Here's how to make the dead guards body animated:
In WL_DEF.H search for:
After that add:
You have to add the sprite with an editor ofcourse.
Then in WL_ACT2.C search for:
and add underneath that:
Then search:
And change that to this:
You can always add more animations.
In WL_DEF.H search for:
- Code:
After that add:
- Code:
You have to add the sprite with an editor ofcourse.
Then in WL_ACT2.C search for:
- Code:
extern statetype s_grddie1;
extern statetype s_grddie1d;
extern statetype s_grddie2;
extern statetype s_grddie3;
extern statetype s_grddie4;
and add underneath that:
- Code:
extern statetype s_grddie5;
Then search:
- Code:
statetype s_grddie1 = {false,SPR_GRD_DIE_1,15,NULL,A_DeathScream,&s_grddie2};
statetype s_grddie2 = {false,SPR_GRD_DIE_2,15,NULL,NULL,&s_grddie3};
statetype s_grddie3 = {false,SPR_GRD_DIE_3,15,NULL,NULL,&s_grddie4};
statetype s_grddie4 = {false,SPR_GRD_DEAD,0,NULL,NULL,&s_grddie4};
And change that to this:
- Code:
statetype s_grddie1 = {false,SPR_GRD_DIE_1,15,NULL,A_DeathScream,&s_grddie2};
statetype s_grddie2 = {false,SPR_GRD_DIE_2,15,NULL,NULL,&s_grddie3};
statetype s_grddie3 = {false,SPR_GRD_DIE_3,15,NULL,NULL,&s_grddie4};
statetype s_grddie4 = {false,SPR_GRD_DEAD,15,NULL,NULL,&s_grddie5};
statetype s_grddie5 = {false,SPR_GRD_DEAD2,15,NULL,NULL,&s_grddie4};
You can always add more animations.