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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

    Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad to have 6 episodes


    Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad to have 6 episodes Empty Wolfenstein 3D Part 2 Rise of the Triad to have 6 episodes

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:17 pm

    I have decided to create two more episodes along with the four episodes for Wolf 3D ROTT. The first game will be called Wolfenstein 3D Part II Rise of the Triad VI. Episodes 1-4 will be called the Alpha of the Omega. Episodes 5 and 6 will be called the Omega. Episodes 5 and 6 will take place in the future. Episode 5 will be titled 666. Episode 6 will be titled Armageddon. The player will play as John Matthews for Episode 5 and 6. BJ will still appear in Episode 5 and 6 in text.

    What inspired me to do this down the road was 24 Live Another Day. Amazing Grace still is an epilogue to Wolfenstein to me. However, so was the Wolfenstein Alternate Reality Game. The Wolfenstein series will get to live another day with this 6 episode Wolf3D ROTT game. The first edition will have six levels which is why it is being called Wolfenstein 3D Part II Rise of the Triad VI.

    Eventually a 60 level full game will be created.

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:11 pm