about WOLF3D/SOD for S60 is that you can browse the game directory and view the files inside after connecting the phone to a computer. It follows almost the same structure as the SDL distribution and thus you can replace AUDIO*.SOD, GAMEMAPS.SOD, MAPHEAD.SOD, VGA*.SOD, and VSWAP.SOD with edited ones (as long as the mod does not require a code change).

    During the period I did not always have access to a computer, NOKIA N72 became a tool to test my newly-developed levels.

    The original website of WOLF3D/SOD for S60 I visited no longer exists, I believe.
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