Is it just me, or is forced circumcision really just child abuse? Why do you have to mutilate what god gave you? If your son wants circumcision when they're 18, fuck, they can go pay for their OWN circumcision and have it done on THEIR time. But choosing for a baby whether to cut off sensitive tissue should be illegal. But NO. We're going to cut a chunk of skin off of your penis because we can and its what your parents did to you. No painkillers given to the baby; it's not safe to drug a newborn. SO YOU CUT IT AND CLIP IT OFF AND YANK IT OFF WHILE THE BABY IS BLEEDING OUT THE GODDAMN PENIS.
"Circumcision. If I'm talking about female circumcision in the Western world, I'll rightly be met with gasps of horror. How could people think about cutting off the clitoris and labia of a healthy girl? If I'm talking about male circumcision, people react far more calmly, as if they're being offered full milk or half and half, as if the difference were purely cosmetic. "For some reason if you clip off a female's clitoris, it's quite illegal, but if you clip off the skin of a guy's penis, it's pretty damned acceptable.
No, a baby won't rememer isn't an excuse. Because first, they do, for quite a while. This has been documented. The penis is sensitive. If you rip stuff off without painkillers, it will be traumatic. They get nightmares. Also, 'they won't remember' isn't an arguement. How about you cut a baby with knives, slap and kick them, because they won't remember? I'd like to think society has moved past this and can do common sense.Seriously now. Guys, how would you feel if I yank **** out of your penis? I know I'd be scared shitless.
If having a foreskin increases the chance of UTI (Mind you, males already have a very low chance vs females, and for males it really only occurs when the guy doesn't clean himself for a century), and we're all about preventing every FUCKING little thing, let's just do gastric bypass to every man, woman, and child to prevent heart problems!
While it IS legal to harm your future child's penis and potential sexual enjoyment, it is not MORALLY acceptable to do so. Don't chuck in your religion bullshit, either. Just because Jews do it doesn't make it ok. You know what? Criminals have been killing people for a long time. That doesn't make killing ok. You know that the Jew culture also has people sucking blood from the male's penis, right? You can believe whatever you want; but once you start inflicting physical harm in the name of your religion, I draw the line there. And sucking blood from a penis is just disgusting. Did I just critisize their culture? You betcha'. Before you gasp in shock, you know what I'm saying makes sense. So don't judge me or label me. I'm not Hitler the 5th.
Circumcision means less work cleaning your body? WHAT? Bro. How about I cut off your head so you don't have to wash your hair? How about I cut off your boobs so there's less surface area to clean? If I can clean the rest of my body, I'm quite capable of cleaning foreskin, thank you very much.
Who even suggested circumcision? A gazillion years ago. But who came up with the idea that, oh, we're going to lump off part of the nerve endings of the penis and be all fucking righteous about it? How can you look yourself in the mirror each morning and agree with FORCED REMOVAL of BODY PARTS from a SEXUAL AREA on a HELPLESS BABY???
I'd like to stress the fact that once you do circumcision, you can't really un-do it. If you don't do it, you can do it whenever you feel like. This time with anesthesia, preferably.
By the way, cirumcision leaves ugly scars. I'd be slightly self concious in the bedroom if my penis has a gigantic brown V mark from being sliced up.
So I guess my question here is, why is this legal? Why is it not hailed as immoral? And, if YOU have a male baby, will you choose circumcision for your son?
Jesus facepalm.
Anybody have any thoughts or opinions on this issue either way? If you have a male child, would you do circumcision on them?
Last edited by Dark_wizzie on Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total