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3 posters

    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

    Dakota Hedgepeth
    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 61
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    Registration date : 2014-10-22

    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

    Post by Dakota Hedgepeth Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:09 pm

    Hey, I got a question. How to import graphics to Wolf 3d mac version, I wonder because I plan to make a mac mod and I just want to know what format they have to be. Thanks. Smile

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    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty I'm politely waiting for Allan to respond.

    Post by stathmk Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:26 am

    I'm politely waiting for Allan to respond.  He's a college graduate that's busy.  I hope that he'll eventually post at http://diehardwolfers.areyep.com/viewtopic.php?t=6902 .  He has a Macintosh and some Mac scenarios not uploaded to The Dome or to my page.
    Dakota Hedgepeth
    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 61
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    Registration date : 2014-10-22

    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty Re: How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

    Post by Dakota Hedgepeth Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:51 pm

    Ok. Thanks. Smile
    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

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    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty Re: How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

    Post by Eternal_Inquirer Sun May 24, 2015 6:54 pm

    Dakota Hedgepeth wrote:Hey, I got a question. How to import graphics to Wolf 3d mac version, I wonder because I plan to make a mac mod and I just want to know what format they have to be. Thanks. Smile

    Dakota, it's great to see that somebody wants to make a mod for Mac Wolf3D! The Mac version has a lot of great features, but most level authors prefer to develop for the DOS version. I have really enjoyed collecting and playing through Mac scenarios, and I hope you enjoy creating yours.

    Greg Ewing's program "WolfEdit" will allow you to change almost every aspect of a Wolfenstein scenario. You can import custom graphics for enemies, walls, objects, and other resources. As for which format they should be, the manual doesn't specifically say. I would recommend trying .jpg at first and move on to others if that doesn't work.

    At the following link is a download for "WolfEdit2.0.4.sit". This includes the application and a user's manual (note that the manual can only be opened on a Mac or using a Mac emulator). The section "9. Art Editing" should tell you what you need to know about importing graphics.

    The graphics are NOT being imported to the application "Wolfenstein 3D" - they are being imported to a level file which must be placed in the "Levels" folder. For graphics which appear as blank, the default original graphic from the game will be used.

    Please post a reply here if you have any questions about using WolfEdit!
    Dakota Hedgepeth
    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 61
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2014-10-22

    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty Re: How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

    Post by Dakota Hedgepeth Fri May 29, 2015 8:19 pm

    Thanks, I got a question, how to change the music in WolfEdit2.0.4? Thanks.
    Wolf3d n00b
    Wolf3d n00b

    Number of posts : 2
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    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty Re: How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

    Post by Eternal_Inquirer Sun May 31, 2015 3:45 pm

    The original Wolfenstein 3D for Mac featured 8 music tracks. You can choose from any one of these for the level you are creating. Just go to the [Edit] menu and select [Level Info...]. Use the drop-down menu to choose which track plays during this level (or "None" for no music).

    You can also import your own music, but the files must be in MIDI format. Go to the [Art/Music] menu and select [Music] at the bottom. You will be able to navigate to the folder where your music files are stored and import them. However, Wolfenstein has a very limited selection of musical sounds that it can play. The music may not sound the same in-game as it does when played straight from your computer. The WolfEdit manual explains this pretty well in chapter 10, "Adding Music".
    Dakota Hedgepeth
    Don't Hurt Me!
    Don't Hurt Me!

    Number of posts : 61
    Age : 26
    Registration date : 2014-10-22

    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty Re: How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

    Post by Dakota Hedgepeth Sun May 31, 2015 7:50 pm

    Thanks, I will keep that in mind. Very Happy

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    How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version. Empty Re: How to import graphics on Wolf 3d mac version.

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