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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

2 posters

    Bobby Prince Medical Fund


    Number of posts : 1784
    Age : 43
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Bobby Prince Medical Fund Empty Bobby Prince Medical Fund

    Post by stathmk Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:11 pm

    Bobby Prince Medical Fund BobbyPrinceWidth400
    Bobby Prince Medical Fund

    This was posted by ronwolf1705:

    = = = = =
    My Brother, Bobby Prince, found out that he had colon cancer last year. He was operated on, had a colostomy, was thought to be cancer free, and had the colostomy reversed.  Now,  all these months later,  they have found another tumor in his colon. He is beginning chemo to shrink the tumor before they operate again. Once again, he must go through this process.  

    Bobby is best known, in Athens, by his musical career. He was THE original Jester. He is my hero and probably the smartest person I have ever known.  When computer music was in it's infancy, he was at the forefront and wrote the music to Doom, Duke Nukem, and many others.

    He has never let me down when I needed help and it is my wish that this fund will give him some relief in all of these added expenses.
    = = = = =


    EDIT: He has over $8,400 of $10,000 at this moment.

    Number of posts : 12
    Age : 41
    Registration date : 2016-05-30

    Bobby Prince Medical Fund Empty Re: Bobby Prince Medical Fund

    Post by ossirot Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:30 am

    Glad to see they reached the goal earlier, now at $10,751 of $10k. Let's hope it turns out well.

    Number of posts : 1784
    Age : 43
    Location : Indiana, United States
    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
    Hobbie : old games & young dames
    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Bobby Prince Medical Fund Empty There was an update on January 5 about Bobby Prince's procedures

    Post by stathmk Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:10 pm

    There was an update on January 5 about Bobby Prince's procedures:

    The Most Recent Update From Bobby Prince:

    Updates (1)
    JANUARY 5, 2021
    by David Prince, Organizer
    Thank all of you who supported me during my ongoing colon cancer “experience.” According to statistical medical data I should not have lasted this long (more than five years), but all I can say is I’m continuing to live like I’ve always lived, taking things one day at a time. Statistics said that I had a better than 80% chance of no recurrence of the cancer after my very first surgery. As you will see, I was one of the 20% with a recurrence.

    After my initial surgery I ended up with a colostomy. Almost a year later I went in to have that reversed. The reversal caused more problems than it helped. There were numerous blockages and trips to the hospital. During the last hospitalization for that problem a biopsy showed the cancer was still active. So I underwent radiation and chemotherapy. It was an experience that I would wish on no one. I used a portable unit 24/7 to deliver chemo. There were radiation treatments three times a week. I lost 40 lbs in two months (started the treatments at 155 lbs). There were several months where I couldn’t do anything but stay in bed and try to sleep time away. Then they found a small spot on my right lung. A biopsy proved it to be a small tumor. At the same time I looked into a repair of the colostomy reversal. Another surgery proved a reversal was not possible. I woke up with an ileostomy. A couple of months later I had surgery on my lung to remove the cancer spot.

    Since the lung surgery another very small spot on the same lung has been scanned every six months to see if it gets large enough to biopsy. I will have a PET scan this month. It’s a color scan where tumors show up readily if they’re present. That will tell me if I need another biopsy and possibly surgery. I’m feeling too good for it to be something too major.

    As a side effect of all the above, I have kidney disease, including kidney stones. To treat the kidney stone problem, the Urologist has used what sounds like a game console and blasted the stones with high frequency sound to turn them into sand. I wish I could have watched, but I was under sedation the times he’s done it.

    I’m giving all this information to preface my recommendation for you all to be proactive and get a colonoscopy when you reach the recommended age or If you have a suspicion of a bowel problem. I discounted what was a pretty clear indication of my problem until it was too late.

    I promised myself that I would pay forward your financial help to me, and I want you to know I am doing that on a regular basis.

    I will never forget your support, and I send Positive Thoughts, Love and Light your way every day!

    Warm Regards!


    EDIT: If I had known about this following link years ago, then I would have posted it.  Bobby Prince discussing soundtrack work: http://dhw.wolfenstein3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=7683

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