As a fellow hater of guns and violence I recommend Clyde's Adventures. It's a fun sidescroller with no enemies where you pick up energy balls and diamonds in castles and it has cool sounds and graphics. Maybe a 3D version of it would be cool too.
To WolferCooker
stathmk- Veteran
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Registration date : 2008-04-08
A 3D version? Whatever this is, it reminds me of Commander Keen. Once on an Ultimate Doom or Doom II: Hell on Earth forum, I saw the secret levels screenshots of a Team Raycast Doom game. The secret levels had a Commander Keen theme with the caves and walking slugs or snails. I can't believe I had forgotten to bookmark the thread. That's if you like Commander Keen style games.Princess Peach wrote:As a fellow hater of guns and violence I recommend Clyde's Adventures. It's a fun sidescroller with no enemies where you pick up energy balls and diamonds in castles and it has cool sounds and graphics. Maybe a 3D version of it would be cool too.
You are sarcastic that you hate guns and violence!? About 2 1/2 years ago, I saw 2 news articles that an American man was attacked by a bear and killed it without a gun. He was bloodied up. How does this man walk with balls that big? I think that I once saw on The Dr. Oz show something about poaching with guns. The man with Dr. Oz said, "If you're thinking about poaching, run around naked without a weapon, and strangle the animal with your bare hands." What would Freud say about that? Freud would say, "I'm not touching that one." EDIT: For the record, I don't want to see them naked!
Today, are you in Japan, Canada, or The Philipines? Tell the Japanese Prime Minister I said, "Ko ni chi wa!" Tell the Canadian Prime Minister I said, "Happy Boxing Day!" Tell The Philipino Prime Minister that I said, "Philipinos push the Manilla envelope a little bit further and South Koreans can sing and dance because they have Seoul!"