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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

4 posters

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1378
    Age : 45
    Location : Israel
    Hobbie : Gaming and Modding, Pixel Art
    Registration date : 2007-03-26

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by doomjedi Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:55 am

    We proudly present Eisenfaust edition of SoD Extreme (1). We've got many new surprises for you this time, much beyond what Eisenfaust Edition of SoD Extreme II had to offer - new additional enemies, Bosses, weapons, features, enemy actions and attacks, scenery interactivity, missions. So many surprises to discover or get discovered by. Get Psyched!

    "Eisenfaust Edition" series of mods are made to bring surprise and new twists to classic Wolf3D gameplay while keeping the oldschool charm of classic Wolf3D.
    “Like ID should’ve done it” is overused but I can use it anyway in relation to those editions. Enemies are now more challenging and surprising, but you also have wider weapon selection and optional missions to care for. Have fun discovering all the new features, not all you meet right away.


    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! 153700132756621213

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! 153700136540058037

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! 153700136968957088

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! 153700137352699791

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! 15370013781015218

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! 153700138273793359

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! 153700138689614389

    Main credits:
    Coding: LinuxWolf
    Mapping: RonWolf, Dean
    New art: DoomJedi, Atina (Title Screen and some scenery animation)
    Music: RonWolf
    Testing: GarretChan, WLHack
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
    Age : 34
    Location : Pennsylvania, U.S.A
    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by WolferCooker Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:26 am

    Pretty damn good for an old school Wolf3d-like feel. However the weapon sprites do not match as some show BJ wearing grey sleeves and others showing him wearing green.

    If it was entirely up to me, I'd use WSJ's Coming Of The Storm weapon sprites (they look really old school) for the Rifle, STG44, flamethrower, (rocket launcher?).  and recolor the sleeves in the weapon reloading sprites.

    I can't download Chaosedit anymore btw.
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by Dark_wizzie Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:22 am

    Oof, didn't have time to beta test it. Just been so busy.  Sad

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1378
    Age : 45
    Location : Israel
    Hobbie : Gaming and Modding, Pixel Art
    Registration date : 2007-03-26

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by doomjedi Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:08 pm

    WolferCooker wrote:Pretty damn good for an old school Wolf3d-like feel. However the weapon sprites do not match as some show BJ wearing grey sleeves and others showing him wearing green.

    If it was entirely up to me, I'd use WSJ's Coming Of The Storm weapon sprites (they look really old school) for the Rifle, STG44, flamethrower, (rocket launcher?).  and recolor the sleeves in the weapon reloading sprites.
    We are well aware of it (it's a repeated report on our Eisenfaust Edition mods), though I can't say it's intentional (in a way that "we prefer it"), but it's a conscious decision (the same was with Extreme II) - instead of ripping alot of art from our various mods - we load those directly from those VSWAP files...obviously with their sleeve colors.
    It creates a bit of inconsistency, but it's just so much easier.

    So if that's your only gripe - we can peacefully live with it. Hope the rest doesn't disappoint Smile
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1201
    Age : 34
    Location : Pennsylvania, U.S.A
    Hobbie : Video Games (mostly PC), but been rapidly losing interest in it recently
    Registration date : 2010-09-24

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by WolferCooker Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:08 pm

    Didn't disappoint at all. It was well made! Didn't get 100% everything on every level with much of it due to failing some of the bonus objectives in which the medal counts as treasure.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1378
    Age : 45
    Location : Israel
    Hobbie : Gaming and Modding, Pixel Art
    Registration date : 2007-03-26

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by doomjedi Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:52 am

    I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    And those failed objectives can always motivate you to replay the mod Smile Every mission objective is possible to achieve.

    Number of posts : 90
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    Registration date : 2014-11-24

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by brickgolem Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:08 am

    I have to say I really enjoyed the mod. It's a huge step evolution of Spear of Destiny which a lot of elements it really suits in the game. I've played on "Bring 'em on" difficulty, and find the game very fun, yet quite challenging. Destroyable objects, burning vines, old and new enemies with dodgable moves and AI, challenge quests and new weapons alongside with classic Spear of Destiny atmosphere, it didn't disappoint at all. Well done doomjedi.
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

    Number of posts : 1378
    Age : 45
    Location : Israel
    Hobbie : Gaming and Modding, Pixel Art
    Registration date : 2007-03-26

    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

    Post by doomjedi Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:57 am

    Thank you so much! This is just as we intended, so I'm glad it all works out well Smile

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    [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released! Empty Re: [release] SoD Extreme (1) - Eisenfaust Edition released!

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