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    replacing pg13 with shareware notice

    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    replacing pg13 with shareware notice Empty replacing pg13 with shareware notice

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:51 pm


    Code Editing Tutorials
    Getting rid of PG13 pic

    I'm sure many of you know several ways to use the stupid PG13 picture. Perhaps you just get irritated of the screen. To replace it with the Non-Shareware Notice, read on (you already need to have set up the Restoring Non-Shareware notice tutorial)!

    Step 1b. Go to your source code directory and open the file WL_MAIN.C .

    Step 2b. Go to line 1267. You should now see this:

    #ifndef DEMOTEST

    #ifndef UPLOAD

    #ifndef GOODTIMES

    #ifndef SPEAR

    #ifndef JAPAN

    if (!NoWait)




    #ifndef GOODTIMES

    #ifndef SPEARDEMO








    #ifndef JAPAN

    if (!NoWait)

    PG13 ();



    while (1)


    while (!NoWait)



    // title page


    MM_SortMem ();

    Step 3b. Replace that with :

    #ifndef UPLOAD

    #ifdef GOODTIMES

    #ifndef SPEAR

    #ifndef JAPAN


    if (!NoWait)




    #ifndef GOODTIMES

    #ifndef SPEARDEMO







    #ifdef JAPAN

    if (!NoWait)

    PG13 ();



    while (1)


    while (!NoWait)



    // title page


    MM_SortMem ();

    Step 4b. Save the file and compile.

    Step 5b. Open the file WL_INTER.C and go back to the Non-shareware code.

    Step 6b. Under the line saying:


    You add a blank line. On that line you type:

    VW_FadeOut ();

    Step 7b. Save the file and compile. Link it all up. Now you won't be aggravated by the PG-13 file anymore!

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

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