Hi members! I like to add Animated floor/ceiling to Wolf 3D SDL and don't work. What is problem?
250-253:Animated water
- Code:
unsigned curtoptex = curtex >> 8;
if(curtoptex > 0 && curtoptex < 64) curtoptex += 255; //Note: change the 64 to match your last wall texture
if (curtoptex==250) // Whatever your wall ID is
curtoptex+= (frameon>>4)&4;
if (curtoptex != lasttoptex)
lasttoptex = curtoptex;
toptex = PM_GetTexture(curtoptex);
unsigned curbottex = curtex & 0xff;
if(curbottex > 0 && curbottex < 64) curbottex += 255; //Note: change the 64 to match your last wall texture
if (curbottex==250) // Whatever your wall ID is
curbottex+= (frameon>>4)&4;
if (curbottex != lastbottex)
lastbottex = curbottex;
bottex = PM_GetTexture(curbottex);
250-253:Animated water