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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

4 posters

    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?


    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Bar_left67%Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Bar_right [67%] 
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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Bar_left33%Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Bar_right [33%] 

    Total Votes: 6

    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:08 pm

    Do you people think the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? They might take place in an alternate future. The Nazis have been known to experiment around with time. Considering the storyline, I am going to say no. The episodes still look almost like DCAU's version of Batman Beyond.

    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:17 pm

    Hi Lewis!

    Last edited by Chokster37 on Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by WolferCooker Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:54 pm

    I don't count the Lost Episodes as canon of the Spear trilogy. AReyeP/MCS versions are much better to play and their storyline is well thought out. Not to mention all the dedication, effort, and love they put into their mods.

    Lost Episodes can do just that: get lost. It was generically rushed.
    I am Death Incarnate!
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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:02 pm

    I don't even remember the storyline. Fight demons. The end. Just a mapset.

    Wolf3d Haven
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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by Thomas Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:13 pm

    It is very futuristic. The nuke barrels remind me of an alternate fate in which the Axis won WWII, started a cold war with the Soviets in a nuclear arms race. Yes for me.

    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:16 pm

    Considering the storyline, I voted for no. It still looks futuristic. The Nazis have been known for using futuristic technology. The Nazis were probably experimenting with time again like they have done many times. They did it in SOD, Wolfenstein RPG, Wolfenstein 2009, and RTCW.
    I am Death Incarnate!
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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:42 pm

    Didn't Nazis lose and get pwned into non-existence after Wolf3d?

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:41 pm

    Not according to the graphic novels. RTCW and Wolfenstein 2009 are direct sequels to Wolfenstein 3D. In the wolfenstein 3d graphic novel, Hitler died. We do not know what year in the graphic novel that Hitler died. It could have been 1943. RTCW and Wolfenstein 2009 pick up after Hitler's death with Hitler probably resurrected.
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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

    Post by WolfForever Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:50 pm

    No I think they were just intended to be relatively quickly put together "sequels" to SoD and thus happen in the 1940's. I think the weird graphics and sprites were introduced just to try for a more "cartoonish" feel.

    The real sequels to SoD are SR and EoD though (and by their storyline they also happen to be sequels to Wolf3D - remember the original SoD is actually a prequel). These games are infinitely many times better than Return to Danger (which practically outright sucks IMO) and 50x-100x better than UC which is competently designed but still just representative of something decent you could have pulled off the web in 1994 and probably enjoyed one play of.

    Going slightly off topic, but it did come to my attention that SR was originally released the same month as RTCW and I'm not so sure that's just a coincidence. Maybe Areyep/MCS wanted this to come out (just after) RTCW to set a new caliber for what can be done with even just the original Wolf3D source in hand. And set a new mark it did! Sure there were plenty of sets before SR with new exe's and code changes but I don't think a lot of features like artifacts, destructible objects, and a *completely* new assortment of just about every graphic, sound, and/or sprite out there was ever done in even a halfway serious mod prior to SR.

    If SR had come out in 1993 (before December 10) possibly as a commercial Wolf3D game (or high-end expansion/mission pack) I think it would have quite easily filled some of the technology gap between Wolfenstein/SoD and Doom. And if EoD came out at that time, even more!

    Back to the LE's though, I stated my thoughts above, and if either it had been free, bundled with the original SoD, or Doom hadn't been out yet I could have seen UC getting recognized as an *acceptable* Wolfenstein release.

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    Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future? Empty Re: Do the Lost Episodes take place in an alternate future?

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