I hope that the Help Desk is the appropriate section.
I had a "Do you fear 666" thread with random things that I had collected from paranoid people about 666. So I do remember when we went past exactly 666 members recently.
I remember that possibly 2 weeks ago, we had about 700 members. Now we have 496. Is it a glitch? Or does darkbb.com have a policy of erasing members who joined years ago and never posted? I don't want people to be discouraged and leave the forums.
Dark_wizzie, if you're reading this, I didn't email you yet because I'm looking for the .txt file where I jotted down your email address.
EDIT: Sorry for the tone of this, but I'm not offended if nobody else is offended.
EDIT 2: I now know there were 645 members on 2013-12-08 at https://web.archive.org/web/20131208090433/https://wolf3d.darkbb.com/
I had a "Do you fear 666" thread with random things that I had collected from paranoid people about 666. So I do remember when we went past exactly 666 members recently.
I remember that possibly 2 weeks ago, we had about 700 members. Now we have 496. Is it a glitch? Or does darkbb.com have a policy of erasing members who joined years ago and never posted? I don't want people to be discouraged and leave the forums.
EDIT: Sorry for the tone of this, but I'm not offended if nobody else is offended.
EDIT 2: I now know there were 645 members on 2013-12-08 at https://web.archive.org/web/20131208090433/https://wolf3d.darkbb.com/