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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

3 posters

    Annotated Games

    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 6
    Age : 63
    Location : Toronto, Canada
    Job : Typography
    Registration date : 2021-07-19

    Annotated Games Empty Annotated Games

    Post by bobistheowl Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:56 am

    This is my first post on this board.

    I've never created a Wolfenstein3D mod, and I haven't played the game in several years. What I do is create annotated supplements to some of the mods I've played.

    Here are the games I annotated, with download links where you can get them. Note that these files are in a 4shared dot com online storage account that will be automatically purged in November, 2021, but I can reupload them after that:

    Coming of the Storm         https://www.4shared.com/rar/6RFObSysea

    Secret Missions 4            https://www.4shared.com/rar/y_7a12E_ea

    Project Eisenritter            https://www.4shared.com/rar/QCtw3m0Fea

    Spear Resurrection         https://www.4shared.com/rar/4ZERPFzmiq

    Kill Hitler                          https://www.4shared.com/rar/lPpG-RMriq

    Operation Heimzahlung    https://www.4shared.com/rar/7WgHU5MTiq

    The Golden Episodes      https://www.4shared.com/rar/QO2eu1pNiq

    A Touch of Nazi                https://www.4shared.com/rar/1G4h3LWViq

    The Final Fight                https://www.4shared.com/rar/HdYqu0cxiq

    Totengraeber II                https://www.4shared.com/rar/wbwumTdLea

    These links are blocked on this site, but if you want these files, you can copy/ paste theme to a different browser window.

    Some of these are more complete than others, depending on when I played the games, (the last one I did was in 2008).

    The rar archives contain all game files from the original .zip file, plus the following:

    1) Saved games at the end of floors, with 100% health, ammo and weapons.

    2) Saved games at secret elevators.

    3) Saved games when encountering a Boss.

    4) Strategy notes for some games.

    5) Saved html web pages for the maps from Spear: Resurrection.

    6) A detailed story for The Final Fight.

    These .rar archives were originally made for sharing on eMule.

    Wherever possible, I try to kill all opponents with The Knife

    Here's how they can best be used:

    If you're playing one of these games, it's helpful to be able to leisurely walk through a completed floor with all opponents killed, so see where the end elevator is in relation to the start, to see the locations of secret rooms, to see the types and volume of opponents you will encounter, and the places where they can best be killed. You'll also see where ammo is available, other than from a killed opponent.

    If you want to play a specific floor from one of these games, open the saved game from the end of the previous floor, then start. (I often play the PacMan floor from Spear:Resurrection).

    If you just want to fight the Bosses, you can do that, without having to complete all the previous floors.

    If you want to play for the par time, without regard for health or ammo conservation, you can do that, without having to save a game in progress.

    I completed floor 16 in Project: Eisenritter, which is VERY difficult. The Annotations.txt file tells you how I did it.

    My computer with Windows XP was hacked in January, 2017, but my geek at the repair shop is in the process of loading a computer for me with XP to my specifications, (Service Packs 1 and 2 only). I plan to stockpile several computers like this, which will not be connected to the Internet. Several apps I use regularly only work with Windows o/s prior to Vista, and it's becoming more difficult to find computers that have motherboards compatible with XP. I may be able to introduce some younger people to Wolfenstein3D, and to some of the great software from the past which doesn't work on the computers with which they are familiar.

    I don't know if I will annotate any additional games, but I won't rule it out.

    Last edited by bobistheowl on Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added information about links)
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

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    Registration date : 2008-02-27

    Annotated Games Empty Re: Annotated Games

    Post by Nexion Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:45 am

    Hi, interesting project you have there. Some of those mods are quite challenging, so respect for making it through all of those. I heard The Golden Episodes is impossible for some people. Maybe you could upload all files as a bundle, separated by folders, on another host since 4shared requires people to have any type of account to download.
    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 6
    Age : 63
    Location : Toronto, Canada
    Job : Typography
    Registration date : 2021-07-19

    Annotated Games Empty Re: Annotated Games

    Post by bobistheowl Fri Jul 30, 2021 10:46 am

    When you clink on a link in post #1, there's a message that says "This website/URL has been blocked from AdF.ly"

    If you can suggest a different host site that doesn't require having an account to download, and is an acceptable link on this board, post a link to the site, and I'll upload them there.

    All you need to sign up for a 4shared account is an e-mail address. I have about ten accounts, all connected to outlook accounts that I set up just to use for 4shared accounts.

    I don't remember The Golden Episodes being especially difficult for me. Project Eisenritter was the most difficult one I played, and Coming of the Storm and Spear:Resurrection were very challenging. I enjoyed The Final Fight very much, and it is more thoroughly annotated than most of the others.

    When I play a floor from one of these annotated games, I usually play for par time, with the chain gun and no saving. I know in advance where health and ammo supplements are plentiful. If I get killed, I just reload the saved game from the end of the previous floor. If I get to the elevator, I load the saved game at the end of that floor, (with full health and ammo).

    Killing an UberMutant with the knife in Project Eisenritter was a lot of fun. You need to get him at a doorway, with only part of his body out. As long as you keep stabbing, he can't advance. That's also true for Cyborgs, Mech Storm Troopers and the grey Hans Grosse's. Those last two might be the same baddie; it's been a while since I played. My repairman has completed the installation of Win XP on two refurbished laptops for me, so I can play again after I pick them up. He'll be on the lookout for other older machines that are compatible with XP.

    I also like playing Risk II against computer opponents, and I can do that on an XP computer that's not connected to the Internet. I use the "Cable Warez Pirates" version, and some Windows update disabled it. Many Windows updates look for unregistered software, and shut them down. I know that for sure because in XP, you can read the update .log files with Notepad, a feature no longer offered by Microsoft. I make computer fonts, and my main apps are the XP version of MS Paint and a cracked version of ScanFont 3, a font editing program that is no longer sold, and only works with Win XP and earlier operating systems. Some Windows update in January or February, 2013 shut it down, so I have my refurbished laptops loaded with only the service packs installed. My repairman tested ScanFont 3 with Service Packs 1, 2 and 3 installed, and it works fine. I access the Internet with a Windows 10 computer, but I do work or play old school games on an XP. I move files between computers with a flash drive. An XP computer that's never been connected to the Internet processes anything much more quickly.

    If you want to see my typography work, google "bobistheowl fonts". I also have a video version of the animated .gif included in the download .zip for my font named Cabbagetown - search on Youtube for "Cabbagetown Missile Command". ALL of my fonts are free to download and free for non-commercial personal use, and only Cabbagetown has a licensing fee for commercial use.

    Annotated Games Empty Re: Annotated Games

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:30 pm

    bobistheowl wrote:Spear Resurrection         https://www.4shared.com/rar/4ZERPFzmiq

    Nice score. You would have been in the Top 5 in the Spear: Resurrection Hall of Fame. Too bad about how they aren't accepting entries any more, maybe they'll make an exception if you can manage to beat #2 or #1 Really, Really Happy
    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 6
    Age : 63
    Location : Toronto, Canada
    Job : Typography
    Registration date : 2021-07-19

    Annotated Games Empty Re: Annotated Games

    Post by bobistheowl Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:56 pm

    Princess Peach wrote:
    bobistheowl wrote:Spear Resurrection         https://www.4shared.com/rar/4ZERPFzmiq

    Nice score. You would have been in the Top 5 in the Spear: Resurrection Hall of Fame. Too bad about how they aren't accepting entries any more, maybe they'll make an exception if you can manage to beat #2 or #1 Really, Really Happy

    Thanks for downloading, Princess Peach. I don't think anyone can beat my minimum ammo expenditure figures on The Final Fight, and very few could tie them.

    No cheats were used in making the annotated games, just lots and lots of saving.

    Number of posts : 1787
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Annotated Games Empty I sent you a message that the files aren't all listed

    Post by stathmk Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:05 am

    bobistheowl wrote:...Note that these files are in a 4shared dot com online storage account that will be automatically purged in November, 2021, but I can reupload them after that:
    I sent you a message that you can email these to me and I'll host them on my web space.  Also, my Norton seems to have expired today and hates when I download these in Opera.

    Off topic:  I know that you're new here, but if you have the registered copy of Wolfenstein 3D, then you can have 3 new episodes next year: http://dhw.wolfenstein3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=7863  Diehard Wolfers is now easier to be whitelisted to.

    Also off topic:  There's http://www.wolf3d.net/ , which I think you can have fun checking out.
    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 6
    Age : 63
    Location : Toronto, Canada
    Job : Typography
    Registration date : 2021-07-19

    Annotated Games Empty Re: Annotated Games

    Post by bobistheowl Tue Nov 09, 2021 6:34 am


    I replied to your e-mail. Thanks for the tip about the new episodes for registered Wolf 3D. I have a copy.

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