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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:19 pm

    Stems from the goals for completion in this thread:


    The first video is up, it's for Episode 4. Hope you enjoy! Smile Here's the link:https://youtu.be/GFiqrL0fDQA

    Feel free to post thoughts here if you'd like in addition to any other appropriate place! Smile

    (Note: kakhome1 is my YouTube name.)

    EDIT: I'm now going to keep a running list of all my completed videos in this post for convenience:

    Primary videos:
    Episode 1 no kills: https://youtu.be/tWR89wWgqy0
    Episode 1 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/spgOVLxnOLs
    Episode 2 no kills: https://youtu.be/cf0G6rGvc_c
    Episode 2 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/OkgC0THteNo
    Episode 3 no kills: https://youtu.be/DrC9c9nEtNg
    Episode 3 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/JzWbHiyMuT8
    Episodes 1 thru 3 "super speedrun": https://youtu.be/mtM9OPdA4eM
    Episode 4 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/GFiqrL0fDQA
    Episode 5 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/7F786MpVgLc
    Episodes 4 and 5 "super speedrun": https://youtu.be/NMIHw9VHOHA
    Episode 6 "super speedrun": https://youtu.be/zT5-EuI5o_Y

    Miscellaneous videos:
    Episode 2 Floor 7 no kills with exploration: https://youtu.be/wTAg3b0GdcY
    Episode 3 Floor 7 no kills & under par on hard taking normal exit: https://youtu.be/ZsSzqdQ61Ss

    Miscellaneous videos for custom levels/mods:
    The Golden Episodes Episode 5 Floor 1 starting strategy (normal difficulty): https://youtu.be/9pBMFsxEB-g

    Every video has a specific description of what it's for underneath it as well. Smile I've also sorted to "primary videos" into playlists for additional convenience. Smile

    Last edited by WolfForever on Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:18 pm; edited 16 times in total
    Hardcore Wolfer
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolferCooker Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:24 pm

    Ah. I'll look into it.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:39 pm

    Thanks Smile I hope you enjoy it, please let me know. Smile
    Hardcore Wolfer
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolferCooker Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:41 pm

    Sure thing.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by Dark_wizzie Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:48 pm

    This is actually pretty good. The secret level was pretty lols. It's as if finishing th level faster is critical, faster than par time, the more the better... the score is important for the lives.

    Wolf3d Haven
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:22 pm

    What do you think I did wrong (how could I have prevented) my deaths on E4L6 and E4L8?

    (Obviously I'm talking about the times I died into the level, not the deaths to satisfy starting the level from scratch.)
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by Ipank7000 Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:11 am

    In my opinion, your death in level six because you getting shoot a lot in a room with ammo and machinegun and you went to wrong door in blue corridor. And, in level 8 you hurt a lot by officers in first room. But then in the second try your health only down to 80/90%. But it is just lucky chance that sometimes the enemy will hurt you very bad but sometimes they not hurt you at all (in the level 6 in your death to reset your ammo the guard not hurt you in 2 - 3 shoots (right?) ).

    Sorry for my bad english BTW.
    Hardcore Wolfer
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolferCooker Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:17 am

    It's all by chance, Forever. You can't expect the Nazis to line themselves up for you to gun them down so easily.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:09 pm

    Ipank7000 wrote:In my opinion, your death in level six because you getting shoot a lot in a room with ammo and machinegun and you went to wrong door in blue corridor. And, in level 8 you hurt a lot by officers in first room. But then in the second try your health only down to 80/90%. But it is just lucky chance that sometimes the enemy will hurt you very bad but sometimes they not hurt you at all (in the level 6 in your death to reset your ammo the guard not hurt you in 2 - 3 shoots (right?) ).

    Sorry for my bad english BTW.

    Yes I noticed in Level 6 I had some no-register hits when trying to do the reset death.

    I'm not quite sure about Level 6 after that...there is no clear for me to remember the correct door in the blue corridor to get the key, and I actually want to use that one nearby with the two medkits behind it, because it heals my wounds generally. I think I just got unfortunate in the wooden area by the other key that both doors were simultaneously filling with guards faster than I could handle. I always sweat that room because of the many doors the enemies can try to come in on me from.

    In Level 8, my mistake I'm pretty sure was that I ran into the maze with guards still alive and no guard dead in the door to assure it remains open. Then when I ran in, the door closed at exactly the wrong time and caused me to not have proper cover from anyone I drew attention to.

    Here is my general opinion with speeding Episode 4:

    (First of all a quick note: Technically, the goal says "in less than the par time", but essentially that ends up equating itself to a speedrun because I want more lives and a faster time = better score, plus the general implication that "under par" more or less implies "using the fastest route".)

    E4L1 - Pretty straightforward. Almost all brown guards until the very end. Sometimes I try to run into the elevator without killing those last two officers, but in this case I was too scared they'd kill me before I got in.

    E4L2 - SS at the start give a machinegun. Have to worry about long distance shots in the long level-length corridors. Lots of enemies seem to pile up by the key and medkit, plus you can't forget that little SS hideout. SS and Officers in locked door/exit area always a cause for a bit of sweat.

    E4L3 - Can't get more than a pistol using the no-secret and from scratch rule. The gold key area can be nerve-wrecking if the Officers are running around too fast or I waste too many pistol shots. The worst (most stressful) area is the room of the normal elevator though. All those enemies in alcoves, long range attacks, and just a pistol. In this case I just decided to try and run into the maze with the secret exit before getting shot to death (and succeeded).

    E4L10 - Walk in the park. Just run the most direct path to the elevator. Do it twice (include the time I'm resetting my ammo so that I don't actually lose a life since there's an extra life in the elevator I can pick up, get killed and lose, and then get again the second time through).

    E4L4 - Very easy if you know where the elevator is in the checkerboard. With a machinegun from the SS by the key I can kill the SS in the elevator before too many Officers get me. Very short required route for the level too.

    E4L5 - That dogs area at the start, especially with the rule making me unable to get the machinegun secret, can be a real pain to knife enough to break through and then shut the door behind me so they don't come in. I use the SS/medkit room and ammo on the opposite side to have enough to fire against the silver key opposition. The island shortly before transitioning to the grey part of the level with the three medkits is a real help. Also I get to use the chaingun for the officers at the end, since it's a mandatory secret for the gold key and I have plenty of ammo. Hard start, plenty of weaponry and ammo by the end.

    E4L6 - Usually this isn't too tough overall, but you want to know roughly where the key and locked door in the blue area is, and like I mentioned before you have to be a bit stressful near the second key because there are multiple doors everywhere and no real good cover. The Officer swarm by the end isn't hard because just wait in the prior room and I have good cover.

    E4L7 - Can't manage the huge enemy triggering at the start until I get a better weapon (the chaingun I go get is the only one available). Then I just have to run and handle swarms of enemies without them killing me, and get out fast, since the most direct path is very short.

    E4L8 - Man does this one make me sweat. There's so many enemies in this! Not to mention I don't get a machinegun until about 30-40% through. At a couple points I use the trick of counting how much I've scored to make sure there are no stragglers. I always do it in the maze at the start with the chicken dinners and the key, and also in the area where I get to kill my first SS for a machinegun. Most of brown weave area is skippable because I can walk with the Officers having their backs to me. Always concerned who's wandering around in the blue areas because there are a lot of deaf Officers and a lot of paths. The last two rooms (including the exit elevator) are the worst though. All those Officers, and then eight SS. Sometimes I feel necessitated to go into the door opposite of the locked one and kill the guards there to free up that room of ammo/health. I think this particular run was the first time I decided to try and go without it. As such the 3:48 I completed the level in is my first time under 4:00, and the par is only 4:30 so that in itself adds even more stress. (And remember I can't take that secret shortcut just outside the red area, because it's not a mandatory secret.)

    E4L9 - I always use the trap to get myself killed, just doesn't feel right if I just wake up the one guard and let him shoot me. I consider the safe keys a mandatory secret. Then I go in the ammo room first to get a chaingun and load it up, then rush to the health room and unload it all on Otto. Episode finished!

    Here's the pars I'd set for what it's worth:

    E4L1 level par is 2:00, my IaDI from scratch speedrun par would be 1:15.
    E4L2 level par is 2:00, my IaDI from scratch speedrun par would be 1:30.
    E4L3 level par is 1:30 and I'd say that's good for an IaDI from scratch speedrun using the secret exit.
    E4L4 level par is 1:00, mine would be 0:35.
    E4L5 level par is 4:30, mine would be 3:00.
    E4L6 level par is 3:30, mine would be 3:00.
    E4L7 level par is 2:00, mine would be 1:15.
    E4L8 level par is 4:30, mine (without using shortcut secret) would be basically the same. Tight par.
    Whole episode par of mine speeding and using thread rules would be 15:00, I managed almost two minutes faster but that was my third run. 15:00 is was what I got on my first run which I didn't video.

    I guess my pars aren't really pars (in most cases) but rather should be looked at as "time to beat", per se.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:27 pm

    Decided to do Episode 3 next and it's up!


    Sorry about all the failed attempts on E3L7 - can't remember that maze (which is critical to get secret exit in under par) for very long no matter what it seems!

    Hope you enjoy. Smile
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:48 pm

    New video - Episode 2 (yes I decided to take on 'em mutants!), I am just going to put all three links here for convenience Smile

    Episode 2 (new): https://youtu.be/OkgC0THteNo
    Episode 3: https://youtu.be/JzWbHiyMuT8
    Episode 4: https://youtu.be/GFiqrL0fDQA

    Enjoy! Smile
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:26 pm

    I added a little surprise editing to my E2 video to make it a little more interesting. Smile Other episodes may come later! :Smile
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:55 pm

    Just gave my E3 video the same treatment. Smile Plan on doing E4, though I might not get to it until later.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:42 pm

    Just finished doing comments on my Episode 4 video! Smile All three episodes so far have them now.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:35 pm

    I decided to do Episode 1 for completion sake if nothing else. It doesn't have much commentary but it will be here when it's ready:


    Episode 5 will be next, then Episode 6! I'll probably get them both up then add comments, unless popular demand says otherwise.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:58 am

    Here's my latest two. Not Episode 5 (or 6), but rather a no kills challenge for Episodes 1 and 2 proposed by linuxwolf:

    Episode 1 No Kills: https://youtu.be/tWR89wWgqy0
    Episode 2 No Kills: https://youtu.be/cf0G6rGvc_c

    Enjoy and please feel free to comments! Smile
    Hardcore Wolfer
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolferCooker Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:19 am

    Pretty good
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:24 pm

    Completed Episode 3 No Kills: https://youtu.be/DrC9c9nEtNg
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    Post by WolfForever Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:08 pm

    Because the route differs significantly and is not trivially short/easy (even though it's not very hard either), I decided to supplement my Episode 3 videos with a video that completes both challenges I've tackles so far on Floor 7 except using the normal exit. You can find it here:

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    Post by WolfForever Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:43 pm

    I just did the no kills challenge on E2L7 again in another special video; this time, I required myself to actually explore the secret (main?) area of the level and get to the three extra lives, generally considered the grand reward: https://youtu.be/wTAg3b0GdcY
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:17 pm

    New video! Episode 5 of under par on hard difficulty challenge:


    Enjoy! Smile
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    Post by WolfForever Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:42 pm

    And another final video for the weekend, this one's a true speedrun!:


    I hope it's fun to watch as I blaze my way through! Smile

    EDIT: I feel now would be a good time to link to all my videos in one place:

    Primary videos:
    Episode 1 no kills: https://youtu.be/tWR89wWgqy0
    Episode 1 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/spgOVLxnOLs
    Episode 2 no kills: https://youtu.be/cf0G6rGvc_c
    Episode 2 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/OkgC0THteNo
    Episode 3 no kills: https://youtu.be/DrC9c9nEtNg
    Episode 3 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/JzWbHiyMuT8
    Episodes 1 thru 3 "super speedrun": https://youtu.be/mtM9OPdA4eM
    Episode 4 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/GFiqrL0fDQA
    Episode 5 under par on hard: https://youtu.be/7F786MpVgLc

    Miscellaneous videos:
    Episode 2 Floor 7 no kills with exploration: https://youtu.be/wTAg3b0GdcY
    Episode 3 Floor 7 no kills & under par on hard taking normal exit: https://youtu.be/ZsSzqdQ61Ss

    I'm adding this list to the opening post as well and it will be updated in that place whenever there's a new video. Smile
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:29 pm

    By the way (actually had this up Friday afternoon) I have another video, Episodes 4 and 5 "super speedrun" on easy!:


    Enjoy! And all commentary as usual is welcome. Smile

    And BTW I've also sorted my "primary videos" into playlists for additional convenience. Smile
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:01 pm

    In practicing for the easy "super speedrun" for Episode 6 (this is definitely going to come before the hard difficulty challenge because E6L6 is giving me a *really* hard time with this one), I've completed the first five levels aside from Floor 2 in under a minute. Hope I can do this good when I cut the video (it isn't easy). I wonder if Floor 2 is possible to cut under a minute if I can remember the correct path from layer to layer (very tough).

    Floor 6 on hard I need to think of a strategy for...I can never clear the room with the first key without a leftover enemy turning up behind me and killing me. There can't be any, because it takes quite some time to kill everyone in the room with the key. The easy speedrun may be a lot more simple as I know almost all SS on that level are Level 3 (normal) or higher.
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:07 pm

    WolfForever wrote:In practicing for the easy "super speedrun" for Episode 6 (this is definitely going to come before the hard difficulty challenge because E6L6 is giving me a *really* hard time with this one), I've completed the first five levels aside from Floor 2 in under a minute. Hope I can do this good when I cut the video (it isn't easy). I wonder if Floor 2 is possible to cut under a minute if I can remember the correct path from layer to layer (very tough).

    Floor 6 on hard I need to think of a strategy for...I can never clear the room with the first key without a leftover enemy turning up behind me and killing me. There can't be any, because it takes quite some time to kill everyone in the room with the key. The easy speedrun may be a lot more simple as I know almost all SS on that level are Level 3 (normal) or higher.
    I like your posting rank.

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    Post by WolfForever Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:11 pm

    Why? I actually sent a private message regarding this and what's going on with it. I don't know what it's intended to mean...can you explain?

    EDIT: Wait a minute...my rank changed back to 'Spear of Destiny' again. It was 'Lucifer' for a little bit. I have no idea what is happening. Very confused, and asking here in this thread is OT to boot. Private message, maybe?
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    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:57 pm

    Look at your post count because it's a posting rank. Rolling Eyes

    Wolf3d Haven
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    Post by WolfForever Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:22 pm

    666 it would have been. Good touch. Smile In fact I might find two posts that are now redundant...and see if it is an automatic rank.
    EDIT: Just found a few deletable posts that didn't really have a purpose anymore and yes, it's an auto rank. Very cool touch. Smile

    Oh and sorry for the OT for anyone who minds. Normal talk can resume now as far as I'm concerned. Smile
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by wolfie Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:04 pm

    i know what b.j was thinking during the "no kill runs" b.j:to fuck with the nazis i just wanna get outta here XD

    we are all entiteled to one opinion.........MINE!
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:31 am

    Episode 6 speedrun on easy is finished!


    All relevant information regarding the video should as usual be in the description below it. Enjoy! Smile
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    My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!) Empty Re: My Wolfenstein videos (Links on first post, descriptions with videos!)

    Post by WolfForever Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:23 pm

    Added a miscellaneous video; it will show you how to best manage a big challenge in a classic mod...


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