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    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups?


    Number of posts : 1787
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    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups?

    Post by stathmk Fri Oct 25 2019, 07:15

    I was going to post this on Diehard Wolfers in the thread that I started about Yahoo groups being deactivated.  However, Diehard Wolfers is down at the moment.  You know that nothing can be added on or after October 28 to https://groups.yahoo.com/ .  I’m in Yahoo groups also for topics besides Wolfenstein.
    So, what’s the best web site archiving tool to use for Yahoo groups?

    EDIT: I also meant, "What's the best archiver tool to download all of the pictures at once in a Yahoo group?"  Diehard Wolfers is now back online and I think that I'll ask there too.

    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty Re: What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups?

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 26 2019, 00:13

    serpens archived a lot of them you and MCS listed here  Smile

    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

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    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty Re: What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups?

    Post by serpens Sat Oct 26 2019, 02:12

    In archiving these groups I used Python scripts that you probably want to employ if you want to grab some non-Wolf groups for yourself.


    They're advertised as fairly powerful, but only YahooGroups-Archiver worked as intended for me. The others either bugged out or appeared to work correctly while downloading nothing. YahooGroups-Archiver only downloads messages though, so I had to get files and photos by hand. This might not be feasible for some groups, so hopefully you can get one of the other two scripts running.

    Number of posts : 1787
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty Re: Serpens

    Post by stathmk Sun Oct 27 2019, 09:24

    serpens wrote:In archiving these groups I used Python scripts that you probably want to employ if you want to grab some non-Wolf groups for yourself.


    They're advertised as fairly powerful, but only YahooGroups-Archiver worked as intended for me. The others either bugged out or appeared to work correctly while downloading nothing. YahooGroups-Archiver only downloads messages though, so I had to get files and photos by hand. This might not be feasible for some groups, so hopefully you can get one of the other two scripts running.
    I downloaded YahooGroups-Archiver and I think it's the file you told me to download.  I clicked on INSTALL and it says, "How do you want to open this file?"  Then what do I select?  If it matters to you, I don't know Perl.  Tomorrow is a day that I'm not scheduled to work, so I might spend the day trying to download Yahoo groups that I'm a member of.  I thought that I clicked the request for a download of my data from one of the Yahoo pages and it said that the download could take up to 30 days.

    I would like to apologize if I accidentally sound urgent since tomorrow is the last day to add to Yahoo groups before they are frozen.  I didn't mean to sound urgent.
    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 70
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    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty Re: What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups?

    Post by serpens Sun Oct 27 2019, 10:20

    YahooGroups-Archiver is a Python script, therefore you need to install the latest Python release. Make sure it adds itself to the system PATH during installation. Then you run the script from the command line. The github page for the script includes a readme file with instructions for the correct syntax.

    Number of posts : 1787
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty No wonder I was confused.

    Post by stathmk Sun Oct 27 2019, 17:12

    serpens wrote:YahooGroups-Archiver is a Python script, therefore you need to install the latest Python release. Make sure it adds itself to the system PATH during installation. Then you run the script from the command line. The github page for the script includes a readme file with instructions for the correct syntax.
    Please look back at https://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Yahoo!_Groups#Python_Yahoo.21_Group_archivers .  I think that I unconsciously confused the YahooGroups-Archiver from Python and Yahoo Group Archiver from Perl both into one archiving program.  I downloaded the Perl one.  No wonder I was confused.
    I think you meant the latest Python script at https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-380/ .
    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 70
    Age : 35
    Registration date : 2008-01-11

    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty Re: What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups?

    Post by serpens Sun Oct 27 2019, 18:58

    The Perl script is outdated and won't work anyway, so please use the Python ones. Download Python from the link you posted, install it, then download and extract one of the Python archiving scripts and follow instructions for launching the script as per its github readme.

    Number of posts : 1787
    Age : 44
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty Hi, serpens.

    Post by stathmk Thu Dec 12 2019, 07:22

    serpens wrote:The Perl script is outdated and won't work anyway, so please use the Python ones. Download Python from the link you posted, install it, then download and extract one of the Python archiving scripts and follow instructions for launching the script as per its github readme.
    I think that this is a good thing for me to learn.  Yahoo Groups were down yesterday.  OK.  I downloaded Python 3.8.0 from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-380/ .  I exited out of everything and started Python.  Go to https://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Yahoo!_Groups#Python_Yahoo.21_Group_archivers , then underneath “Python Yahoo! Group archivers” click on yahoo-group-archiver.  Then I clicked on IgnoredAmbience.  Under Popular repositories, I clicked on yahoo-group-archiver.  Then I clicked on README.md.  I’m using Google Chrome.  For this:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    ./yahoo.py -ct '' -cy '' ''
    I followed the directions of what to copy and paste into the tag, tag, and tag into Python.  That really can’t be right and I must be doing something wrong.  I had gotten an error.
    EDIT: Serpens, Yahoo Groups is now freezing up again.  I’ll go back to The Diehard Wolfers Yahoo Group tonight if it loads.  I'm selecting that group so that we're on the same page.  After 10 pm, I’ll try to remember to send you by private message the T_cookie and Y_cookie codes.  Or I’ll send you a screen shot of the error.  I don’t mean to sound urgent.  Take your time to respond.  This is good for me to know.  I’ll read up on Python for about 2 hours, go to my shift, come back home, and either read up on it some more or watch Youtube tutorials.

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    What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups? Empty Re: What’s the best web site archiving tool for Yahoo groups?

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