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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:55 am

    I believe the God Mode sprite (see my avatar) was only found in Spear of Destiny (if memory serves me correctly, I used to have all 3 episodes of that), and I never knew what version the BJ panting between levels images were in. The only time I saw that was in the Mac version. It was in all three versions, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Encounters. I would like to add them to the game (PC version I'm currently playing in DOSBox and ECWolf), but I'm not sure how to do this. Also, I have not been able to locate the panting sprites, so any help with pointing me to them would be appreciated. Also, the Mac version used 128x128 sprites instead of 64x64 sprites, so I don't want the Mac version panting sprites unless they can be converted to 64x64 before I insert them into the game files. Looking with WDC I notice that what I think are the locations of where the panting sprites would be are two identical sprites separated by the series of stencil letter sprites. I recall reading a post I can't find now about replacing the second one with the alternate sprite, but I need to see the image to know if it is correct.

    To recap:

    1. where can I find the panting sprites
    2. how do I insert them and the god mode sprite into the game files

    I have Wolf3D Data Compiler and Havoc's Wolf3d Editor. Editing the maps with HWE is easy and fun. I haven't used WDC in many years and am having to remember how to use it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:39 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:51 am

    Wolf3DGuy wrote:The god mode graphs can be found in SoD that's true, those are missing in Wolf3D, by the panting sprites I believe you mean the intermission screen inbetween levels with the ratios showing up and there's BJ breathing and holding his gun, those 2 sprites appear in the PC version as well, you don't have to add those, unless if you have the steam version of the game, for some reason they added one panting sprite twice so BJ is not animated there, strange that's for sure, but I believe you can find those sprites on Spriters Resource.

    If you want to make the god mode faces appear in Wolf3D then you have to do more than just adding those 3 sprites in the vga files, I do not know if you work with DOS or ECWolf now. If you're trying to do it in DOS you have to add the faces after the mutant BJ sprite, then in GFXV_WL6.h you have to add the faces there as well afte Anyway, I will look for r MUTANTBJPIC, let's just call them GODMODEFACE1PIC, GODMODEFACE2PIC and GODMODEFACE3PIC. Also you have to raise the value in ORDERSCREEN by 3, do the same with the values for LATCHPICS_LUMP_END, NUMCHUNKS and NUMPICS as well also after the "File offsets for data items" lines too except for STRUCTPIC, STARTFONT, STARTFONTM and STARTPICS. Next, open up WL_AGENT in DrawFace remove the #ifdef SPEAR and the #endif lines. Save both files then compile the new exe, I believe it should work, if you want to add these in ECWolf then I have no idea how to do that, I hate scripting Doom after all! Cool  Laughing

    I looked at the shareware SoD and found the god mode sprites there. I wish I hadn't lost the registered versions of the game and both mission packs, but that is the past and I have to deal with things as they are. Anyway, yes, I am referring to the intermission screen. I have version 1.1 of Wolf3D and it does not have the differing panting sprites. It has the same sprite twice. I never got the steam version of any game, so I know it isn't that. If 1.1 was supposed to have them, then somehow my copy was different. Anyway, I will see about locating the second sprite in the location you mentioned.

    I never did anything in the way of modding the files before, other than to play around with the mapedit editor. I used MapEdit 8 (not 8.4), and found WDC when I wanted to look at the sprites. I used it to get a copy of the god mode image I used for my avatar here. That was many years ago. I have just begun to look at the sprites again, but I have never tried to insert graphics into the files before. I don't have the same computer I had back then (it was stolen when I had it stored at a friend's house), so I had to download the editors all over again. I went with HWE because it doesn't need DOSBox to run. When I downloaded ECWolf, I found that I had to run a patch on it to bring the files up-to-date (to v1.4 apparently). That patch didn't add anything to the sprites as far as I can tell. From your response, I take it that ECWolf is based more on the DOOM engine than the original WOLF engine?

    I see that code changes are necessary to effect these changes. Is there a particular compiler I should use for recompiling the game? I have never written code for a PC app before.

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:15 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:42 pm

    Well,the link to the Borland compiler on the second link you provided is no good. I even tried right-click > save link as and got a zero length .zip file. I did find Borland 3.1 here, but the installation is not as simple as unzipping a .zip archive. I had to download ImDisk so I can mount floppy disk images. The only question I have is can I run the install from within ImDisk, or do I need to copy all the files from all the disks to folders with the name of each disk and hope that changing directories will be considered the same as switching disks. I still have some research to do before I try this. I don't like taking chances with the only computer I have.

    Thanks for the help. I feel like a newbie programmer again, learning all the steps to begin working on a program all over again. LOL

    If I can't find the information I am looking for, I'll ask here and see if I can get some advice.

    Edit: I managed to get Borland C++ 3.1 installed using DOSBox, and I didn't need ImDisk. I didn't know that 7z would copy the files off of the disk image, but it sure helped.

    I have the source code downloaded and unzipped, and now I am going to look at those sites again to see about making sure my setup works as I expect it to.

    Thanks for the pointers and the help, Wolf3DGuy

    Last edited by Asa on Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update on my progress)
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 08, 2020 9:54 pm

    I have the files edited. All I need to do now is find out how to insert new sprites into the vga files. Once that's done, I'm ready to compile the new exe and see what happens.

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:43 pm


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:37 pm

    Wolf3DGuy wrote:Let's go back to this thread.

    Well... you didn't tell that much about the issue. Is it the god mode graphs that is messed up or the entire thing when the game starts, like it's the wrong graphics are showing up everywhere?

    If it's the latter then I believe I know what's the problem. If you have the Apogee release with all the "read this" option images put in the vga files, I think you should get rid of those graphics, they are located right at the beginning, remove the ones before the OPTIONS sprite, but keep the BJ crouching and holding his gun, the castle on the hill, BJ firing both chainguns and the read this grey stone border images, these are necessary! Hope this works out!

    I didn't say much because we were getting way off topic for that thread. I can say more here.

    The god mode sprites didn't show up in the game at all. Other sprites were either trashed, displayed in the wrong place, or both. I went back to square one. First, I was looking again at the E2L8 puzzle when I noticed that the Apogee sprite was not in the file I was looking at. Turns out it was the file that was updated to 1.4 by the patch utility included with ECWolf. I looked at the original 1.1 version I had and it was there, but I also noticed that there are a few other sprites in that version that don't exist in the patched version. I plan to make a detailed list of the sprite differences between them. I think that may have been part of the problem, as I believe it was the 1.1 version I added the god mode sprites to, and then ran it with the newly compiled exe that was most definitely the last 1.4 version, since the documentation says it was the last version Id worked on.

    I am going to try again, and this time I'm going to make sure that I am working with the correct version files. The patch utility reported patching 1.1 -> 1.2 -> 1.4 (Apogee) -> 1.4 (something else) -> 1.4 (something else again) -> 1.4. I don't know if that data was saved anywhere as I only saw it in the updater window. Anyway, ECWolf runs fine with those files, no wad file (even though it says you can create one), so I'm guessing it is really a wolfenstein engine coupled with a doom engine (doom made backward compatible to wolf maybe?).

    Anyway, I am going to try again and see what happens. What sucks is the patch doesn't add any new sprites, but it does remove the Apogee sprite. I think this may be a problem, because when I tried to warp to Level 8 of Episode 10 in ECWolf, it wouldn't go there. it would go to 7 or 9, but not 8. I looked at the map and it's still showing the Apogee sprite there, so I'm guessing the lack of an actual sprite is causing issues. I will find out as I experiment.

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:56 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:44 pm

    Well, I have deleted the files and started over (the game files, not the source code files). I started with a fresh copy of the 1.1 files and then made a copy of that that I then ran the patch utility on to get a fresh set of 1.4 files. I haven't tried to make the modification again yet because I am also working on other projects not related to Wolfenstein.

    I looked at the GFXV_WL6.h file and what you show is exactly what is there. There are many other items after the part you specified, but that part is at the top of the file.

    In the 1.1 version those sprites are there, but in the 1.4 version they are removed. That's why I suspect I was using the 1.1 version files when I ran it with the new exe. That was when I decided to start over with the game files. Before I start adding sprites to the 1.4 version files though, I am going to document all the differences between 1.1 and 1.4 so I am familiar with what has changed.

    Thanks for the kudos, but you should know that, while I am new to the Borland C++ compiler, I am not entirely new to C++ or C. I don't have very much experience with either of them, but I do have enough experience with programming in general to not be afraid to jump in and get my feet wet. And I know enough of the C syntax to be a little more comfortable than I would be if I knew nothing at all. Plus, you gave me specific instructions on what to change and where, so that helped alot too. Back in the day, that would have been considered hand-holding and I would have had to push hard to get that kind of help. Thanks for making it easier from the start!
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:12 pm

    Quick update. I realized while playing the 1.1 version that the panting sprites are correct in that version. I saved out the sprite that was needed and replaced that sprite in the 1.4 version. It turns out it is the first sprite that was missing and the second one that was duplicated in 1.4. Anyway, After doing that, I added the god mode sprites into a copy of the 1.4 files (so I would still have a good copy should anything go wrong), and copied the recompiled exe into that folder. I ran it, went into god mode and the sprites showed up in the game, just as they are supposed to. I think this proves that I used the 1.1 files by mistake the first time around.

    Thanks for all your help, Wolf3DGuy. You made the process much easier for me.

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:18 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:47 pm

    Wolf3DGuy wrote:Glad I could help! Too bad Wolf3D has lots of versions and releases, it's kinda confusing. BTW, has anyone noticed the more updates was released for Wolf3D the more buggy the game became? Laughing

    I am confuzzled. I haven't noticed any bugs in the game myself. Can you point me to a list or tell me what they are? I would love to document this.

    Speaking of documenting, I am in the process of documenting all of the differences I can find between the Apogee 1.1 version I have and the newly patched 1.4 version. What I would really love to do is compare all the versions (1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 with all of it's variants) to see how much things changed over time. I used to have the 1.0 and 1.2 shareware versions, but when my Windows 2000 tower was stolen all those, plus all three Spear of Destiny games, were lost. I really don't consider my loss a loss of right to the copies I had though. I didn't voluntarily give them up or sell them.

    I also had a Macintosh Quadra 605 that had the shareware version of Wolf3D and both 2nd and 3rd encounters that I also owned. That computer and all the software for it was stolen too. I don't know how I will ever replace them all. All I really want is the Wolfenstein games back. I had created a webpage where I was comparing the Mac version to the PC version that I was still working on when the computers were stolen. That site is long gone as well, though I might be able to find it in the internet archives somewhere. But I doubt I will be able to recover it. I am starting over from scratch now. The only thing I was able to keep was the 1.1 registered version of Wolf3D for the PC that I had put a copy on a thumb drive that I had kept with me. It didn't have enough room on it for everything, and the zip disk that had all the Mac version stuff on it was stolen with the Mac.

    I don't have the money now to buy the stuff all over again, and I'm not sure I can find everything now. I haven't seen a copy of the v1.0 shareware game in years. I have never seen the 3-game version of the registered game either, or a separate Nocturnal Missions game for that matter. Did Id ever sell any of those? Such are the questions that make me want to know. I will search around and see what I can dig up.
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by AryanWolf3D Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:17 pm


    Last edited by AryanWolf3D on Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:25 am

    AryanWolf3D wrote:You should check this out: http://dhw.wolfenstein3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=7098

    Thanks for the link. I now have all the relevant links bookmarked, including the repository. Now for the next big question. It's obvious that some people had collected all the different versions of the game over the years and some even put them on a website, I'm guessing available for download. Do any of these sites still exist, and can I download the different versions of Wolf3D and SOD? The differences in the source code are a definite bonus, but I am also wanting a copy of each of the original game files so I can compare the resources. As I was reading, I noticed that some versions were compiled with Borland C++ v3.0. I installed v3.1 to compile the v1.4 source with. While looking for that I did find a copy of v3.0 out there that I can download and install, but I don't know if I really want to build exe's just to see how close to the originals I can get. But I am interested in the notion of playing with the source from each of the versions to see how different they really are, so I will likely be downloading the source and projects to the Wolf3D and SoD versions from the repository. The game files that are unique to each version are what I really want though.

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:36 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:44 am

    Wolf3DGuy wrote:That's a pretty useful link and it reminded me of the gliding enemies, and the gliding enemies made me come up with something cute and funny. Will post it here once it's done! lol

    I look forward to seeing what you post.

    Wolf3DGuy wrote:Did you know there's a release with only the first 3 episodes available without the Nocturnal Missions and with WL3 extension? I'm not sure if it's online, or at least I can't find it anywhere, it's pretty rare.

    I knew there was supposed to be, and there was also supposed to be a nocturnal missions 3 episode version as well (I'm assuming it may have also used the WL3 extension, but I never saw anything to specify that). I have never seen a copy of either, and I have never heard of anyone else ever seeing them. I have long wondered if they never sold any of them because everyone just went with the 6-episode version. If I could find a copy of either of those I would feel like I had been blessed beyond description. LOL

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:52 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:56 am

    That does make sense. I never saw anything that stated how the product was delivered, so I just assumed it may have also been a 3-episiode version as well.
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:14 am

    One of the things I have seen in the game is the push-wall moving 3 spaces (tiles?) instead of just two. I didn't think it was a bug because it seems like Id made use of it in the maze on E2L8. There is a place where there are 2 push-walls side-by-side, and if the wall you pushed to get there only moved 2 spaces, one of the side-by-side walls is blocked and you can't get to the room with the free life. The other one blocks the door to the room, so it appears they gave you a choice if the one you pushed to get there moved 3 spaces instead of 2. Also, at the Apogee/boss area at the end is another set of side-by-side push-walls. If you push the one that blocks the room with the Apogee sign, you can reach the boss. If you push the other one, you get to the sign. Well, if you push the one that gets you to the boss, then push the one that would be blocked by the other one, then push the other side-by-side wall, it can move 3 spaces, or it may only move 2. I have found 2 other levels where a wall can move 3 spaces, and in both cases a treasure will be covered up if it moves 3. The thread on diehard doesn't say whether or not there's a fix to that, but given what happens on E2L8 with that room with a free life, I'm not so sure I'd want to fix it. I'd rather figure out how to make it work when I want it to and then make the maze work right.
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by AryanWolf3D Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:25 am


    Last edited by AryanWolf3D on Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:38 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by AryanWolf3D Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:32 am


    Last edited by AryanWolf3D on Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:34 am

    AryanWolf3D wrote:The pushwall moving 3 tiles thing is definitely a bug. Back when the game was running under 20 FPS it was probably never an issue, so they didn't realise it.

    Interesting. I made 2 videos where I marked the maze path with different walls so you could more easily follow it. The first is with the original v1.1 game that left the maze otherwise unmodified. The second is with the copy that was patched to bring it up to v1.4. In that one I corrected all of the places in the maze that were broken from day one so I could get 100% everything on that level. In them, you can see where there is a free life you can only get to if the wall that leads to the side-by-side push-walls moves 3 tiles, not 2, and most of the time it only moves 2. When it does that, it blocks the push-wall you need to push to get to the room with the free life. The other push-wall (on the left) is all you have then, and it blocks the door to that room. In the second video, I corrected by repositioning the push-walls that lead there so that the push-wall that would block the one you need to push is on the opposite side of the room. This way, you can get to the free life. There are other places where the maze was broken that I fixed, but you'll have to watch the videos to see where they are and how I fixed them. The link is:

    First video: https://youtu.be/aMK7A_vweQE
    Second video: https://youtu.be/QwCDP_1tNuE

    Anyway, with all the work that went on with the source code after it was released, did anyone ever figure out what caused that bug, and how to fix it?
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by AryanWolf3D Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:43 am


    Last edited by AryanWolf3D on Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:31 am

    AryanWolf3D wrote:Yes, it's simple enough; they checked if the pushwall's tic counter is > 256 instead of checking if it is >= 256. A small but critical inaccuracy.

    Where in the code is that found? And is it worth it to correct it now?

    Also, I got the no clip debug working again. I found out how on Wolf3D Dome. The code he said to remove included code for the overhead map view. That is totally unrelated to the clipping, so I didn't delete it. I didn't delete anything. I commented the lines he said to delete. I found the map viewer code, but Borland 3.1 is giving an error. It says that c.button0 is not defined and that button0held is being assigned a value it will never use. I found your video where you demonstrated mapview. I would like to know what you did to fix it so I can make it work in my copy of the exe. Also, how did you add more tile8s or tile16s to your game? When I had the Mac version, it also has an overhead map view, but the sprites for it looked much better, closer to what the actual walls and doors in the game look like. I'm going to see if I can come up with a set of sprites that have a similar look for the PC version, but I need to know how to add them to the game. Based on what I had to do with adding the god mode sprites, I imagine there is code I must alter to make it work.

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:11 am


    Last edited by Wolf3DGuy on Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Registration date : 2010-08-03

    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:45 am

    Wolf3DGuy wrote:That line is located in WL_ACT1.C almost at the end of the file in MovePWalls.

    Getting that overhead map to work is truly an interesting job to do, there's a tutorial on DHW that I used in one of my mods then later on imported this into a DOS mod.


    This tutorial is for the SDL engine, with some changes you can port it indo DOS as well and it works much better since it's using VSWAP images as Tile16Ss so you don't really have to worry about the tile16s anymore. I and AryanWolf3D experimented with this code for too long and I'd say we've gotten pretty far with it. Also a funfact: the OverHead map is available and it works (as it is) in Wolf3D's alpha version, tho later in the development they got rid of most of the code.

    Thanks. I will make that change sometime later today (lung doctor's appt first though). I am nowhere near ready to try to take code written for SDL and port it to DOS. Can you provide a copy of the code you used in the DOS version so I know what to add/change? It seems obvious that there is some code missing from the registered version given that the alpha, beta and 1.0 shareware versions were the only ones that had a working map. I have never understood why programmers delete code instead of commenting it. Much history would have been preserved if they had done that.
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by AryanWolf3D Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:21 pm


    Last edited by AryanWolf3D on Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:26 pm

    AryanWolf3D wrote:Yeah, getting the overhead to work in the newer versions was a pain, and I couldn't have done it back then without NY00123's source restorations. While you CAN bring up the overhead by un-commenting the debug code for it, it'll be all messed up, because the screenpage memory isn't set up for it properly, and of course the Tile16s are missing. I used modId to import them, but it would probably be easier to use IGRAB, the tool ID used to create the VGAGRAPH file. Unfortunately, no one has created a modern editor with Tile16 editing support... WDC lets you view and export them, but that's about it.

    Sometimes it's better to just delete obsolete code, otherwise you're just going to end up with an unmaintainable mess. But thanks to NY00123, again, the history has not been lost after all.

    Well, the mess will exist unless you organize the code such that commented blocks are separated with vertical white-space and a note stating why it's commented. But, I digress...

    I finally got my hands on the shareware versions from 1.0 to 1.4g. I checked in v1.0, and sure enough the map works, but there are no tile16s ... only tile8s. The map as displayed proves that there were no real graphics for it. V1.1 shows that the map is already gone, but clipping mode is still there. In v1.2 clipping is gone. Another thing I noticed in v1.0 is that holding the M key while the game starts up does not bring up the jukebox. It works in 1.1 and 1.2, but not in 1.0. If it's really there, I am wondering if it was a different key than M to launch it.

    I really need to grab a copy of NY00123's source so I can look at it. I found the site and bookmarked it (I think I bookmarked it anyway), so grabbing a copy shouldn't be difficult. I just don't know what files to look at for the map functions to see how he reworked it there. I did look at the thread on DHW, but the code there is for SDL, and as I understand it, I will have to make changes to get it to work in DOS. Since I am not versed in C++ well enough, I can't do that, but I could follow instructions, if someone wants to help me with it.
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:51 pm

    I read a thread that stated the creation dates of the 2 spear demos, but I can't find it. Is the one with the date Sept. 21, 1992 the first or second demo? Were both demos v1.0, or was one v1.4?

    OK, this is strange. I had downloaded another copy of the spear demo, so I looked at the creation date of it's exe. I was very surprised to find that, while it has the same creation date, the time is different. Both are exactly the same size at 108,215 bytes, but the creation times are 6:23:34 AM on the one and 2:23:34 PM on the other. That's a difference of exacty 8 hours. Is there a reasonable explanation for this? Would this be the two versions of the demo I read about, or is there another one?
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by AryanWolf3D Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:25 am


    Last edited by AryanWolf3D on Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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    God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites Empty Re: God Mode sprite and BJ panting sprites

    Post by Asa Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:52 am

    Well, I added the code from that thread on DHW to WL_DEBUG.C and the compiler is choking on about 16 errors. I really don't know what to do to fix it, but I think maybe I should start a new thread. This one has changed topics a few times already, and that's not how we're supposed to do things in a forum. So, I will start a new thread concerning the overhead map function.

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